Another Stepping Stone


Active Member
Another Stepping Stone

Well, they passed Drivers' Liscenses, and Birth Certificates to the DHS. Here is the article:

In a chilling act more reminiscent of the now defunct Soviet Union or the Nazi regime of Adolph Hitler, the United States Congress passed legislation yesterday that requires the States to surrender their regulatory rights over driver?s licenses and birth certificates to The Department of Homeland Security.

The massive US Intelligence Reform Bill weighed in at over 3,000 pages and though unread by individual Members of either the House or Senate nevertheless passed all of the legislative hurdles needed in order to become law.

President Bush lobbied hard for these provisions, only objecting when Senator Sensenbrenner attempted to require these same provisions for illegal aliens but which the President opposed. This provision was dropped from the final bill.

Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security will issue new uniformity regulations to the States requiring that all Drivers Licenses and Birth Certificates meet minimal Federal Standards with regard to US citizen information, including biometric security provisions.

Added to currently existing Federal Laws and Supreme Court rulings American citizens when born will be issued a Social Security Number that will be included on their Birth Certificates, along with DNA biometric markers. All birth certificates will also be registered in a Federal Government database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. No child will be allowed enrollment to schools or be entitled to either State of Federal Government benefits programs without first presenting a certified Homeland Security registered Birth Certificate.

Drivers Licenses will also contain DNA biometric markers and include the holders Social Security Number and be required for receiving and applying for all State and Federal benefits programs. Previous Supreme Court rulings have also upheld State and Federal Law Enforcement authorities right to request Identification from any American citizen, for any reason and at any time as not being violations of their, the citizens, constitutionally protected rights.

Major Banks and credit card companies have applauded the adoption of a National ID system as being important to counter fraud and increasing instances of identity theft. National ID cards with biometric markers will eliminate them from having to issue Credit and Debit cards, which for the first time in US history have surpassed the usage of checks and cash. Utilizing The Department of Homeland Securities centralized federal database, Banks and credit card companies will only require the presentation of a citizens Driver?s License to make purchases as all of the persons financial information, including credit and cash balances, will already be known in ?real time?. (The combining of Homeland Security and Banking databases on citizen?s balances and purchases, along with their past and present purchasing information, has been allowed under previous Federal Laws including the Patriot Act.)

Also included in this bill is a law to require The Department of Homeland Security to establish a separate ID system for citizens to use prior to boarding airplanes, and which is eerily reminiscent of the Soviet and Nazi regimes dreaded Internal Passport.

Never before in our history have the words of Benjamin Franklin been so correct when he stated: \"people willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both\".

Today, December 9, 2004 will be one of those moments in time that future historians will look back on and pin point as being the day that the United States of American, and as it was founded by its forefathers, ceased to exist.

Whats next? Retina Scans, or Death, like they are doing in Fallujah? I for one would highly be amused if Dictator Bush decalred himself Dictator during the Inagural Speech. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me either.
Another Stepping Stone

Great article Pyro. And the hits just keep on coming. Amazing that this kind of crap can be passed into law (subject to Bush signing it - like he won't) and very few seem to take notice. Everybody get ready to present your "papers" to all manner of law enforcement, military and government agent at any time they feel like asking you. Up next, my guess is that the internet will become regulated, and to use it, the government will know exactly who you are, where you go, who you are in contact with, and what you say. No more "anonymous" internet, not that it's all that anonymous now.


Another Stepping Stone

First, thank you pyro for the article.

Added to currently existing Federal Laws and Supreme Court rulings American citizens when born will be issued a Social Security Number that will be included on their Birth Certificates, along with DNA biometric markers. All birth certificates will also be registered in a Federal Government database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. No child will be allowed enrollment to schools or be entitled to either State of Federal Government benefits programs without first presenting a certified Homeland Security registered Birth Certificate.

This has me shaken up a bit. I have not read or heard this anywhere. Who's going to pay for these DNA biometric markers? Will we not be allowed to bring our children home from the hospital unless we relent to this test for their birth certificate? No longer allowed to register in a public school with out this biometric marker. What next, chips implanted in our children at birth?

I just googled "DNA biometric markers" and there were no hits. But DNA + Biometric + Markers , turned up a few interesting hits, including these:
Applied DNA Sciences provides cost-effective, commercially available, DNA-embedded marker technologies which can be tailored to numerous applications and industries. The Applied DNA Sciences technology incorporates combinations of plant DNA that are embedded into a non-silicon based microchip (Applied DNA™ Chip) using a proprietary technique. The embedded DNA concentration is extremely small and is virtually impossible to be tampered with or replicated due to Applied DNA Science's proprietary stabilization and bonding processes.
Cattle Breeding Technologies in Perspective

Rick Bourdon

Mar 1, 1999 12:00 PM

Within this special genetics issue, experts from around the country discuss many different breeding technologies. Here's a list, in no particular order:

* Cloning

* Marker-assisted selection (MAS)

* Genetic prediction

* Gene transfer

* Sex control

* Systematic crossbreeding and composites

* Animal identification (DNA and biometric methods)

So, they've been doing this to plants and animals for years. No surprise, here. The big surprise is how people seem to accept it being done to them. Look at this article:

Fingerprint biometrics: Thumbs up
Jennifer Stastny, Popular Mechanics
Posted Tue, 13 Apr 2004

Recently my bag was surreptitiously stolen while I was in a coffee shop with a friend. When I realised it was gone, it wasn't the lost cash that made me miserable so much as the prospect of having to apply for new bank and driver's cards, not to mention having new keys cut for my car (no cracks about not having a spare set, please).

It borders on the absurd that we routinely entrust the safety of our financial and physical assets to puny pieces of plastic and metal that can so easily be lost or taken from us. It would be far more practical to surgically implant an all-purpose identifying microchip safely under the skin ? or, if that makes you squeamish, to use a part of the body as an all-purpose access card.

This is what biometrics is all about: converting unique physical and behavioural characteristics of the human body into electronic \"keys\". Only characteristics that are unique, constant and ? most importantly ? easy to scan are suitable for biometric identification. Current DNA analysis, for example, is too costly and time-consuming to be an effective biometric tool

This is "Big Brother," and the "Left Behind" series all rolled into one. Throw in a little John Titor, Maxwell, and Alex. It will not suprise me if we find there are GPS locators found in those biometric markers, government issued.

We can't call our congressmen, they ran this bill through without a real debate. Bush will sign this, no amount of phone calls and e-mails will keep him from doing so. We don't have any leverage, he and Cheney both are not going for re-election. I guess the only thing we can hope for is a lawsuit to be taken to the Supreme Court, so that the judges can decide that this is unconstitutional. That would take years, not months.

We Americans are "toast."

Another Stepping Stone

This is \"Big Brother,\" and the \"Left Behind\" series all rolled into one. Throw in a little John Titor, Maxwell, and Alex. It will not suprise me if we find there are GPS locators found in those biometric markers, government issued.

I think the author may have read the above mentioned works one too many times.
Don't worry about a GPS locator in your card, nothing that small has the ability to transmit very far, let alone talk to a satalite. They may have the ability to track them by sensors placed around cities. In rural settings however they can't afford to cover the whole country.
Um, thats a really interasting article, but Prison planet often prints things that only they seem to know about. Like the UN cops who are apperently are all over the place, (anyone seen one? I haven't) So, until we can get some other confirmation on this, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Another Stepping Stone

Originally posted by sosuemetoo@Dec 11 2004, 01:39 PM
First, thank you pyro for the article.

Added to currently existing Federal Laws and Supreme Court rulings American citizens when born will be issued a Social Security Number that will be included on their Birth Certificates, along with? DNA biometric markers. All birth certificates will also be registered in a Federal Government database maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. No child will be allowed enrollment to schools or be entitled to either State of Federal Government benefits programs without first presenting a certified Homeland Security registered Birth Certificate.

This has me shaken up a bit. I have not read or heard this anywhere. Who's going to pay for these DNA biometric markers? Will we not be allowed to bring our children home from the hospital unless we relent to this test for their birth certificate? No longer allowed to register in a public school with out this biometric marker. What next, chips implanted in our children at birth?

I just googled "DNA biometric markers" and there were no hits. But DNA + Biometric + Markers , turned up a few interesting hits, including these:
Applied DNA Sciences provides cost-effective, commercially available, DNA-embedded marker technologies which can be tailored to numerous applications and industries. The Applied DNA Sciences technology incorporates combinations of plant DNA that are embedded into a non-silicon based microchip (Applied DNA™ Chip) using a proprietary technique. The embedded DNA concentration is extremely small and is virtually impossible to be tampered with or replicated due to Applied DNA Science's proprietary stabilization and bonding processes.
Cattle Breeding Technologies in Perspective

Rick Bourdon

Mar 1, 1999 12:00 PM

Within this special genetics issue, experts from around the country discuss many different breeding technologies. Here's a list, in no particular order:

* Cloning

* Marker-assisted selection (MAS)

* Genetic prediction

* Gene transfer

* Sex control

* Systematic crossbreeding and composites

* Animal identification (DNA and biometric methods)

So, they've been doing this to plants and animals for years. No surprise, here. The big surprise is how people seem to accept it being done to them. Look at this article:

Fingerprint biometrics: Thumbs up
Jennifer Stastny, Popular Mechanics
Posted Tue, 13 Apr 2004

Recently my bag was surreptitiously stolen while I was in a coffee shop with a friend. When I realised it was gone, it wasn't the lost cash that made me miserable so much as the prospect of having to apply for new bank and driver's cards, not to mention having new keys cut for my car (no cracks about not having a spare set, please).

It borders on the absurd that we routinely entrust the safety of our financial and physical assets to puny pieces of plastic and metal that can so easily be lost or taken from us. It would be far more practical to surgically implant an all-purpose identifying microchip safely under the skin ? or, if that makes you squeamish, to use a part of the body as an all-purpose access card.

This is what biometrics is all about: converting unique physical and behavioural characteristics of the human body into electronic \"keys\". Only characteristics that are unique, constant and ? most importantly ? easy to scan are suitable for biometric identification. Current DNA analysis, for example, is too costly and time-consuming to be an effective biometric tool

This is "Big Brother," and the "Left Behind" series all rolled into one. Throw in a little John Titor, Maxwell, and Alex. It will not suprise me if we find there are GPS locators found in those biometric markers, government issued.

We can't call our congressmen, they ran this bill through without a real debate. Bush will sign this, no amount of phone calls and e-mails will keep him from doing so. We don't have any leverage, he and Cheney both are not going for re-election. I guess the only thing we can hope for is a lawsuit to be taken to the Supreme Court, so that the judges can decide that this is unconstitutional. That would take years, not months.

We Americans are "toast."


Do they honestly think that I will conform to their policies though? It'll take more than some regulations to make me conform. They are in no authority to behold these powers, and they could clone my DNA plant it at a crime scene and be held for it.

Darkwolf, if you think that the UN would have cops just around, dressed in UN attire, then you've got to check you're books. They're sneaky, and slimey. Remeber whom were dealing with here.
Another Stepping Stone

Darkwolf, if you think that the UN would have cops just around, dressed in UN attire, then you've got to check you're books. They're sneaky, and slimey. Remeber whom were dealing with here.

I don't think so, but apperently one of the prisonplanet/infowars guys has a harrowing encounter with them once a week or so. Thats why I tend to find those sites less than believable.
Another Stepping Stone

This kind of thing is here in the UK now. We are getting our National Id's by 2010 and eventually our biometric Passports. What peeves me though, is this, we gotta pay for them. A $140.00 dollars for an ID... joke, or what!
Another Stepping Stone

Boycot. They do not deserve to have that information, irregardless if they have it already. Someone could essentially STEAL you're IDs, and you'd be royally you know.
Another Stepping Stone

There's even more stuff lurking in the bill, and it will still be a long time before all of it gets opened up and understood. It looks like they took out the more blatant material so as not to compromise the underlying provisions meant to convert the system from a union of sovereign states to a centralized authority.

The old system was one of dual citizenship. Every person was a citizen of his State and, by virtue of that, of the United States as well. You could only be a citizen of the U.S. without State citizenship if your home was in a Federal District or Territory. The purpose of this is to ensure that rights and privileges guaranteed by one State would not reduce the rights or privileges of the citizen of another State; but the concept was clearly one under which an American was a compatriot of all other Americans despite living under different laws.

No more.

They are retrofitting the system to institute a single, omnipotent central command, and render the States quaint and obsolete. Statehood will have no more force or meaning than style of license plate or species of your State bird.

The push is on to make us all alike-- or so much alike as to extinguish dissent. Individual thought and belief, keyed to unpredictable and unaffiliated traits of personality and character, must be controlled by acquiring privacy for the use of the overall State.

There is no explicit Constitutional right to privacy, only the one "read into" the law by the Supreme Court in finding specific boundaries for government conduct in the realms of marriage and reproduction rights. With the right set of clowns, you can read them out of the Constitution in a single court opinion. This is the one I'm waiting for; but they have to get rid of OConnor and a couple of others first.

Americans have always presumed that they have the inviolable right to be whoever they choose to be, and to change it at will and whim. Too bad we never bothered to codify it into statute. The new law is the equivalent of making it illegal to decide to be someone new, and locks your children into a specific identity before they've even had a chance to choose the first one they want.

The thing you will probably hear being said is that those who are innocent of any wrongdoing, or who have clear consciences, have nothing to fear from the government (and all corporations of a certain size) knowing exactly who you and your children are. Likewise, if you are not a criminal hiding contraband in your home, you should have no objection to your place being ransacked without a warrant by the police-- or the army.

If you haven't done anything wrong, why do you need a lawyer?

If you plead Not Guilty, you must be guilty.

If you would only behave and live your life as approximately like Laura Bush and her family live theirs, you wouldn't worry about being monitored or having so-called "privacy."

You should be satisfied with the identity bestowed on you by the government.

War is peace, according to the Ministry of Truth.
