About 13,000 home security customers were shown someone else’s home.

That's pretty scary, and I'm sure it's something that will happen more and more often. Everything is digital now and a ton of platforms are cheap and don't have proper security. It's scary to think that a security company would have such a glitch. If that happened, imagine what other critical vulnerabilities their system has! 😨

Apparently the bad guys have found ways around home security tech devices. It seems old school hard wired cameras would have been immune to this. I occasionally keep tabs on Kim Komando. She shares a scary story of what went on in her neighborhood.


This probably doesn't have much to do with your video, I'm at work and can't watch the whole thing.

But the little I managed to see made me think of this....

I have been warned in the past about giving scammers a hard time, they can (or will)
SWAT you by calling SWAT teams and giving fake reports so you're "Swatted" BY the scammers themselves.!

There really is no justice these daze.

In the article, Wyze made an amateur mistake. That's just sloppy programming and verification. Unfortunately, that's very common in the industry.

Apparently the bad guys have found ways around home security tech devices. It seems old school hard wired cameras would have been immune to this. I occasionally keep tabs on Kim Komando. She shares a scary story of what went on in her neighborhood.

I've never liked wireless cameras because of the jammers Kim talked about. Hell, all you need is an old analog 2.4GHz baby monitor and you can take out somebody's wifi. While intentional jammers are illegal, there's nothing illegal about a baby monitor. The security and encryption on wifi cameras is also questionable.

This extends to wireless door and window sensors, keypads, and the like.

If you're being cased, a small single board computer and a battery pack monitoring radio frequencies can also be used to log when you're home and active and when you're not.

If you want mickey mouse security, you go wireless. If you want real security, you go wired (with all the wires NOT being exposed).
I should also add that it's not that difficult to set up a home security camera system with an old computer and cheap USB cameras. That would work for most people. No need to send your private images off to a stranger to be gawked at.

A higher quality system is doable for a much higher price. The concepts are the same, just with better hardware.
