Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!


Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

No Paul, I didn't mean they are engineering society: I meant they're engineering bankruptcy. Economy is going to face an hard stop in few years, and they know it in advance (end of cheap oil) for the first time. We are well kept in the dark, of course.
If you look at things from this point of view, everything becomes clear: why should they, as example, prepare for huge repression of riots? Why should they prepare prisoners camps, Patriot Acts, or whatever they're doing against US people (and us europeans too, of course, while less apparently)? Because they KNOW there will be riots. They know we are going to face very hard times, and instead of, say, switch to renewables or free ourselves from oil, they are just preparing to respond in arms to keep us quiet. There's no other way to deal with an oil-driven bankruptcy than a dictature, if you are greedy or a corporations slave.
Everything goes in place if you look at what's happening in America, and in the whole world, from this perspective.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

Originally posted by Cornelia@Aug 17 2004, 11:52 PM
No Paul, I didn't mean they are engineering society: I meant they're engineering bankruptcy. Economy is going to face an hard stop in few years, and they know it in advance (end of cheap oil) for the first time. We are well kept in the dark, of course.
If you look at things from this point of view, everything becomes clear: why should they, as example, prepare for huge repression of riots? Why should they prepare prisoners camps, Patriot Acts, or whatever they're doing against US people (and us europeans too, of course, while less apparently)? Because they KNOW there will be riots. They know we are going to face very hard times, and instead of, say, switch to renewables or free ourselves from oil, they are just preparing to respond in arms to keep us quiet. There's no other way to deal with an oil-driven bankruptcy than a dictature, if you are greedy or a corporations slave.
Everything goes in place if you look at what's happening in America, and in the whole world, from this perspective.

I won't stand in the way of you enlightening me, my Empress, and I am afraid that you are completely correct about your view of the future. This is certainly the place for such predictions, and I don't think that they are doing a very good job of keeping you in the dark.

I agree that they don't care whether the population goes bananas and tears the cities apart; they didn't care when it happened in every major American city in the 1960s, and they didn't care when it happened in recent years in L.A. and Seattle. In fact, they would welcome the scenario (remember all of our past discussion about "scenarios?") because, as you say, they could then resort to armed suppression without having to justify it further.

All that I am saying is that they would prefer to do it without the bother of all the shooting. Nowadays, these people want to conquer the world in the office and during committee meetings-- they want to discuss the holocaust over croissants and espresso. If worse comes to worse, and they can't avoid it, then they will head for the cellar and let thugs take over, but first they will make sure that their investments have all been liquidated and the gold deposited on some far island.

Between that moment and this one, we still have the power to make a choice. When in Rome, I will do as you do and say. While in California, I will hold out for the peaceful overthrow of the government.


Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

Of course I always agree with "peaceful overthrown" of govts. But make sure the next govt admits publicly the oil problem, and announces its plan to solve it, or we'll be screwed again.


Senior Member
Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!


Got Vodka?? :D :D

Why is it so important for the US govt to admit that there may be a problem with oil reserves?? Wouldn't it be far better for the Oil producing countries to come forth and declare a "Last Call" ? (That's the noise you hear just before they close a Bar over here)
Better yet, are you placing blame on the US for the oil situation / up and coming shortage?

Does your govt admit to an oil shortage coming soon? If they do admit it, what solutions has your govt. come up with?

Has your govt. blamed the US for this situation?

Please understand, I am not being negative here, I am interested in what you think about this.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

Also, the official position of the U.S. government is that it has very little if anything to say about the price of oil, the supply or production of oil, or the heavy dependence of society on oil. I'm not sure that any obvious control of such a market by the feds would be legal, either, and the conventional belief is that the industry is itself balkanized and heavily competitive. No one seems to be in charge of the price or availability of oil, and Americans believe that it is still a free market.

In order to even open the discussion in this country, it would have to be commonly understood that there is some sort of centralized, secret authority over the primary commodity-- and by extension, over the general conduct of public affairs. Some believe that some of this is true, but none that all of it is.


Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

OMG StarLord, are you paranoid? Paul was speaking about YOUR next election, so I responded properly, that's all. About my govt, it's pure sh*t, but I'm lucky enough to live in a country where I can shout it in the street without being arrested. :angry:

Anyway, if you are REALLY interested in my thoughts without any hiding accuse, to me all govts are equal: they're trying to fool us around while the economy is on the verge of a crash. Unfortunately, when it comes on resources, there are no borders: we're all on the same boat. The oil demand is more than supply, plain and simple, they can't pump more because they're close to the peak. Making a plan on that means exactly what they're not doing: help citizen to get solar systems, force car manifacturers to find another fuel system, spend money on this instead of useless wars... a war on resources, if won (which is not sure at all, as you can see everyday on CNN) can guarantee only few years more.
Of course, if you believe so faithfully in the so-called free market, then let it be: no govt intervention, no New Deal or whatever, no forcing any corp to do anything, and the USA together with the world will go to hell.

PS About Arabs not making any "last call": they're a bunch of greedy princes, do you really think they would shout to the world that their power is over? One second later, they would be invaded from armies wanting to take the fields, or worst, they'll enjoy a fundamentalist revolution and watch their heads rolling.


Senior Member
Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!


The only time I was ever paranoid was when I was young, poor, hungry, in Wyoming and poaching for Deer. A Marlin 30-30 makes an aweful lot of noise in crisp winter weather.

Thank you for your response, as I misplaced my crystal ball, I had to ask you directly. :D

Now, just because we had a disagreement before, does not mean that we cannot see eye to eye on other issues. I am sure that by now you know that I can take a joke as well as give them. We are all here to learn, watch and hope that the fan does not get hit with anything but flys.


Judge Bean

Senior Member
Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

Difficult to watch your own head roll, but, come to think of it, that serves as a kind of metaphor for world politics at the moment.

We are all in the same boat and the boat is sinking. My motto is Women and Children First. However, the U.S. is getting most of the blame for the disaster, and the real culprits are international cartels and corporations who have no allegiance to any single country or system except profit.

There is a tendency to equate the U.S. with these pirates simply because the government here doesn't even pretend anymore to have an independent program. But this goes back and forth, and some years are richer for them than others, and many in the government actually believe they are in the public service.

What is the condition of China, India, and Africa in relation to the terminal oil supply? That is the world, too, maybe most of it. Will that world end when our ship sinks? Some Americans feel that they have the right to demand loyalty and alliance forever from Europeans; they feel that they bought Europe in WWII, and it's thereafter a kind of colony. They are always surprised when there are conflicts. Same with Japan.

But as for the rest of the world, they just might be waiting for their turn on the stage of history, and for all of our noise and filth to pass the way of empires throughout the past. Why do we presume to be so important? Perhaps we have contributed all that we are able to, and humanity will take it and carry on with it without our tedious and violent institutions.

People constantly neglect the lessons of history, and place great significance on their own survival. We forget that many came before and that many more will come after. Each of us thinks that he is precious and that the world cannot do without him. It reminds me of the man who will not leave his wife because he cannot imagine depriving her of himself. Her focus has long since shifted elsewhere, and he is blinded by his ego's gaze.

The past is a different country.


Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

of course pace! Europeans and Americans tend to be a bit paranoid each other lately! :lol:

1st of all you can easily see "other people heads rolling"! I didn't write "their own head" but "their heads"!
LOL!!! I'm trying to teach you english!! :D'oh:

About you philosophical analysys, well, let's face it: we used the oil of the whole mankind like there were no tomorrow. We are rich and healthy and etc only thanks to oil. And no, it was not because we were smarter and used better than others the rules of free market. We used our western power to steal oil from the rest of the world (corrupting arabs, making wars etc.).
You know, a well kept secret: our troops down there in Nassirya Iraq are very close to an AGIP (Italian Oil Company) field, they are there to protect a field big enough to guarantee 10 years of oil flowing to my country. You never, and I mean never, hear this at the evening news. It was never said on media, no newspapers, nothing. My father-in-law works at Agip, everybody there knows our troops are in Nassirya to protect "our" oil.
Do I feel guilty? Yes. Not because I'm "rich" and half of mankind is suffering, but I feel guilty any time I throw a plastic plate in the garbage can. It's a byproduct of the most precious resource humans had in million years, and we waste it like it's nothing. Millions of barely used plastic plates every day, maybe billions. Tons of oil into the trash.
I've been in Africa, Middle East etc, and believe me: they'll be not that affected if oil ends tomorrow. In Egypt they still use donkeys for farming. They have one diesel water pump out of four manual pumps. No medecines (made with oil), no surgery in Africa. No electric lights in the villages.
Will they inherit earth? Think so.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Blindness prevails, ignorance dominates!!!

Originally posted by Cornelia@Aug 19 2004, 11:06 PM
of course pace! Europeans and Americans tend to be a bit paranoid each other lately! :lol:

1st of all you can easily see \"other people heads rolling\"! I didn't write \"their own head\" but \"their heads\"!
LOL!!! I'm trying to teach you english!! :D'oh:

About you philosophical analysys, well, let's face it: we used the oil of the whole mankind like there were no tomorrow. We are rich and healthy and etc only thanks to oil. And no, it was not because we were smarter and used better than others the rules of free market. We used our western power to steal oil from the rest of the world (corrupting arabs, making wars etc.).
You know, a well kept secret: our troops down there in Nassirya Iraq are very close to an AGIP (Italian Oil Company) field, they are there to protect a field big enough to guarantee 10 years of oil flowing to my country. You never, and I mean never, hear this at the evening news. It was never said on media, no newspapers, nothing. My father-in-law works at Agip, everybody there knows our troops are in Nassirya to protect \"our\" oil.
Do I feel guilty? Yes. Not because I'm \"rich\" and half of mankind is suffering, but I feel guilty any time I throw a plastic plate in the garbage can. It's a byproduct of the most precious resource humans had in million years, and we waste it like it's nothing. Millions of barely used plastic plates every day, maybe billions. Tons of oil into the trash.
I've been in Africa, Middle East etc, and believe me: they'll be not that affected if oil ends tomorrow. In Egypt they still use donkeys for farming. They have one diesel water pump out of four manual pumps. No medecines (made with oil), no surgery in Africa. No electric lights in the villages.
Will they inherit earth? Think so.

In North America, Mexico will be the new empire. Mexico City will one day be the biggest city in the world, an expected 50 million (now only 8). They have a lot of oil too, and I think that it's nationalized.

Actually, there is a theory that one can actually witness his own decapitation-- however briefly. Common usage does not require the reflexive pronoun in such a case.
