
Active Member
@Japrim - I'm part of the Paranormalis community. Do you think I don't want to know the truth?

P.S.: I hope I'm not offending you.

You don't offend me. And I don't mean to offend you. I hope I am not.

I value truth, a lot. And I am trying to find it, trying to embrace it. But I have a 'stalker/time-traveler playing sick manipulative games and won't state their business' problem that has consumed the better part of my life, ..and needs to be dealt with in order to get on with the program.

When I start calling people out, everyone gets nervous, I get scolded, posts get deleted, threads are flooded to bury things, etc., ...because no one wants to rock the boat. If not for all the games and bullshit, I wouldn't need to rock the boat.

It is not going to be resolved here at Parnormalis. Thus whatever truths I have to offer or share, aren't going to happen here. Too much resistance.


Active Member
I find it ironic how people keep bringing up questions about Titor while I tell you about it from another angle.

Y'all wanna know about Titor? ...go ask the people I have been talking about in this thread. They know something. It's a stalker/time-traveler playing sick manipulative games and won't state their business' thing.


Active Member
They have been following me around playing their BS for a long time. ...all the while I have been gathering information and otherwise slinging chaotic garbage at them, playing along, playing the fool, giving them lots of rope and opportunities to shit on me while I track the source.

It boils down to a data set of specific circumstance that could have only originated from a limited number of people. After considering it in a larger context, associations, who would remember, who would care, etc.. that list narrows quite a bit.

I didn't do anything to them.
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Active Member

I have been dealing with time traveler/stalkers playing all this psy-ops information shell-game bullshit for a long time. I have been mapping out their networks and associations, watching how information travels, to who and how, who had to facilitate or assist what, institutions, times and places, etc etc etc etc.. I see how it all connects, and how it does so with these sites, and who is involved. It follows me here.

When I could be explaining things, sharing, talking about truths, trying to discern truths, getting into the greater complexities of things and having a good healthy intellectual conversation, (which is difficult enough) I notice I am getting distracted with senseless drama and bullshit, criticisms, etc, from people who follow me around on the net and real life, as if the intent is to distract from truth and understanding. If I complain or defend myself, it is used as an excuse to control what I say, delete my comments or evidence, bury my posts, make it difficult to people to find it, etc.

I see a lot of controlling the conversation at these sites. I see unreasonable excuses to do so. I see what I interpret as people being manipulative and having ulterior motives that are somehow related to all the time traveler stalker people and more. If I didn't know better, I would say that is the real underlying purpose of these sites; to control.

This stalker nonsense, all these games and attempts to control things, is completely fuking everything up. Everything, in a big big BIG way. The simple fact that all these people can mess with me and interfere with 30 years of life, manipulate, violate, and try to control me, but refuse to take an honest forthright reasonable approach to things and include me in the decision making regarding my life and others, is doing enormous damage they likely cannot see.

I am watching the cause/effect of events and circumstances in time loops on a very wide scale perspective, while others see it from the normal perspective according to details of their personal knowledge.

It is very simply this; I am seeing a lot of complex stuff. All the games are preventing me from the truth and reasonable conclusions necessary to make proper informed decisions and sound judgement. I may very well be a time traveler one day, and it is totally fuking up the program.

I see what looks like people taking things that I say or do and changing them to make it out to be something else as well as taking advantage of all the crazy shit I DO put out there, I see information being taken back in time to appear as if I were there (even though I know I won't be there IF I go back), I see people pretending to be witness to what they weren't, I see what looks like things I will left, I see what looks like lives I have/will save, I see what looks like people from the future watching all the games and BS being played and are PISSED OFF about it, I see what looks like a million or more dead as consequence of the smallest things, I see circumstantial evidence of what could very well be my own murder, I see a bunch of anomalies surrounding the death of a friend, I see things that would change the way people perceive history and reality, I see things too soon or too late.

I see a lot of things that I cannot say anything about because it may screw the time loops up, or no one will understand anyway, or it will somehow be stuffed out of sight and therefore out of mind to protect whatever bullshit is really going on.

I see someones know what the hell is really going on, and are using it for nefarious purposes. That is what is aggravating me and turning me into a prick; games and BS instead of truth.

Do you have any idea what it is like to deduce that a set of circumstances indicates your future/past murder, then to go digging through records for your own corpse? Do you know what it is like to approach someone you have never spoken to with a bunch of weird but pertinent questions, only to have them answered before you can ask them if they anticipated it, ...later to be told you are a time traveler?

I have shit to do. And all the games are screwing things up. People need to siriusly cut the shit. NOW. ...RIGHT MUTHER FUKING NOW!!!

I am holding back. I can sit here and type a hundred pages of who where what how when and why, connect a lot of dots and blow a few minds., stir the pot a bit (it would probably be subject to drama and deletion though) I am not going to sit around and be toyed with forever. I am not going to continue to protect what I cannot consider friends and allies if they will not be honest.

When the levee breaks, it won't be pretty.
