76-Year-Old Man Tasered By Police For Having Perfectly Legal License Plates

When the police tell you to put your hands behind your back in preparation for handcuffing, and you sdon't, that is by definition resisting.

I see the officer tell him to do this, I see that the man doesn't. I then see the officer attempting to place the man's hands behind his back, and I see the man resisting this, not allowing the officer to do so.

Ergo - resisting arrest.

It's crystal clear to anyone watching it with an unbiased eye, realizing that this group of watchers doesn't include everyone combing the internet for evidence of police brutality, including the author of the page at the linked site.

“Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306.

But even so, not complying fast enough for the officers point of view is not resisting arrest. And just because a cop starts saying "stop resisting" does not mean any resistance is taking place. And as elemental dissonance points out, not everyone has full range of motion. Some people can not physically put their hands behind their back.

Normally when being placed under arrest the officer informs you what is about to happen. Then he talks you into compliance. They do not normally rush strait to physical force. And whats most pertinent is the fact that this was an illegal arrest. And after the officer had body slammed the 76 year old man on to the ground he got back up and tazered him while he was on the ground.

Thats called police brutality. Thats why the other cops that showed up uncuffed him and apologized. Thats why the officer was suspended and is currently being investigated for excessive force. God willing he will be fired and charged with assault. Regardless if that happens or not, Victoria will be settling the civil suit.

Robinson was placed on administrative leave Tuesday after the announcement of a Texas Ranger criminal investigation was opened.
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