-123,000 BC - Evidence of intelligent life on Mars.
1856-1943 - Nikola Tesla, father of modern electronics
1892-1957 - William Reich, discoverer of Orgone energy.
1939-1945 - World War II.
Early 40's - First stage of Project Rainbow.
July 20, 1943 - First test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
August 6, 1943 - Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge.
August 12, 1943 - Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment. Duncan Cameron Jr (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to August 12, 1983.
October 28, 1943 - Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Late 40's - Second Stage of Project Rainbow.
-- - Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde.
1947 - Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted.
Early 50's - Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge.
1951 - Duncan Cameron Jr (2) born
1962 - Alleged landing of men on Mars.
1963 - Duncan Cameron Jr (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr's (2) body.
1967 - Phoenix Project complete.
1969 - Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress.
1971 - Formation of Phoenix II (aka the Montauk Project).
1973 - Experiments with mood alteration and mind control
1974 - Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with
mind control.
1976 - Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II.
1977 - Creation of solid objects by thought alone, experiments with
\"The Seeing Eye\", mind control and telekinesis.
1979 - Experiments with time travel.
1979-1980 - Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna.
1980-1981 - Calibration of new equipment and further time travel expriments.
1981-1983 - Exploration and manipulation of the time stream.
1982-1983 - Exploration of Mars.
August 12, 1983 - Last major experiment of the Montauk Project. A time tunnel is created back to August 12, 1943. Duncan releases the Beast from the Id. Preston Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter.
Late 1983 - Montauk Project disbands.
May/June 1984 - \"Black Berets' purge Montauk AFB.
Late 1984 - Removal of most Montauk Project equipment. Cement used to seal off underground areas of the base. Montauk AFB abandoned.
2180-2280 - Possible time period that 3,000 - 10,000 people were sent to. 6037 Time 'Aryan' children were sent to view a ruined city with a golden horse statue.
This infomation came from the internet about 1 year ago. I do not know were it came from.
Professor Opmmur