Australia floods: Unfounded cloud seeding claims spread online


Senior Member
For the third time this year, Sydney has been hit by major floods. Scientists blame intense rainfall on a combination of factors - but, on social media, unfounded allegations of "weather manipulation" have spread widely.
About as much as eight months' worth of rain has come down in just four days, bringing parts of Australia's largest city to a standstill.
Experts say no single factor can explain this extreme weather, pointing instead to warmer oceans and saturated soils as contributing factors.
But conspiracy theorists aren't buying it. On social media, they blame the extreme rainfall on "cloud seeding" and "weather manipulation".
There is no evidence to back up such theories, but this hasn't prevented falsehoods from reaching thousands of people online.



Active Member
Those poor carousel horses always pay the price.

I wish cloud seeding would work in Texas. We're several inches below our yearly rainfall and have 100degree temps for the next week.

Fireworks were stopped last Monday because they started grass fires. There was some drone footage showing that on the evening news.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Experts say no single factor can explain this extreme weather, pointing instead to warmer oceans and saturated soils as contributing factors.
Well I think this can be both. You can let it rain through magic or this could also be a normal effect. I remember that Bardon invoked air or water elemetal beings to let it rain. I think if the region of the world is positively polarized there will be normal and regular rain, but not too much rain at once and no drought.

This stuff is also mentioned in the bible, but I think some of the things are misinterpreted. There was a drought if they did not follow Gods laws (unconditional love: love your neighbour as thyself), but this was not caused by God. This is caused by the people and their negativity and God does not interfer.

This reminds me of something, I think ten or so years ago, I visited a forum about Cloudbuster and they planted these busters everywhere in Germany and it rained regularly at that time. They builded something like that but I am not aware, if it was exactly that:

This is based on the orgon theory of Wilhelm Reich. Good regions have good orgon ( Or) bad regions deadly orgon (Dor).

In addition to this, I do not know if that was because of the cloudbusters. The reason is that one of the guys planted a cloudbuster in a lake and all the fish died :cry: . Furthermore the cloudbusters were stolen regularly. So they ended up putting the things in their own garden instead of random forests, what they did before. They claimed the cloudbusters could be measured and the government or somebody else took them out :oops: and they saw black helicopters as soon as they put them up.


Senior Member
Those poor carousel horses always pay the price.

I wish cloud seeding would work in Texas. We're several inches below our yearly rainfall and have 100degree temps for the next week.

Fireworks were stopped last Monday because they started grass fires. There was some drone footage showing that on the evening news.

As a Nevadian i can agree with this, our Monsoon season for the last 3 years has been basically nothing but were sitting at 100+ degree's. Feel free to cloud seed over here too!
