Can an alien be hot?

brian jj

Do you think that there are universal standards of beauty. would it be possible to see a female alien and know that she is considered to be very attractive to her own species? even though she is completely non human except for bipedalism, two eyes one mouth etc.
I guess it all depends on body shape, and whether that is attractive to your species or not.

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I saw in the mall a seven foot tall alien woman. She looked like the one below and she had a korean guy walk up to her. "Harrooo boootifull wooo man. Ah, yooooo is a marry?" She ignores the guy. Then he grabs her - BIG MISTAKE!

She beat the living daylights out of him and an ambulance rushed him away. The mall cop told me that the korean guy was taken to a hospital and he later died of internal injuries.


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I saw in the mall a seven foot tall alien woman. She looked like the one below and she had a korean guy walk up to her. "Harrooo boootifull wooo man. Ah, yooooo is a marry?" She ignores the guy. Then he grabs her - BIG MISTAKE!

She beat the living daylights out of him and an ambulance rushed him away. The mall cop told me that the korean guy was taken to a hospital and he later died of internal injuries.


That type of alien is 1 not to be trusted, as she proved she considers our lives vastly inferior to hers. Dolphins have proven they are willing to risk their lives to protect humans from sharks and that they are willing throughout recorded history to save humans. In 1 case a dolphin took a ship wreck survivor several miles to land. Would you rather trust a human willing to kill another human over groping them, in other words a murderer who views you as a low grade human, or a Dolphin willing to risk their lives for a human? The choice is yours to make.

I hate to say it but humans throughout history have shown less care for their fellow humans than Dolphins have for humans. There has never been a case of a Dolphin killing a human, but many cases of humans killing humans. We Dolphins/Nommos love humans and want to protect them, but at the same time we want to protect good Humans not not evil 1s. We are the protectors of good species not bad species, and we have come to realise Reptilians are actually a very good species.

Dont make me go into tyranitor the computer system which controlled the Milky Way through implants, and how the Reptilians pissed off at having their freedom taken away, removed their implants and declared war on the emperor controlling them through tyranitor. In Star Wars the Reptilians are the rebels, and the erran empire is what the emperor ruled.

The newly formed Sirius B, C and D alliance and Reptilian alliance consists of Nommos, Carians (bird people) and Dog people along with Reptilians.

If you want to be racist towards us, we will just leave you to be soul harvested; if you want to accept us we will protect you. We outright refuse to risk our Ninjas, Knights and ships to protect a race which discriminates against us, as that is not fair to our soldiers or us. There are 127 solar systems full of life close by you full of non human species. We have got them all to set up a mutual defence agreement. If you dont like us and we decide to leave, we have taken this precaution to make sure you will all be safe!
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The hot alien, like the black widow, would lure the lusting individual into her invisible web, lick her chops, and devour.
Now that would be the worse senerio but do you feel lucky...are you a gambling man?
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Angels that look close to us but also somewhat different are very gorgeous...I think that is the ultimate to get there over time slowly but surely...little by little ....
If you were to marry Zidatkani, a venari.


Probably, your daughter would look like this one. Her skin would be a bit light and hair light, but she could still pass.


If you were to marry a zorani.

OK so you daughter would probably look like this one. A small nose and great big eyes. Looks too alien, sorry.
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I saw in the mall a seven foot tall alien woman. She looked like the one below and she had a korean guy walk up to her. "Harrooo boootifull wooo man. Ah, yooooo is a marry?" She ignores the guy. Then he grabs her - BIG MISTAKE!

She beat the living daylights out of him and an ambulance rushed him away. The mall cop told me that the korean guy was taken to a hospital and he later died of internal injuries.


That type of alien is 1 not to be trusted, as she proved she considers our lives vastly inferior to hers. Dolphins have proven they are willing to risk their lives to protect humans from sharks and that they are willing throughout recorded history to save humans. In 1 case a dolphin took a ship wreck survivor several miles to land. Would you rather trust a human willing to kill another human over groping them, in other words a murderer who views you as a low grade human, or a Dolphin willing to risk their lives for a human? The choice is yours to make.

I hate to say it but humans throughout history have shown less care for their fellow humans than Dolphins have for humans. There has never been a case of a Dolphin killing a human, but many cases of humans killing humans. We Dolphins/Nommos love humans and want to protect them, but at the same time we want to protect good Humans not not evil 1s. We are the protectors of good species not bad species, and we have come to realise Reptilians are actually a very good species.

Dont make me go into tyranitor the computer system which controlled the Milky Way through implants, and how the Reptilians pissed off at having their freedom taken away, removed their implants and declared war on the emperor controlling them through tyranitor. In Star Wars the Reptilians are the rebels, and the erran empire is what the emperor ruled.

The newly formed Sirius B, C and D alliance and Reptilian alliance consists of Nommos, Carians (bird people) and Dog people along with Reptilians.

If you want to be racist towards us, we will just leave you to be soul harvested; if you want to accept us we will protect you. We outright refuse to risk our Ninjas, Knights and ships to protect a race which discriminates against us, as that is not fair to our soldiers or us. There are 127 solar systems full of life close by you full of non human species. We have got them all to set up a mutual defence agreement. If you dont like us and we decide to leave, we have taken this precaution to make sure you will all be safe!
Why have we not dectected any radio signals?What method of communication do these space aliens use?
