Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery


Time Travel Professor
Stanford University Research: Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery
Steven M. Greer MD
22 April 2013

After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the Atacama
Humanoid remains a profound mystery.

The link: Atacama Humanoid Report - Articles - Coast to Coast AM

You can read the complete report with pictures here (pdf file).

The humanoid was first discovered in 2003 in the remote Atacama desert region of
Chile, but I did not learn of the existence of the specimen until 2009, when invited to
examine the mummy-like remains of the humanoid in Barcelona Spain. In the summer
of 2012, Ramón Navia-Osorio Villar, President of INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES
Y ESTUDIOS EXOBIOLÓGICOS graciously permitted our team to do further tests on
the humanoid.

We traveled to Barcelona Spain in late September 2012 to obtain detailed X Rays, CAT
scans and take genetic samples for testing at Stanford University.

Dr. Garry Nolan , the Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine, headed up the
team examining the human-like specimen . He suggested the protocol for taking the
DNA samples and, in consultation with Dr. Ralph Lachman, also of Stanford University,
suggested precisely which X Rays and CT scan images would be needed for proper
evaluation of the skeletal anomalies.

Dr. Lachman, who is a visiting scholar and visiting professor at Stanford University and
author of “ Radiology of Syndromes, Metabolic Disorders and Skeletal Dysplasias” and
is one of the leading experts in the world on skeletal dysplasia and abnormalities,
examined the X Rays, CAT scans and photographs of the humanoid.

We obtained excellent DNA material by surgically dissecting the distal ends of two right
anterior ribs on the humanoid. These clearly contained bone marrow material, as was
seen on the dissecting microscope that was brought in for the procedure. The bone
marrow and other material from the skull were obtained under sterile, surgical
procedures and placed directly into sterile containers provided by Dr. Nolan.
Using forensic documentation procedures, this evidence was then hand-delivered by
me to Dr. Nolan in Washington DC in October, 2012.

Dr. Nolan proceeded to set up a very detailed protocol needed for examining "ancient"
or old DNA. This is a highly specialized area of research and the leading scientists in
the world with expertise in this area consulted with Dr. Nolan in this endeavor.

The Atacama Humanoid is a 13 centimeter, or 6 inch, body that is very desiccated but
completely intact. The CAT scan clearly shows internal chest organs (lungs and what
appears to be the remains of a heart structure).(See CAT scan here) There is absolutely
no doubt that the specimen is an actual organism and that it is not a hoax of any kind.
This fact has been confirmed by Dr. Nolan and Dr. Lachman at Stanford.

The specimen has only 10 ribs, a finding not yet found in humans, and a very unusual
cranium. It is noted that the cranial vault is, proportionally, much larger than is found in
normal humans. The bones are quite well developed and are not those of a fetus (see
below). There are multiple skeletal anomalies seen throughout the specimen.

Importantly a mature, not fetal, tooth is seen in the mandible (jaw bone) A fracture of the
right humerus (upper arm) is seen as is a concave fracture of the right posterior-lateral
skull, which was most likely the cause of death.


Senior Member
It is amazing what is found out everyday but never released to the public. The littlest things can change perception and 90% of the world will never get to see it due to the Control Media and the Gov has on us.


Senior Member
I do not think that this Atacama man is a mutant, but probably a member of a new space race. Certainly, he is not a rep or a gray. Talk about a LITTLE green man. :)


Time Travel Professor
Teensy Alien-looking skeleton from Chile poses a medical mystery


Sirius via YouTube
A 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) skeleton was found in Chile's Atacama Desert. The skeleton showed several anomalies, including its alienlike skull, teensy body and the fact that it had just 10 ribs rather than the 12 that healthy humans normally have.

By Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience

A teensy skeleton with a squashed alienlike head may have earthly origins — but the remains, found in Chile's Atacama Desert a decade ago, do make for quite a medical mystery.

Apparently when the mummified specimen was discovered, some speculated that it was an alien that had somehow landed on Earth, though the researchers involved never suggested this otherworldly origin.

Now, DNA and other tests suggest that the individual was a human and may have been 6 to 8 years of age when he or she died. Even so, the remains were just 6 inches (15 centimeters) long. [See Images of the Alien-Looking Human Remains]

"While the jury is out regarding the mutations that cause the deformity, and there is a real discrepancy in how we account for the apparent age of the bones … every nucleotide I've been able to look at is human," researcher Garry Nolan, professor of microbiology and immunology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, told LiveScience. "I've only scratched the surface in the analysis. But there is nothing that jumps out so far as to scream 'nonhuman.'"

Analyzing the tiny humanNolan and his colleagues analyzed the specimen in the fall of 2012 with high-resolution photography, X-rays and computed tomography scans, as well as DNA sequencing. The researchers wanted to find out whether some rare disorder could explain the anomalous skeleton — for instance, it had just 10 ribs as opposed to 12 in a healthy human. They hoped to determine the age at which the organism died, as its size suggested a preterm fetus, a stillborn or a deformed child. They also thought the DNA would confirm whether it was human or perhaps a South American nonhuman primate.

The remains showed skull deformities and mild underdevelopment of the mid-face and jaw, the researchers found. The skull also showed signs of turricephaly, or high-head syndrome, a birth defect in which the top of the skull is cone-shaped.

The genome sequencing suggested that the creature was human, though 9 percent of the genes didn't match up with the reference human genome; the mismatches may be due to various factors, including degradation, artifacts from lab preparation of the specimen or insufficient data.

The team also looked at mitochondrial DNA, or the DNA inside the cells' energy-making structures that gets passed down from mothers to offspring. The allele frequency of the mitochondrial DNA suggested that the individual came from the Atacama, specifically from the B2 haplotype group. A haplotype is a long segment of ancestral DNA that stays the same over several generations and can pinpoint individuals who share a common ancestor way back in time. In this case, the B2 haplotype is found on the west coast of South America.

The data from the mitochondrial DNA alleles point toward "the mother being an indigenous woman from the Chilean area of South America," Nolan wrote in an email.

More mysteryThe jury is still out on the mutations that caused the deformities, and the researchers aren't certain how old the bones are, though they estimate that the individual died at least a few decades ago. They didn't find any of the mutations commonly associated with primordial dwarfism or other forms of dwarfism. If there is a genetic basis for the deformities, it is "not apparent at this level of resolution and at this stage of the analysis," Nolan wrote in a summary of his work.

In addition, even if they found those mutations, they may not explain the anomalies seen in the skeleton. "There is no known form of dwarfism that accounts for all of the anomalies seen in this specimen," Ralph Lachman, a professor emeritus at the UCLA School of Medicine and a clinical professor at Stanford University, wrote in a report to Nolan.

This wouldn't be the first time alien-looking remains have been brought to the attention of science. The alienlike skulls of children were discovered in a 1,000-year-old cemetery in Mexico. Researchers who examined the skulls said they had been deliberately warped, in accordance with a practice of skull deformation that was common at the time in Central America.

"It's an interesting medical mystery of an unfortunate human with a series of birth defects that currently the genetics of which are not obvious," Nolan wrote of the Atacama skeleton.

The research was featured in film "Sirius," a crowd-funded documentary that premiered on April 22 in Hollywood, Calif.

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