A Demon Among Us!


Senior Member
Is it Possible for the One You Love Being Possessed By a Demom While You Live With Him?

It is possible for almost anyone to be possessed by a demon under the right circumstances? I say almost, because people who walk with the Holy Spirit of God cannot succumb to possession. Possession is not that common, but there are many people who are possessed. Father Malachi Martin talked about possession when he was alive. He was an Exorcist. You might find his interviews on Youtube helpful.



Like Sam said, it's definitely not out of the realm of possibilities. I'd tend to say that anyone can possibly be possessed, if it's to happen.

What makes you believe this person is actually possessed??


Junior Member
It's very possible because if you are a couple and little arguments escalate it makes it easier for something that might be trying to influence that particular person because anything unclean feeds off of negativity. Possession or influence can occur in anyone, some bring it on themselves by messing around with an ouija board without using or caring about the particular controls and in turn open up a doorway for something to attach itself to a person. Like I said though it can happen to ordinary everyday people without any real reason, without jumping to too many conclusions it's always best to rule out things like schizophrenia first. Even the church looks to psychiatry now before confirming the presence of something malevolent so my opinion would be to rule out anything psychological first.


Senior Member
Possible, Yes. We would need a bit more information, Symptoms, are you experiencing anything Paranormal? If you got a Demon you'll know it.

But if it is only him or her i agree with Lisa, check out anything psychological before finding a exorcist


Junior Member
First Of All Guy's Yes He Does Take Pills For Depression and Anxiety, But No schizophrenia or Delusions , But He Is Very Good At Manipulation And Control Which seems odd cause When Your Depressed With Anxiety You Wouldn't Think About Being in Control Of anything? So To Me I see Red Flags All Over The Place, Now Is It Really Abuse or Is IT a Demon???


Junior Member
Possible, Yes. We would need a bit more information, Symptoms, are you experiencing anything Paranormal? If you got a Demon you'll know it.

But if it is only him or her i agree with Lisa, check out anything psychological before finding a exorcist
All My Life But The Spirits I Have Encounter Have Been Ones That Just let Me Know They Are There By Sound Or Little Objects Moving Nothing Threatening , I've Put Another post On Paranormalis about the Smell of A Demon I Felt I Have Smelled Them Before,
But The ones That Tend to Be Around Me are Gentle.


Junior Member
There are a lot of things that leave a person open to forms of demonic influence and the first thing I'd say is it doesn't necessarily happen because you stop going to church, or if you didn't have faith in the first place. My friend who did a lot of research for a book on the subject forwarded on a lot of information about the various cases he studied, and of the people he interviewed. They were of all ages from children to adults, of course the main thing they all had in common was the invasion of something dark in their lives. Without going into too much details (I'm terrible for rambling on about demonology) many of the factors that invited something were depression, addiction, abuse, violence and the occult. I have to admit though that the occult is not dangerous but like anything a tool to one person can be a weapon to another if they don't know how to use it properly. Here is the thing, all of those factors are just educated guesses because there are many people who come under demonic influence and never did anything to invite it in.

What a demon wants from a person is to spread despair and fear, they feed off of all that negative energy and try and keep the person in that state so they have a constant supply. It often involves a drastic change in personality, and what makes things more difficult is the fact that those changes can be very similar to certain psychological disorders. My main interest is demonology and exorcism but I've read up a lot on mental disorders too so I can have a healthy dose of skepticism when needed and of course understand things from a medical point of view. Unfortunately because so many of the symptoms can be attributed to common psychological disorders even a priest will say the same thing, the old days of blaming everything on evil are long gone (in the Catholic church at least).

There are a number of occurrences or actions that could point to it being something more than just in the mind and I hate to say it but they might sound a little cliche or "hollywood". Fits of rage and becoming extremely violent for no reason, speaking in a language they shouldn't know (very rare I only know one person who did that) but the thing is I'd actually focus a lot on your home too. When a demonic does attach itself to someone the home can also show signs, common ones are a deep feeling of intimidation in the air, seeing black clouds or apparitions, horrible sickening smells that you can't locate, poltergeist activity, religious items coming under attack.

All of that aside sometimes there can be perfectly reasonable explanations that are not in the least bit supernatural. My ex boyfriend was a nice guy for the first couple of months but after a while I saw another side of him, manipulative? definitely, controlling? he turned into a complete control freak. My friends told me after we broke up that they saw the bad in him and that he was far too controlling, I didn't see it because love can really cloud a persons judgement, of course I asked my friends why they didn't tell me before what they thought but they didn't want to hurt my feelings. Hand on heart I don't think what you are experiencing is supernatural. Demonic influence and possession are so urgent and powerful that you would definitely see something or experience something that you couldn't explain, it wouldn't just be the persons nature or mood it would be along the lines of witnessing actual apparitions or sensing a very dark presence. Often it follows to relatives and friends homes too so they end up seeing things, not necessarily when the person under influence is present either.

What BlastTyrant said is very true, if you were indeed dealing with a demon you would know it. I wouldn't call it an abusive relationship either because that's no ones right to say, when people are on medication their minds can be seriously unbalanced, I was given something before and after only being on it a week my whole mood was altered, I couldn't sleep so I'd be frustrated during the day and snap at my boyfriend for no reason, eventually it actually made me so depressed after one week of taking 2 a day that I called up the Dr and told him I was binning them. I believe it was amitriptyline and it only took a week of it to do all that. I was given Xanax after that and luckily I've only ever needed to take it twice, it just numbed me out and put me to sleep while the other stuff almost turned me into a completely different person. If it's a recent thing maybe talk to him about the medication or better still discreetly look up the name of it online and research the side affects. It's worrying what side effects can occur from medication especially for anything that treats the mind, and like many things in life you don't really know how strong or varied they can be until you have personally been through it.
