Alternate Energy And Our Future


Junior Member
Alternate Energy And Our Future

I'm not certain what was intended for this forum, but I have personal experience with several avenues in this category.
Firstly, I have lived "off grid" for better than 10 years. The nearest powerline is 1/4 mile away. After enduring a learning curve of several years, we now have all the conveniences that everyone else does who pays the power company a tidy sum every month, without paying a power bill.
My broadcast, "The Wormhole Effect" will be broadcast each weekend on "alternative energy" right from the desktop computer. A combination of solar and wind energy is utilized to keep our home up and running even when the local power lines fail as they do each year for several days.

Secondly, I have successfully experimented with many lesser known "alternative energy" sources such as "earth batteries". The technology to obtain nearly free energy has existed for many years if only we seek to find it.
I may well consider a radio broadcast regarding this issue if anyone is interested.


Junior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

I read an article in "Illustrated Science"
that said a well working self suficent and human standard reaching Fusion reactor could be compleat within 10 years.. And just as with the Computers they will minimize in size fast.
The size theorie i think is quiet problealistic but the fact that the reactor is soon to be seems true and has at least a good scientific base :)


Junior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

Timebender that sounds really cool. living off the grid and stuff. I would totally listen to your show. I remember watching and episode of 'invent this' on techtv. They had this guy who was really cool. He was talking about earth batteries, crystals, and zero point energy. He seemed like he knew what he was talking about, but the tv show kind of played him off as a crazy guy. I would like to know how to make my own energy. I dont want to be controlled by the government. I want to be self-sufficient.


Junior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

Last year when me and my family were driving through Iowa up to detroit michigan we stopped in a really small town to get gas. We met this guy who had converted his car to hydrogen power and his truck to run off of soy or corn juice or something. Next time we go through im gonna try and find him because when i get my first car i dont want to have to pay for gas.


Junior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

Thanks for the kudos Halo,
Energy resources seem to be monopolized in one form or another. I hope you can get hold of the hydrogen guy and learn as much as you can! Your open mind and willingness to seek other avenues is where the future of America and the world lies. Don't stop your search for you have only glimpsed our possible future and maybe you will be at the helm.

On another note, though this is probably better suited for my program thread, I have witnessed for the second time in my years off grid, a resistance to such lifestyles.

When we first began developing our land, it was merely dirt and grass. No water, no power lines, nothing but a dream of what could be. There is a telephone line on the edge of our land yet the phone company was unwilling to provide a "temporary service" box as we did not have "utility engineer approval" (ie the electric company) for land development.
Requiring internet and knowing someone in the phone company finally got the service box after several years. With the new TTF (Paranormal Network) radio program at my fingertips, I decided to trade dial up for DSL. Though our phone company provides this service to many people on the grid, they refused service to us saying "you live on a generator don't you?" The option to purchase our own DSL modem was never offered and DSL flatly refused simply because an electric line does not touch our property. Of course our generator is only a backup as we use wind and solar for energy as a rule, but the simplemindedness and pure ignorance of the phone company (Big Sandy Telecom) technician was the sole discriminatory root for denying us DSL service whether or not our equipment was owned or leased!

I have just contracted for sattelite service, which will be even faster than DSL simply because of the prejudice against "off grid" activities. Sattelite is certain to make the "The Worm Hole Effect" radio program even better than I had originally anticipated though at almost double the cost of DSL in my area. The expense pales in comparison to my commitment to provide quality programming and so I hope you and other listeners will appreciate the faster streaming capability I'll be providing in spite of the "alternative energy prejudice".

Bottom line is, keep after it! I can provide copies of a very basic 100 mpg carburetor which I actually built from a 1 gallon glass jar if that is acceptable to the forum moderator. No matter who discourages you, keep seeking what you know is there. One of my current projects is a perpetual "battery" utilising semi conductor quality silicon and the radio isotope americium. Perfectly safe and yet with a life expectancy of over 400 years. my efforts have been encouraged by a major semi-conductor manufacturer who actually supplies some of the raw materials.

As far as Earth Batteries", if you cannot find a copy of "The Earth Battery Book", let me know and I'll send you a copy free of charge. (This offer is exclusive to you alone as I only have a few copies left from the original printing)

I'm pleased to hear that our future technological leaders are considering avenues "outside the box", kudos back at you ,my friend, TB


Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

Timebender, cheers for the Earth Batteries idea, had never heard of it, looked it up and am going to have an experiment with it. I've always believed that we could be self sufficient for our energy but have never gone as far as yourself in putting it into action, congratulations in doing so.

This may be an urban myth but if we put energy back into the grid we can start billing the power companies (UK) the meters that measure our supply will actually run backwards if we have a greater potential this side of it, now that's real satisfaction :D

For the internet, how far is your nearest neighbour, have you investigated line of sight wireless networking, looked into a while ago and they had some impressive distances going with home made gear, trash can lids etc. You could come to a deal, free internet for a bit of free power ? (and entrance to your LAN games of course)

How big is your fan for your wind 'farm' ? I have had an idea to run a wind farm with 12v battereis for ages but I suspect I would need a lot of wind to get enough turns out of an alternator (ah the penny drops).

We have a bit of a craze over here for running diesel cars from the oil used in cooking, traditionally from fast food places, filtered and treated, you need to add a tiny percentage of of some methylated spirit and it works as good as normal diesel. Apparently you can smeel what kind of food was cooked in the oil when the engine is running but that's it.

This stuff costs 3p/litre to make, the UK government, in their ultimate wisdom, forced a 28p/litre tax on it if you buy it !! tossers..


Junior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

thats what the guy in iowa said. He said his diesel truck could run on the oil from fast food places. He also built himslef a hydrogen car.


Junior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

You should be pleased with your Earth Battery results. I didn't believe it when I first heard about it and then I poked a few metal rods in the ground was astounded! My work along that line has been progressing as any amount of energy I can produce for no cost is money in the bank so to speak. Let me know how it goes.

No urban myth, at least in the States. Many states are offering such programs again due to the increased interest (and govenment subsidies) in alternative energy.

I purchased a used wind geeny a few years ago (an old Enertech) 110 volt job. The old man who originally put it up DID run the meter backward. he power company got ticked and put a ratchet type meter on his house so he shut the genny down and there it sat for better than 10 years going to waste. Even if you can feed back excess energy, they don't always have to pay you for it.

My nearest neighbor is around a half mile away but don't use wireless or I would be having coffee with them tomorrow morning discussing your plan!

My small genny (Southwest Windpower model 404) has a diameter of about 18 inches. The one I'm building from scratch is about 6 feet diameter. It only takes 5-8 mph winds to get them going. I live on the high plains so wind is always present to a lesser or greater degree. It really doesn't take much to get them going.

The cooking oil fuel replacement is probably one of the most brilliant ideas in the bast quarter century! We don't have any commercial suppliers here but I'm certain they would tax us if it happens. Anyone here who uses the same resources is pretty much a back yard experimenter at this stage.


Senior Member
Re: Alternate Energy And Our Future

Hi Timebender:

My dad bought some solar panels, and I am planning to make a small wind generator. Do you have schematics?

Thanks for your posts. :)
