Senior Member
I do wonder what would happen if John Titor's time machine, the GE C204, were to malfunction and send him to 2035 instead of twenty thirty six. Would it be the end of our universe? Would there be two John Titors instead of one?



Senior Member
I do wonder what would happen if John Titor's time machine, the GE C204, were to malfunction and send him to 2035 instead of twenty thirty six. Would it be the end of our universe? Would there be two John Titors instead of one?

View attachment 11962
Yes, this is more than likely what happened. I'm glad that you get it.

This line of thought simply comes about, because in one reality where imagination is the subject, in another that imagination becomes a reality. This is what ninety percent of the people that have read the Titor Chronicles don't perceive.

As a matter of fact if one goes back to the early Art Bell BBS website on Titor, Titor of possibly a REAL copy of Titor shows up and claims that one of the circuit boards inside of his GE C204 time displacement unit, was over volted when he came into this reality, as a result going through a massive solar flare. The flare could have been circumspect to this time as the one given off could have done the damage.

The deal that we get from that mystery appearance on Art's show, is that the C204 had to have a collection of three to four good sized electronics circuit boards within it.

The poster who intercepted another real version of Titor, had directed him to either a small industry in Fla that could match the boards in intended design function, or to good ole Radio Shack. This direction to where he could have obtained the sperate component and then bridge, replace and solider in that over-volted, popped, component.

It was at this point events and social action within the entire Titor affair became squirrely, because if this was falsetto singing my the military and movie script producers, just where did they get the exact knowledge that in order for the C204 to work, that it had to have electronic printed circuit boards?

This is the point in the Indian made movie to where Johnny Desi the veteran actor, goes completely nuts, as "God damnit,. this was not written in the fu*king script"!

One cannot see these social actions from that point, but the writers of this traveling card game that was to have become the John Titor chronicles, become very wild. Who and what were the actors that a had asked for the parts on Art's old show?

How is it at this time albeit that it seems as if by chance there's a massive solar flare let off, that if the c204 were coming into past Earth, it would have been affected by this flair? Lastly how and where did anybody obtain the exacting knowledge, that in coming in, that the solar flare in intensity would have coated the oblate sphere of Titor's time travel unit, with energy that would have back-fed into the circuit boards inside of the c204?

You see, nobody was supposed to know that the GE C204 even had circuit boards within it. *Well little Tommy raises his hand in front of the class and ask," Mrs. Johnson, why does the C204 have to have electronic circuit boards in it to begin with"? The answer to this my child has to do with balancing the output parameters of the Tipler apparatus. If one does not have exact mixing there on you simulated BH output, then your time envelope will not work.

Oh' the questions that little appearance made early on. Outsiders eating at our sequestered bistro audience ? why I've never heard the like.


Senior Member
I do wonder what would happen if John Titor's time machine, the GE C204, were to malfunction and send him to 2035 instead of twenty thirty six. Would it be the end of our universe? Would there be two John Titors instead of one?

View attachment 11962
And there's not only the specter of more than one Titor showing up and this in pal-mal fashion, but someone was boning her. Yes he was seeing her. She mentioned that possibly dark government vehicles were parked outside of her house.

I mean more that one Titor and this is all unarranged, The nerve of the situation to unfold that way. What I'm, thinking with as perverse as government can get sometimes, is did they too want to see a little action while it was happening? I mean for that time range, it's better than sitting in an old dirty porno theater. A London Fog raincoat and a derby was hard to come by then, plus the anonymity.
