Re: Ancient Astronauts
Webnower said:
Airplane hieroglyphics, figures with glowing helmets... How can they be interpreted as anything BUT technologically advanced beings?
The answer is simple. You have to know what you're looking at.
Then you can interpret.
kc wildman said:
I have a couple ??????
first question
just how did they make the drawings on the ground without a spotter to giude them from a point high enough to see the whole thing.
If you're talking about Nazca, they didn't.
All the drawings there can be seen from nearby hill sides. All of them.
kc wildman said:
second question
just why would they put the drawings on the ground if no-one was able to fly up to see them.
with sites like these we have real proof of a deception/hiding of facts about the true history of this mudball, and our reason for even being here
The Nazca drawings were made in the Common Era. Why is another question. Currently it is thought that they correspond to an underground system of aquifers and aquaducts, several of which are still in use today by the same natives than made the drawings.
It has been mathematically established that the lines there have no significant correspondence with positions of any stars or other heavenly bodies.
Numenorean7 said:
The thing I can't explain, are the hieroglyphics representing airplanes and characters with helmets.
There are no hieroglyphs that represent airplanes.
Hieroglyphs are like letters. They
spell words, they don't represent them in a pictogram.
You need to realize that the letter
A doesn't mean "stealth fighter," although it looks like one, doesn't it?
The pic Webnower is showing is part of the titular section for the builder of the temple of Osiris - Seti . The Kings of Egypt had several ways of giving their names, the one shown is part of what's called the "two ladies" titular which uses two ladies to represent upper and lower Egypt.
IOW, the things have been translated - they don't spell "helicopter," or "airplane" or "submarine."
They look the way they do because Ramses II came in and plastered over another king's name (his fathers', as I recall,) and put his own up there and since that time some of the plaster has fallen off, showing a jumble of the two ladies titular for two different kings in the same panel.
Most pics of that panel have been photoshopped to soften the effect - in a good pic you can see where the plaster fell off.
You can read about it
here, if you really want to know.
Otherwise, dream on.
There's a poster at ATS named Byrd that can translate hieroglyphs. She's a doctoral candidate - Anthropology. She's posted fairly extensively on this over there.
There is another website out there that gives the entire translation, but I don't have it saved anymore. The site I linked above diagrams what parts are old writing and what parts are newer writing.
The above-linked site is full of good info. After you read the page I linked, go to the bottom and click on the "home" button. I think you'll agree that it belongs in your favorites file. Bookmark it.