35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID


Senior Member

35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID​

The link: 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID — Eat This Not That
Order in an extra-sized military style duffel bag. Get a little extra rope, good sturdy nylon grade to add to the duffel top or draw strings. Go to a wharf where the water is at least 15 feet deep. Tie the extra end of the rope to either bricks or a large heavy rock. Climb into the sack so it goes all the way over your head and through the duffle bag, push the rocks or bricks over the edge and into the water.

This is one alternative, but before you do this, really think things through. I believe it's something called, being alive and taking ones' chances? If you live in fear all the time and do everything they tell you, you might as well sign up to go to the crazy house.
