Another tragic mass shooting, no its not false flag

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No. Like Poison Pen said, we have the NRA. If stricter gun control or tighter regulations materialize, an armed rebellion against the federal government will probably be sooner.
I agree that the NRA is very powerfull, they had their 2015 convention here in Nashville. Thanks for pointing that out Pen but I sense the government is using victim families, tinsel town types, and other sheeple to make guns bad and possibly the NRA bad. Just a thought but the government can do what they our best interest, lol like try to take your guns. I don't have a crystal ball but think we should be aware of the game the government is possibly playing...just look at other countries, no guns allow for their demise, not safety.
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Hey Dog, good to hear from you!

Maybe this is 'John Titor' coming back to haunt us. He was talking about Shotgun regiments and conflict between the towns folk and country folk. I could see a future where the guns are taken from the city dwellers but the rural people fighting for their rights - hence Titors Civil War (except about 10/15 years late - but I'm sure we can put that down to divergence!).
Hey Dog, good to hear from you!

Maybe this is 'John Titor' coming back to haunt us. He was talking about Shotgun regiments and conflict between the towns folk and country folk. I could see a future where the guns are taken from the city dwellers but the rural people fighting for their rights - hence Titors Civil War (except about 10/15 years late - but I'm sure we can put that down to divergence!).

How does fictional and delusional time travel scenarios fit in here? Maybe thats part of the problem to many playing out fictional role playing games and turning them into real life.......
Hey Dog, good to hear from you!

Maybe this is 'John Titor' coming back to haunt us. He was talking about Shotgun regiments and conflict between the towns folk and country folk. I could see a future where the guns are taken from the city dwellers but the rural people fighting for their rights - hence Titors Civil War (except about 10/15 years late - but I'm sure we can put that down to divergence!).
I don't know about other parts of this country but they will have a tough time taking away the guns in the South. I'm sure Pen will say the same. We are in the Bible and gun belt here and people... don't forget it! lol
You guys gotta understand. These mass shootings won't stop until the Press stops publishing the names and photos of these sick f***s who are doing the shooting. Starve them of the publicity and it will stop.

Sorry my American friends but gun control or tighter regs are coming your way.

yeah the heck with that
The mass shootings are a direct result of the gun laws. It used to be that everyone could carry a gun. And no one would dare misbehave including the idiots. Now the idiots are in control. They have nothing to fear anymore thanks to gun control laws that give them complete freedom to kill. So if you want to blame somebody for the mass shootings, it's not the idiots. It's the legislators.
The mass shootings are a direct result of the gun laws. It used to be that everyone could carry a gun. And no one would dare misbehave including the idiots. Now the idiots are in control. They have nothing to fear anymore thanks to gun control laws that give them complete freedom to kill. So if you want to blame somebody for the mass shootings, it's not the idiots. It's the legislators.
Oh so let's have college students and children arm themselves..or let's change the law so they can.
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