Re: Analyze this...
Hi thenumbersix
I think the only way to be brought up is out in the sticks, simply because you have to use your imagination more at play. It also promotes an awareness of nature. Kids today do not know what they are missing....the city dwellers especially, they either play on the playstation or get bored.
I have been brought up in both camps....I lived in a small town but was linked with industry and the countryside. My mother was brought up on a farm that I used to walk to when I was four and older.....the industrial side was simply that in Wales you have or did have coal mining....not a hundred yards away was an engine shed with four saddle tank engines that serviced the three collieries in our town. To hear those trojans work was the most impressive sight and sound of all. When one of those engines was letting rip it would literally reverberate around the valley.
I have always been inquisitive and if I had any sense I would have studied Physics.....still remember a lot from forty years ago....I suppose mathematics was my sticking point...being practically minded then if you had X and Y and it equalled Z then it made no sense to did not mater that X and Y could represent anything. Unless it worked out something that I wanted to know then it would fall off the wagon!
I think with dreams that their are promptings from our subconscious of troubles or fears we may have or possibly answers to some arkward questions that we are not even aware of. Dreams to me are a symbolic have the keys to those answers and all I can do is possibly look at it from the outside and suggest possible is you who sees the links and really you should be able to go AH! that is what it was about. I suppose I read Tarot cards in the same way.
You seem to be on a very spiritual path too......I mean you pose questions and work out the answers do not sit there and wait for fate to step in and dictate your situations.
There is also the connectness of things.....those things that others would call coincidence. From what I have read and learnt there is no such thing as is like dominoes set up to push each other down when the first one is toppled....that needs a person to ask a question make a choice. There are also other branches further on down the line because there are more choices to make.
I am glad that my interpretation has helped in some small way....I hope that it has helped you think because that is what most people do not do these days......they slip in a rut and that is it until it is time for the grave. There is much that we can do to change our enviroment.....if you look out over history it is generally one mans vision that has change the world.
I hope you do not mind me rambling on too!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"thenumbersix\")</div>
Hi thenumbersix
I think the only way to be brought up is out in the sticks, simply because you have to use your imagination more at play. It also promotes an awareness of nature. Kids today do not know what they are missing....the city dwellers especially, they either play on the playstation or get bored.
I have been brought up in both camps....I lived in a small town but was linked with industry and the countryside. My mother was brought up on a farm that I used to walk to when I was four and older.....the industrial side was simply that in Wales you have or did have coal mining....not a hundred yards away was an engine shed with four saddle tank engines that serviced the three collieries in our town. To hear those trojans work was the most impressive sight and sound of all. When one of those engines was letting rip it would literally reverberate around the valley.
I have always been inquisitive and if I had any sense I would have studied Physics.....still remember a lot from forty years ago....I suppose mathematics was my sticking point...being practically minded then if you had X and Y and it equalled Z then it made no sense to did not mater that X and Y could represent anything. Unless it worked out something that I wanted to know then it would fall off the wagon!

I think with dreams that their are promptings from our subconscious of troubles or fears we may have or possibly answers to some arkward questions that we are not even aware of. Dreams to me are a symbolic have the keys to those answers and all I can do is possibly look at it from the outside and suggest possible is you who sees the links and really you should be able to go AH! that is what it was about. I suppose I read Tarot cards in the same way.
You seem to be on a very spiritual path too......I mean you pose questions and work out the answers do not sit there and wait for fate to step in and dictate your situations.
There is also the connectness of things.....those things that others would call coincidence. From what I have read and learnt there is no such thing as is like dominoes set up to push each other down when the first one is toppled....that needs a person to ask a question make a choice. There are also other branches further on down the line because there are more choices to make.
I am glad that my interpretation has helped in some small way....I hope that it has helped you think because that is what most people do not do these days......they slip in a rut and that is it until it is time for the grave. There is much that we can do to change our enviroment.....if you look out over history it is generally one mans vision that has change the world.
I hope you do not mind me rambling on too!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"thenumbersix\")</div>
Is amazing what anothers perspective can show. Is very accurate to probably more my life now that I am now aware of but, quite possibly, was subconsciously going through at the time.
Mostly the dream was beyond bizarre to me, I've had some weird ones but this was surreal, I could really hear their strained noises coming down the hill and struggling with these massive trailers. I think that was quite disturbing as I'd never really noticed sounds in my dreams that prominently.
Because of this it just stuck as really odd and has never sunk in. The point of a change I feel I go through occasionaly, once or twice a year. Often now I almost feel these times coming or spot them as the change has occured. Events seem to conspire, things build up at these turnover points and they often occur at natural changing points also, like seasons or a full moon has been there a few times. A point where one part of my life is finished and a new part is starting is probably the best way to describe it, often there is an interest or a problem resolved. I don't know if this is part of learning and is in my mind where I feel I've 'discovered' something new or some natural process in life, probably some from column A and some from column B, but I really feel that the world we live in is trying to push us in the right direction somehow.
Is interesting that you see the mix of old and new technology, has always been... with me, I guess is the way to say it. Was brought up in the sticks but still near town, so I think it has given me an appreciation of nature and balance yet not been too isolated from real life, n there was always a lot of junk / scrap around, old vans and bits of motors and machinery left waiting to be scrapped eventually, was a haven for an inquisitive kid.
I do think everyone is nuts, to a certain degree, some more than others, I also include myself in that. The place we live in is a madhouse, but if it was any different it would be boring and we'd never learn a thing, as a species we're probably teenage attempting to grow into adolescence, I wouldn't be suprised if many species never made it past this point. Like everything in nature there are check points and means of disposing of the weak or foolhardy. I'd like to think we'll get through it, but do wonder at the cost...
The resistance, also interesting, is definitely the way I do things, always the hard way, is how I was brought up, but not deliberate and punishingly hard. I think it's the best way to learn a subject. Discovering something from the bottom up and making mistakes and figuring them out yourself, with guidance is fine so long as they don't give answers, gives a full and experienced knowledge of the subject. In my experience, it tends to stick and related problems can often be identified at the point which is causing the problem, and instinctively rather than through sometimes drawn out logical process...
Again, very accurate, or maybe I'm slotting the interpretaion into areas of my life that fit, either way very thought provoking, cheers.. hope nobody minds me spilling out onto the page here[/b]