Am I "Awakening?"


New Member
So I have always tried to astral project and have lucid dreams. Dot would never work. So now, I started watching ghost hunting shows like Ghost Adventures. A week ago on my 19th birthday, I had a really strong urge to buy tarot cards. I gave into the urge and bought a deck. I am still finding the meaning of the cards. I bathed the cards in white light, and asked my spirit guides and guardians for help, and to deter any negative entities. Then when I touched the cards, I felt a string presence in the room. It was like everything was vibrating. It then moved into me and it felt good. I ended up being unusually happy the rest of the day. Now last night, everything felt "off." It was almost like everything was alive, but not alive? Then when I looked in the mirror at my face, my eyes looked different. It was like they were more narrow and farther apart? It also looked like they were slowly shifting positions. I thought I was going crazy, but I didn't think of it more. It also felt like something was surrounding me? That night when I went to sleep, I woke up and could not go back to sleep for a while. I finally ended up going to sleep. That night, I had my first lucid dream. It felt so real. I ended up saying in the dream "Wow. My first lucid dream." All I did during the lucid dream was teleport to random people. I couldn't teleport to some people for some reason. I then created a random landscape so I could destroy it with energy. This morning, I developed a strong pressure in my third eye and head that stayed for more than 10 minutes. I'm also starting with ghost hunting. It almost feels like a lock was taken off of me, and I am being guided towards something. Does anyone have an experience like this?
It sounds like there is a lot going on but I'll try and dissect a little of it for you, granted they are just my own opinions and everyone will have one that might differ.

On lucid dreams and astral projection, I've been doing both for years and find it to be safe and very freeing. At the same time I always leave space for quiet meditation before a planned travel so that my mind is quiet and there is no added baggage that could lead to any negativity getting in.

On tarot. I started reading tarot when I was about 12 years old and tonight alone did about 1 to 2 hours of reading. It too is safe but I honestly don't like the sound of the presence and I'll try to explain why. If you look at the tarot as a proper occult tool (which I do very much so) you are working with energies and forces and in a way opening yourself up wide to many other forms of communication and contact. Like I said it's safe but hearing you mention a presence rubs me up the wrong way because the last person to tell me that had opened themselves up too much by diving right in and not putting in enough time for research and protection. Long story short she started seeing apparitions and they weren't always good, she didn't have the proper understanding because she just jumped right in and had a pretty awful time with it for a number of months.

I saw you mention Ghost Adventures, I met the crew when they did a Halloween special over here and I have to admit they are one of the more dedicated teams out there, but with most TV shows there is a lot of extra flair and ego thrown in. I take it that's where you saw the sb7? They don't use them as much because of the noise but they are the one show I saw that features a lot of Gary Galka's inventions.

People here may or may not agree with me here but - it might be wise to slow down a little and here is why. I too do all of the things you mentioned (except ghost hunting, I do it but solo and more controlled) and over the years I've opened myself up to both extremely positive and negative experiences. Years would be the key word, it was all done slowly and with moderation with as much research as possible (100's of books worth). There was endless hours of meditation to help open and close certain aspects of clairvoyance because if you are always open you can run into a lot of problems. Tarot is by far the safest but when you get the spirit box be very careful and try not to go over 20 minutes on your sessions. A lot of people liken spirit boxes to Ouija boards and in some ways they are so definitely use protection and only use it when you feel clear headed. After about 5 or so sessions you might notice the majority of the messages coming through will be spirits asking for help, it's pretty much a given.

Just out of interest which tarot deck are you using? have you started out with the Rider Waite? I use the R.W. for personal and professional readings because I find the energy to be very balanced. For shadow work I mainly use The Gothic Bohemian/Vargo's Gothic Tarot/Deviant Moon/Vampire Tarot and sometimes The Necronomicon. With shadow work you are technically working with less stable energies, I've known tarot newcomers who bought dark decks right away and it was that energy that caused them problems. Rambling aside - definitely slow down a little and concentrate on one medium at a time, try not to bounce back and forth between Astral/Tarot and Spirit Box. Dedicate some time for meditation and try to feel a balance in yourself so that you aren't open to anything negative, but definitely slow down a little.

It sounds like there is a lot going on but I'll try and dissect a little of it for you, granted they are just my own opinions and everyone will have one that might differ.

On lucid dreams and astral projection, I've been doing both for years and find it to be safe and very freeing. At the same time I always leave space for quiet meditation before a planned travel so that my mind is quiet and there is no added baggage that could lead to any negativity getting in.

On tarot. I started reading tarot when I was about 12 years old and tonight alone did about 1 to 2 hours of reading. It too is safe but I honestly don't like the sound of the presence and I'll try to explain why. If you look at the tarot as a proper occult tool (which I do very much so) you are working with energies and forces and in a way opening yourself up wide to many other forms of communication and contact. Like I said it's safe but hearing you mention a presence rubs me up the wrong way because the last person to tell me that had opened themselves up too much by diving right in and not putting in enough time for research and protection. Long story short she started seeing apparitions and they weren't always good, she didn't have the proper understanding because she just jumped right in and had a pretty awful time with it for a number of months.

I saw you mention Ghost Adventures, I met the crew when they did a Halloween special over here and I have to admit they are one of the more dedicated teams out there, but with most TV shows there is a lot of extra flair and ego thrown in. I take it that's where you saw the sb7? They don't use them as much because of the noise but they are the one show I saw that features a lot of Gary Galka's inventions.

People here may or may not agree with me here but - it might be wise to slow down a little and here is why. I too do all of the things you mentioned (except ghost hunting, I do it but solo and more controlled) and over the years I've opened myself up to both extremely positive and negative experiences. Years would be the key word, it was all done slowly and with moderation with as much research as possible (100's of books worth). There was endless hours of meditation to help open and close certain aspects of clairvoyance because if you are always open you can run into a lot of problems. Tarot is by far the safest but when you get the spirit box be very careful and try not to go over 20 minutes on your sessions. A lot of people liken spirit boxes to Ouija boards and in some ways they are so definitely use protection and only use it when you feel clear headed. After about 5 or so sessions you might notice the majority of the messages coming through will be spirits asking for help, it's pretty much a given.

Just out of interest which tarot deck are you using? have you started out with the Rider Waite? I use the R.W. for personal and professional readings because I find the energy to be very balanced. For shadow work I mainly use The Gothic Bohemian/Vargo's Gothic Tarot/Deviant Moon/Vampire Tarot and sometimes The Necronomicon. With shadow work you are technically working with less stable energies, I've known tarot newcomers who bought dark decks right away and it was that energy that caused them problems. Rambling aside - definitely slow down a little and concentrate on one medium at a time, try not to bounce back and forth between Astral/Tarot and Spirit Box. Dedicate some time for meditation and try to feel a balance in yourself so that you aren't open to anything negative, but definitely slow down a little.
Thanks! I got the Universal Waite deck. And the energy I felt when I first touched the cards was in no way evil. It was really strong, but loving.

Hm. I just got the spirit box. I asked if anyone was there, and I got a bunch of hellos and holas. I then asked if anyone was here, and I got "In this room." I was a bit freaked out, so I stopped for a while. I'm not afraid of ghosts, but I get freaked out.
Well, this experience you're having is quite interesting. I'm curious how far this rabbit hole goes. Let this be like an online journal. Feeling, physical changes, weird dreams, anything. I'm listening.
My opinion, You are getting the fake pill effect and the mind is a power thing, all see you experiencing is a fantasy that your own mind had simulated to the closest thing that an "experience might be like" and acting upon it. So when you "feel" things happening it is only your CNS enacting the most probable scene that your brain has simulated to be closest to the "real" thing. wikipedia excert:
A placebo (/pləˈsiboʊ/ plə-see-boh; Latin placēbō, "I shall please"[2] from placeō, "I please")[3][4] is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect or placebo response. The placebo effect consists of several different effects woven together, and the methods of placebo administration may be as important as the administration itself.[5]

In medical research, placebos are given as control treatments and depend on the use of measured suggestion. Common placebos include inert tablets, vehicle infusions, sham surgery,[6] and other procedures based on false information.[1] However, placebos may also have positive effect on the subjective experience of a patient who knows that the given treatment is without any active drug, as compared with a control group who knowingly did not get a placebo.[7] It has also been shown that use of therapies about which patients are unaware is less effective than using ones that patients are informed about.[8]

Placebo effects are the subject of scientific research aiming to understand underlying neurobiological mechanisms of action in pain relief, immunosuppression, Parkinson's disease and depression.[9] Brain imaging techniques done by Emeran Mayer, Johanna Jarco and Matt Lieberman showed that placebo can have real, measurable effects on physiological changes in the brain.[10] Some objective physiological changes have been reported, from changes in heart rate and blood pressure to chemical activity in the brain, in cases involving pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and some symptoms of Parkinson’s, but in other cases, like asthma, the effect is purely subjective, when the patient reports improvement despite no objective change in the underlying condition.[11]

Placebos are widely used in medical research and medicine,[12] and the placebo effect is a pervasive phenomenon;[12] in fact, it is part of the response to any active medical intervention.[13]
Hm. I just got the spirit box. I asked if anyone was there, and I got a bunch of hellos and holas. I then asked if anyone was here, and I got "In this room." I was a bit freaked out, so I stopped for a while. I'm not afraid of ghosts, but I get freaked out.

Yep that's the usual for a lot of people, but try not to see them as ghosts instead see them as people who are in another energy form, but also remember that it also gives them an unfair advantage in terms of interaction with your own personal space. The spirits I do talk with are regulars that always come around and the more unknown ones are filtered first by someone else. Many times that spirit (I call him the bouncer) will ask me do I know a certain person and will I talk with them. It's very controlled and if I didn't sense he was around I'd have my guard up even higher. Before you ended the session did you state clearly that they weren't allowed to stay around you? once given the invite not everyone wants to go especially if they feel they didn't get their message through. If you are doing it in your home (many don't) try and get into the habit of using something like sage to cleanse the area.

You will get scary messages every now and then because a lot of the spirits that come through are on a lower vibration so you pick them up easier. That often means they left their bodies due to something beyond their own control and sometimes can be quite bitter because of it, others will be distraught or confused and desperately need help. Insults and threats are possible too, a friend gets them now and then and when it does happen they threaten him and his family or just call him every name under the sun. I always find the good outweighs the bad and do enjoy chatting with and helping them, but I always keep my guard up and stay as grounded as possible. I put quite a few of my sessions online, have you considered uploading anything? I'm always curious to hear other peoples recordings :)

Ever hear disembodied voices?
A few times Chris, I call them the question marks because there is no proper distinction between them being a human spirit or a non human entity. It's rare but when it does happen I usually hear something like "be careful of them" from the regulars, red flags go up right away and I don't interact with them.

Ever hear disembodied voices?
A few times Chris, I call them the question marks because there is no proper distinction between them being a human spirit or a non human entity. It's rare but when it does happen I usually hear something like "be careful of them" from the regulars, red flags go up right away and I don't interact with them.

They are incredible. I've been able to capture a few of them. Some I had other people with me, but mostly I was alone.

I have to tell you it is hard to deny "the paranormal" after one has encountered a few disembodied voices. :eek:

I'll get a couple together and post them. :rolleyes:

kensclark19, IF you are doing sessions at home, expect increased activity! I do not recommend it. :cautious:

I usually do it in my car somewhere if I want to chit chat with my "regulars". I also think it would be a good topic If we could get people together that do sessions on a regular basis, have these regulars and collaborate information and experimentation. :D
