Anybody Have the Energy to Check?


Senior Member
If you'll look at several forums where 'ren1999' and 'johntitor177456' posted -- you'll see many "predictions" last year. Looks like most of them have come true.

Sinkholes increased.
Libyan Muslims did attack the U.S.
There was a nuclear bomb detonated in Chicago by a Muslim kid -- only it wasn't a real nuclear bomb, the FBI just tricked this kid.
The wild fires are continuing.
It is getting hotter.
The Arctic ice is melting at an exponential rate.
Greenland ice is melting at an exponential rate.
There was an Islamic uprising after September 11th, 2012.
China and the U.S. did attack aliens but nobody really knows what this news is really about.

What hasn't happened yet?
The guy keeps repeating the date 2012 October 28th.
He is talking about riots in the U.S.

So if anybody has the energy to actually Google these events with one of the user names above, you'll see that these "predictions" were made a year ago.


Senior Member
Thanks for having the energy to check. You're like the only one.


Senior Member
If you'll look at several forums where 'ren1999' and 'johntitor177456' posted -- you'll see many "predictions" last year. Looks like most of them have come true.

Sinkholes increased.
Libyan Muslims did attack the U.S.
There was a nuclear bomb detonated in Chicago by a Muslim kid -- only it wasn't a real nuclear bomb, the FBI just tricked this kid.
The wild fires are continuing.
It is getting hotter.
The Arctic ice is melting at an exponential rate.
Greenland ice is melting at an exponential rate.
There was an Islamic uprising after September 11th, 2012.
China and the U.S. did attack aliens but nobody really knows what this news is really about.

What hasn't happened yet?
The guy keeps repeating the date 2012 October 28th.
He is talking about riots in the U.S.

So if anybody has the energy to actually Google these events with one of the user names above, you'll see that these "predictions" were made a year ago.

Any other time Travellers predict Hurricane Sandy on this exact date?
