Aliens: the possibility


New Member
At first I just wanna clarify that I am 92% aliens are real but I however think making contact is a good idea.
If we homo sapiens were to make contact with aliens their are two possible outcomes.

Firstly, the aliens we met might be highly intellectual creatures and light years more evolved than us, and this would result in us no longer being at the top of the evolutionary tree. As seen in history, whenever to different homo genus existed in the same period together, one genus group became exist and this continued until only us homo sapiens / homo sapiens sapiens remained. Thus if we discovered aliens they would be a high probability that the homo sapiens will become extinct.

Second possible outcome is that these aliens are actually undergoing the evolution process and are not evolved as us. And as a result our disturbance might actually lead to the extinction of the aliens, as seen before humans tend to abuse resources. Through this our disturbance might actually lead their evolution to creatures greater than us through natural selection.

Hence, aliens are real but however us seeking them should not be in our best interest as we will likely perish if we came together. Thus its best for usto research something far greater to ensure that we stay at the top of the evolutionary tree.


Senior Member
"to ensure that we stay at the top of the evolutionary tree"

This must be a joke?


Senior Member
@eight Welcome to Paranormalis :)..

A few years ago i became aware of what i will term as a "Sub Section" of Society...These people have the facial features of how prehistoric man could have looked and there was the tendency for them to collect with people similar to themselves...The example i give regards men being involved within the Funeral Industries as "Pall Bearers" who carry the coffin to the grave and lower it down into the Earth, or in the case of cremation they will carry the coffin from the Car (hearse) to the crematorium..

The Pall Bearers iam writing about refer to the part of England where i live in and they are all from families who for generations have been involved in those types of death duties....Iam making no reference to their intelligence at all, only their facial features and desire to be with people similar to themselves, and of course not ALL Pall Bearers have those similarities :D..

Could it be possible that these people are a part of one type of Alien genetic interaction thousands of years ago?, many people including myself dont necessarily conform to Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution, we believe that at some time in the past Aliens did visit our Earth and changed our genetic structures, not only physically but for intelligence as well :)..


New Member
@eight Welcome to Paranormalis :)..

A few years ago i became aware of what i will term as a "Sub Section" of Society...These people have the facial features of how prehistoric man could have looked and there was the tendency for them to collect with people similar to themselves...The example i give regards men being involved within the Funeral Industries as "Pall Bearers" who carry the coffin to the grave and lower it down into the Earth, or in the case of cremation they will carry the coffin from the Car (hearse) to the crematorium..

The Pall Bearers iam writing about refer to the part of England where i live in and they are all from families who for generations have been involved in those types of death duties....Iam making no reference to their intelligence at all, only their facial features and desire to be with people similar to themselves, and of course not ALL Pall Bearers have those similarities :D..

Could it be possible that these people are a part of one type of Alien genetic interaction thousands of years ago?, many people including myself dont necessarily conform to Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution, we believe that at some time in the past Aliens did visit our Earth and changed our genetic structures, not only physically but for intelligence as well :)..
It is possible that aliens have visited earth before. Some even claim that dinosaurs were aliens and many Aztec and Egyptian ancestors have being said to be aliens, but however if they did certain events in our past lead to extinction of our other species with the genus homo, and if they did contribute to our evolution, the question still remain what was the reason of that and many possible answers may come out but most put us at a disadvantage.


Senior Member
It is possible that aliens have visited earth before. Some even claim that dinosaurs were aliens and many Aztec and Egyptian ancestors have being said to be aliens, but however if they did certain events in our past lead to extinction of our other species with the genus homo, and if they did contribute to our evolution, the question still remain what was the reason of that and many possible answers may come out but most put us at a disadvantage.

Everything will be hypothetical at this moment in time, but we can all make assumptions which perhaps becomes fact in the future.:)..


Senior Member
I think it obviously not the case that aliens came to the Earth unless you are talking about something that is not physical or biological.

Also, it would be a bad idea to operate with all the assumptions left unstated in the OP. People go on like we live in a space fantasy television show. For all you know, those aren't aliens but the Watchers or something like that trying to deceive you. Makes about as much sense.


Senior Member
I think it obviously not the case that aliens came to the Earth unless you are talking about something that is not physical or biological.

Also, it would be a bad idea to operate with all the assumptions left unstated in the OP. People go on like we live in a space fantasy television show. For all you know, those aren't aliens but the Watchers or something like that trying to deceive you. Makes about as much sense.

Perhaps you could offer the reason as to why, during the Cave Men period, that Aliens from a far more advanced civilisation could NOT have landed on Earth? o_O..


Senior Member
Perhaps you could offer the reason as to why, during the Cave Men period, that Aliens from a far more advanced civilisation could NOT have landed on Earth? o_O..

1. It is not my job to prove a negative. You are supposed to prove that aliens actually came here (no woo woo, please).

2. That said, the obvious fact remains: there exists no biological contamination from a different biosphere. If organisms came here from a different biosphere, they'd shed single-celled organisms all over the place. Some of those organisms would find niches and explode. Instead of one biosphere, Earth would have two: the original Earth biosphere and an alien shadow biosphere. Nothing like that exists. Thus there exists a very, very strong reason discounting the possibility of alien contact at any point in the past at least with another biosphere (that doesn't rule out machines or spirits, I suppose).


Senior Member
1. It is not my job to prove a negative. You are supposed to prove that aliens actually came here (no woo woo, please).

2. That said, the obvious fact remains: there exists no biological contamination from a different biosphere. If organisms came here from a different biosphere, they'd shed single-celled organisms all over the place. Some of those organisms would find niches and explode. Instead of one biosphere, Earth would have two: the original Earth biosphere and an alien shadow biosphere. Nothing like that exists. Thus there exists a very, very strong reason discounting the possibility of alien contact at any point in the past at least with another biosphere (that doesn't rule out machines or spirits, I suppose).

Its very obvious to me that you CANNOT provide a meaningful answer to my question...I have no interest in reading about your organisms, they are irrelevant to the OPs thread that he created which states, Aliens The Possibility....You always want to take postings out of their context!..


Senior Member
Its very obvious to me that you CANNOT provide a meaningful answer to my question...I have no interest in reading about your organisms, they are irrelevant to the OPs thread that he created which states, Aliens The Possibility....You always want to take postings out of their context!..

Item (2) discounts the "possibility".
