Alien Message to Mankind: "Do You Wish That We Show Up?"


Junior Member
Well, that was interesting.

After writing my monologue above, I went back and followed the link in the OP's original post. I read and listened to the entire You Tube presentation. I have several reactions to that experience that I will lay out here later, when I have a bit more time.

I may have met the guy who translated this message when I lived in Marin County before relocating to Kansas. The name sounds familiar. He did an admirable job with his translation, but I feel the urge to make a few improvements anyway. I'll post that text in this thread later when I get it finished. I'll also create a summary for those who are interested.

Gotta run now, for the time being.

Sam Slagg

Wowzers Wyldberi...what a post. Admittedly I only made it to chapter two. I have a few points I would like to discuss but I too am out of time...dang time machine! Anyway, nice post. I'll be back (Arnold voice of course)

Sam Slagg

I think it would be erroneous to assume that we have been told the truth and nothing but the truth by NASA. With that in mind, the vast majority of people assume that intelligent beings would have to travel thousands or millions of light years to reach Earth. I don't believe that to be the case.

With respect to the motivations of these beings, we would have to make a mountain of assumptions about them.

If some of these beings are in fact local, they might not necessarily be that much further advanced than we are today. I am not in a position to know exactly what our level of technology is but I assume it is more than what is publicly known. I was born in late 1970 and we have been exploring space my entire life. Our technological advances certainly haven't made us all that civilized. I'm quite certain that if we discovered desirable resources somewhere and that somewhere happened to be inhabited, we would be very careful and calculated to get those resources.

I love your thoughts on this and look forward to hearing more but don't be surprised if the reality is less glamorous than the narrative.

Anyone else have thoughts?


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I think there's a lot that could be learned from E.T's, things that could jumpstart the evolution process and change mankind in ways we can't imagine...
However, the fear of malevolent lifeforms making their presence known is unsettling to say the very least...I believe in time the truth will be revealed to humanity as a whole, one way or another...Do we want to rush it?


Active Member
Well, very soon Stranger at the Pentagon will be released. This movie alone will lead the pack in getting the word out that aliens do exist. I for one have believed since I was a child. I've seen UFOs since I was very small, but never have seen an alien, only stars that do hyper things in the skies. So, do we want to rush it? I think it's time myself.


Senior Member
A small portion of us may be Warmongers, but Fear can be just as dangerous.

I have stressed this in a few other posts, but as far back as you can go have you ever seen a Alien movie that wasn't violent or made to scare people? "Paul and Close encounters of the 3rd kind are exceptions" When all of a sudden ships start to show in our sky's that is the first thing people will think of, is "We are being invaded we need to protect our selfs" even if the Gov or a ET stated there was no ill intent people would still panic and that alone is enough to cause mayhem.

It only takes a spark to start a forest fire.....


Junior Member
A small portion of us may be Warmongers, but Fear can be just as dangerous.

I have stressed this in a few other posts, but as far back as you can go have you ever seen a Alien movie that wasn't violent or made to scare people? "Paul and Close encounters of the 3rd kind are exceptions" When all of a sudden ships start to show in our sky's that is the first thing people will think of, is "We are being invaded we need to protect our selfs" even if the Gov or a ET stated there was no ill intent people would still panic and that alone is enough to cause mayhem.

It only takes a spark to start a forest fire.....

The movie, "Contact" with Jodi Foster (I believe) is an example of a non-violent movie with an alien-based theme. In that movie, the reception and translation of an alien communication triggers both fear and curiosity. The threat of violence comes from those that represent the military; and also in the response of the intelligence community (shadow government, sort of) trying to find ways to use the discovery to their advantage in maintaining the control they have over humanity.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Here's a question I've been thinking about...Could an alien invasion/attack bring about peace among humanity?
I think if we all had a common "enemy" that posed a global threat, we humans would unite and fight as one...Is this idea too romantic? What do you guys think?


Temporal Engineer
Sure. Once we realize we've already been invaded and conquered. But the flow of information by the invaders is tightly controlled.
