Are we alone in the universe?


Active Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

Numenorean7 said:
We can't possibly be the most evolved specie in the galaxy.

Earth and life existed long before humans.
It took a long time to get life here, and it took also a long time to get an intelligent being on this planet.
So if we consider it was the same thing on a number of other worlds, then there could be some pretty advanced civs out there.
But, we don't know what kind of tech they have, or if they can travel between solar systems to reach us, or anyother distant world.

The question is: What kind of interest can they have for us ? Why would they be interested to contact us ?


I bet they would have the same reason as us...that is curiosity and that they can..I hope its peaceful.
I agree w/ Tyler in that there probably is life out there...


New Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

Numenorean7 said:
Hey Tyler, long time no see :)

Good to be back. I'll try to lurk or post more. I've been slacking :D

Numenorean7 said:
The prob. might be even bigger, imagine if we ever find that there is (there's been) life on Mars. It would be our first planet to check for life, and we would find it there, wow.

Speaking of which, the Phoenix lander has recently found ice water on Mars that sublimated into the atmosphere (complete with an animation of it happening! Phoenix Mars Mission - Gallery - Videos & Animations) . Also considering the large amount of water on other moons (Europa, Miranda, et. al.) and water on comets, asteroids, and other objects just floating around in the Asteroid Belt and Oort cloud, we can determine that water is more common than thought. Same for organic compounds (Titan). So even if a planet doesn't start out with the necessary "ingredients," a collision with another body in space could provide them. This increases the probability of life even more.


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

That's it !

I wonder If we'll ever know if there's really life on Europa. It's a pretty strange place up there.

We know there's liquid water under it's ice, but we can't know what's in there until we get some probe or lander to go there and look for something, take some pictures, make some tests.

Maybe it's something like in 2010 space odysey 2. It was science fiction, but in my opinion, it's still believable.



New Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

If life exists on Europa, it would be underwater near sea vents as a source of heat. The hard part of exploring Europa would be getting a craft there with a robot that could break through the ice and explore underwater. Then it would have to be automated due to the long time needed to send data back and forth between Europa and Earth. Such a robot is in development at this very moment, shown in Bill Stone explores the Earth and space | Video on

Got to go to bed now, going traveling for 5 days. I'll be back Tuesday.


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

See you later then, and thanks for the link !

Another hard part of that mission would be to emit signals that goes through all that thick ice and get here. It's pretty deep under the moon's surface.

Could the ice create a communication problem ?



Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

Harte said:
The presence of life on Earth in no way indicates that Earth is the origin of all life.

I believe it's been shown that there is a high degree of probability that life could be an inevitable result of natural chemical processes.

Put that together with the unexpectedly huge number of planets being discovered - practically everywhere we look - and it makes some sense to say that the universe teems with life - but that doesn't mean it all came from one place - not at all.

sorry Harte, I can't there from here.and no one ells has either
the chances of life being an accedent are not there. every attempt so far, to get life from the primal oozzz has failled badly. you can have all the chemicals present but, without the GOD spark/touch to make it live. it is just soup. theres more of a chance of getting the incylapeda:confused: britanica from a bomb at a news paper office, than life by chance.


New Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

Numenorean7 said:
See you later then, and thanks for the link !

Another hard part of that mission would be to emit signals that goes through all that thick ice and get here. It's pretty deep under the moon's surface.

Could the ice create a communication problem ?


I think the solution to this would be to leave a transmitter on the surface and have the robot send its signal to that. The transmitter can then amplify the signal and give it enough energy to get back to Earth. The Cassini?Huygens probe sent back signals from Titan on Saturn so this future probe could probably do it too.


Active Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

kc wildman said:
sorry Harte, I can't there from here.and no one ells has either
the chances of life being an accedent are not there. every attempt so far, to get life from the primal oozzz has failled badly. you can have all the chemicals present but, without the GOD spark/touch to make it live. it is just soup. theres more of a chance of getting the incylapeda:confused: britanica from a bomb at a news paper office, than life by chance.

The deal is that one cant actually prove that GOD sparked it all and one cant prove that it is just science. For some...proof is the faith that they have in GODs word and for others proof is the science.....
But that all depends on who you are...I think that evolution occurs and that life was sparked by what i view as GOD..I think science and GOD work together...


Senior Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

gonzogirl said:
The deal is that one cant actually prove that GOD sparked it all and one cant prove that it is just science. For some...proof is the faith that they have in GODs word and for others proof is the science.....
But that all depends on who you are...I think that evolution occurs and that life was sparked by what i view as GOD..I think science and GOD work together...

I could buy into this view.

See, even if someone did create life in a laboratory test tube - that still wouldn't "prove" that life came about on Earth through accidental or ordinary, natural means.

After all, the life created in the test tube wouldn't have come about in any "natural" way, would it?



Active Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

I make myself crazy(er) when I think about when-where-and by whom everything started with..I mean there is a beginning right? How did we-all get here and who put us here? How did the big bang actually happen? Did it happen? When does the universes end and do they? What is the truth anyway? Will we ever know?
See I'm doing it right now....crazy(er)
