Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Are We On the Path to Civil War?

We have briefly discussed our newly appointed Attorney General, his opinions on torture & advocacy of Executive Powers over all other branches. This guy could be a 'key player' in turning the tides of anarchy.

Alberto Gonzales' performance this week didn't inspire confidence that he might break from White House ideology as attorney general.

The Republican leadership in Congress, and particularly the judiciary committee chairmen, should recommit themselves to asserting oversight over the policy direction and operations of the Justice Department. Gonzales is someone who will need to be watched, not trusted.

Gonzales, like Ashcroft, seems willing to advance any position preferred by the White House - an impulse that has helped undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers. This country deserves better in its chief law enforcement officer.

Read the entire article HERE
Re: Are We On the Path to Civil War?

All: There's been precious little discussion on this thread so I'm going to throw a rock in this direction. Again, that scurrilous rag, that bastion of left-leaning commies, "GQ", the men's fashion and lifestyles magazine, that two issues ago ran a stunning portrayal of an inevitable conflict a-coming with Iran, now shows us where a thread of an impending civil, or at least political conflict, could arise.

Believe it or not, there are people in this country who are of devout, rabid faith who don't even like or trust George Bush or the nearly-dead pomposity of Falwell and Robertson, beause in the Exodusians, view these folks are "statists" who only support their own egos as props to the state. In the article of the current issue, "God's Brand-New Country," by Guy Lawson, the writer spends time with some zealots who intend to move in numbers to South Carolina to take over the state and ultimately force a show down between the god-fearing and the ruling elite.

The movement calls itself Christian Exodus and the plan, according to Lawson's feature story, is to get 2,500 members into South Carolina by the 2006 elections to run for political jobs no one wants and are often open without opposition, like school board, town council and county judge. These are launch pads into the state legislature and beyond.

They will enact laws no matter what the federal government says or how it interprets the Constitution. They will force a show down. This is a part of the historical Utopian movement in the U.S. and also of the flickering flirtation we have with secessionism. Look at Patrick Henry University in Northern Virignia, training Christians to become lawyers and judges to basically take over the government from the inside. A vocal minority is taking the country from a people distracted by the daily grind of making a living.

The article is in the July 2005 issue of "GQ" with, yes, Jessica Simpson on the cover. I only read it for the articles, though.

"Frank Janoski, a 38-year-old computer engineer and father of three from Pennsylvania, describes himself as a Bible-based born-again Christian. According to Frank, America is not falling ever tighter into the grip of Christian fundamentalism under the leadership of a profoundly convservative evangelical president. The opposite is happening. No prayer in school. Abortion. Legalized sodomy. The constant attacks against religion by secularists and the courts. The conspiracy against Christ is obvious to him, and so is the answer.

Frank voted for George W. Bush in the last election as the lesser of two evils, but he has run out of patience with the rhetoric of right-wing Republican religiosity. The word of Christ is used by the president's speechwriters only to gain political power. All the seemingly disparate skirmishes of the cultural wars really amount to single battle that lies ahead. The only solution of good and God-fearing Christians may be to leave the United States. Not for distant shores, as the first pilgrims did in the seventeenth century, but to gather together the armies of Jesus and creates a new godly nation. This the pilgrim and his people will do in the state of South Carolina."-HEK
