Barack Hussein Obama Is the Last American President


Junior Member
We most likely will see something occur prior to a new administration taking office that will make obummer the last President.
They said exactly the same thing about Bush.

If anyone bothered to look into this, they'd find that the conditions in this EO have been standing policy since Truman. This particular EO was necessary because the previous one - from Clinton - that dealt with this didn't include Homeland Security, which didn't exist at the time.

Obama has pulled some stunts, but this isn't one of them. If you don't like Obama, please note that creating a false narrative about him only makes the anti-Obama crowd look bad. There's plenty about him and his acts that deserve real criticism. We don't need to make up lies.

I honestly don't know if people who go around warning about Obama are doing it to drum up support for the right wing republican political party, or if they're so brain washed they don't realize what's going on.

It was, as noted, Harry S. Truman who instituted the national security state in the U.S.A. This is a fact. Do I believe Truman had some nefarious plot in mind when he signed the paperwork? No. Like most Presidents of the United States who followed after him, Truman was doing the bidding of the wealthy power brokers who control this nation. Do I believe Truman had any idea what was going on? No. He was the stooge who believed the fabrications Averill Harriman and the Dulles brothers told him in order to get him to sign the paperwork.

After Truman, these same power brokers recruited Dwight Eisenhower to take over the reins in Washington. War heroes make for popular voter response. At the end of his term of office, Eisenhower tried to warn the nation about what was going on with politics in Washington. We, as a People, didn't listen.

It was these power brokers who got Richard Nixon elected to Congress and than ran him as Eisenhower's Vice President. They are the same bunch that got the traitor prescott bush elected to the U.S. Senate.

Kennedy threw a monkey wrench into their plans. He was a war hero, and won his election campaign over Nixon. In the end, that Presidency didn't account for much, because when Kennedy started to stand up against them, we all know where that got JFK, and Robert Kennedy.

Johnson assumed the presidency upon Kennedy's death. He appointed the Warren Commission. His claim to fame, the War on Poverty was gifted to him in exchange for his agreement to prosecute that other war, the conflict in Vietnam.

Then we got Nixon, who had been permitted part way within the inner sanctum. He'd been vetted and proven himself to be in agreement with the goals of the power elite. It was Nixon whom the Dulles brothers recruited to act as the official censor of captured Nazi documents, ostensibly to cover up the extensive role American financiers and industrialists had played in bringing Hitler to power and sustaining the Nazi war effort during World War Two.

But Nixon was pretty much a low-life character couldn't keep his hands clean. In the end, it was his paranoia over his misdeeds that got him caught and disgraced. To replace him we wound up with Gerald Ford, who turned around and gave Nixon a blanket pardon for his crimes. Why was this done before the trial? IMO, to keep a lid on things and set a precedent for not prosecuting ex-Presidents for crimes they commit, when those crimes benefit the elites who run the show.

Ford wasn't very popular. That put a Navy veteran who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor into the Oval Office. That was the same award for Valor the previous Democratic president, JFK had won during WW-2. But Carter had a hard row to hoe, because those who had the power to do so stacked the deck against him.

For their efforts, they set the stage for getting the ex-actor they hired to play the role, Regan, elected. He gave them what they wanted, arms contracts from to stuff their pockets even more full.

Then we got George H. W. Bush, the senior. He was an insider, and that's why the previous job they'd given to him was Director of the CIA.

Then we got Clinton. He was likely the most intelligent President we've had in a long time. Do I believe he understood what was going on when they impeached him? Yes. Do I believe he understood what he was doing when he signed Phil Gramm's pet legislation into law; the law that repealed the banking regulations that had kept America free from Wall Street excesses after those scoundrels caused the Great Depression? Hell, yes.

Then we got bush jr., shrub as he was known. He was likely the biggest stooge and least intelligent President we've ever had. He gave us the War on Terrorism. Thanks to the "ineptitude" that was guided by cheney and rumsfeld for this very purpose, we don't have to worry that we will soon run out of future terrorists for Americans and the rest of the world to worry about for generations to come.

And that brings us to Obama. Does he know what he's doing? In my opinion, yes. Why would he do that? Because he's a politician, and because he has a family, and because he has the example of JFK to consider. What has he done since he's been in office? Not much of anything, because it's Congress that holds the purse strings and the national policy strings.

We haven't seen the war criminals from the bush/cheney era prosecuted. Neither have we seen the Wall Street culprits responsible for trashing what was left of the American economy brought to "justice." And the new regulations placed on the banking "industry" following the melt down that took place during the bush/cheney years? Those are not being enforced.

Is Obama a shill for the true power brokers who control this nation and you, and I, its citizens? For the most part, no, IMO. He's more like the house (unmentionable "N" word here), who knows when to keep his mouth shut. So don't waste your breath or our time blaming Obama for what's already been done. When the time comes, it will come to your neighborhood in the guise of the "contractors" personified by Black Water who brought martial law to the U.S. shores in the wake of the hurricane that devastated New Orleans while, then, president george bush, sang happy birthday to his golfing buddies.
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Okay, my apologies for locking the thread, as well as for the moderation incident on my part.

This discussion can continue without further unrelated debates.

In case you still want to debate whether or not Government Conspiracies are a real thing, you can head over there: Debunking - Government Conspiracies | Paranormalis

Thanks! :)


Junior Member
The signing of these executive orders has become a traditional pastime for U.S. presidents once they take office. The presidents who sign these orders are not responsible for suggesting or creating them. They were drafted by insiders of the industrial military complex under the guise of continuity of government, ostensibly in the event of a catastrophic emergency that takes out the ability of the civilian government to function further. In actuality, this is the insurance policy the elite power brokers of this nation created to ensure they and their would be cared for and protected if, and when, our social institutions cease to function.
As for the last American president, we haven't had Hillary in office yet.


Senior Member
The Constitution of 1787 created the central government, not the Act.
If you would but read what I said in my previous post, you'd see that I didn't claim the Act established any "central government." I stated that the Act established a government for the Territory of the District of Columbia. It is you that appears to be claiming that this Act had some kind of major effect on the Federal Government.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Act has nothing to do with the Federal Government and everything to do with the District of Columbia, which, as a direct result of the Act in question, is a municipal corporation with a government of its own - a government established by that Act.



Senior Member
The signing of these executive orders has become a traditional pastime for U.S. presidents once they take office. The presidents who sign these orders are not responsible for suggesting or creating them. They were drafted by insiders of the industrial military complex under the guise of continuity of government, ostensibly in the event of a catastrophic emergency that takes out the ability of the civilian government to function further. In actuality, this is the insurance policy the elite power brokers of this nation created to ensure they and their would be cared for and protected if, and when, our social institutions cease to function.
As for the last American president, we haven't had Hillary in office yet.
Whatever else you might think about Executive Orders, you're right in that they are commonplace. The only U.S. President that never issued an Executive Order is William Henry Harrison, who only served for 32 days.


Sam Slagg

The Constitution of 1787 created the central government, not the Act.
If you would but read what I said in my previous post, you'd see that I didn't claim the Act established any "central government." I stated that the Act established a government for the Territory of the District of Columbia. It is you that appears to be claiming that this Act had some kind of major effect on the Federal Government.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Act has nothing to do with the Federal Government and everything to do with the District of Columbia, which, as a direct result of the Act in question, is a municipal corporation with a government of its own - a government established by that Act.

No reason to address any of my posts as I will no longer respond to you. Thank you for sharing your opinions.
