Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


The Nordics live through us.

Let's go skiing more often in case we forgot it. Jk.

Hector Martelli fights barbaric hordes>
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Seas are not as quiet as they used to be. May the Seven Stars guide us, Sea Travellers, in the Mission through the Seven Seas.
The Adventures of Bulukiya
Khidr - Wikipedia

Stellar Sovereigns of the Five Planets and Seven Stars
The Stellar Sovereigns of the Five Planets and Seven Stars are seven Taoist deities. The Five Planets are the Year Star (Jupiter), the Sparkling Deluder (Mars), the Grand White Star (Venus), the Chronographic Star (Mercury), and the Quelling Star (Saturn). Together with the sun and moon, they are also called the Seven Stars. Taoism worships the Seven Stars as spirits and calls them Stellar Sovereigns. In early ancient times, people began to worship the sun, moon and stars.
Deities & Immortals --

At the heart of Chinese mythology are four spiritual creatures (Sì Shòu 四獸) -- four celestial emblems -- each guarding a direction on the compass. In China, the four date back to at least the 2nd century BC. Each creature has a corresponding season, color, element, virtue, and other traits. Further, each corresponds to a quadrant in the sky, with each quadrant containing seven seishuku, or star constellations (also called the 28 lunar mansions or lodges; for charts, see this outside site). Each of the four groups of seven is associated with one of the four celestial creatures. There was a fifth direction -- the center, representing China itself -- which carried its own seishuku. In Japan, the symbolism of the four creatures appears to have merged with and been supplanted by the Shitennō (Four Heavenly Kings). The latter four are the Buddhist guardians of the four directions who serve Lord Taishakuten (who represents the center), and are closely associated with China’s Theory of Five Elements. In any case, the four animals are much more prevalent in artwork in China than in Japan, although in Japan one can still find groupings of the four creatures.
Shijin (Shishin) - Four legendary Chinese creatures protecting the four compass directions


Seven Teachings | Southern First Nations Network of Care | Manitoba
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In autumn 1983 a shipping body was set up inside the fifth battalion El Alamein allocated to Siena with the task of patrolling the island of Pantelleria. This contingent was to replace the regiment of the grenadiers of Sardinia who were already operating on the island for some months, which in turn had given the exchange to the 78th btg "wolves of Tuscany" already present since April. These "summer camps" that the Italian army had planned had the function of training camps for all the army disciplines, including paratroopers. The assault riflemen of the 5th btg El Alamein were sent with the support of numerous means of transport provided by the company C.C.S. "sorciverdi" which also included the "corporal".
The logistic responsibility of the vehicles was entrusted to the sergeant Major Orlando who, for a "fortuitous" combination, had a romantic relationship with a girl from Florence, a cousin of the corporal and a natural descendant of the ancient Martelli family.
This girl interceded directly with the sergeant Major Orlando to convince him to also bring his cousin "the corporal" on the island of Pantelleria as a driver of the commander. The two cousins in the biggest secret worked in perfect harmony without giving rise to any suspicion. The girl was convinced she belonged to the great descendants of the Martelli family and claimed that this was recognized by the Italian state who would have had to give her a part of the heredity, if not all of it. For this, the girl was looking for further documents that would certify this hypothesis. While the girl was operating in Florence, the corporal was looking in Siena, they were in perfect synergy so much that both decided to shift their attentions on the island of Pantelleria.
Unfortunately, the discoveries made by the girl in the nights spent secretly inside the Palazzo Martelli, grappling with the enigma of the door with the many locks, which once could have hidden the Cathar bible, will remain forever a mystery as the girl died due to accidental causes bringing all his secrets to the grave. Her remains now rest in the cemetery of the Benedetta Valle as she had asked. Many cry in remembering this woman, endowed with great intelligence and rare beauty. Surely she will have a prominent place among the most precious mirrors of the romitone and among the distant memories of a corporal.
It is not certain to know if some of the girl's discoveries could have reached her cousin before she died.
There is a good chance that the famous bible is still hidden in a safe place not in the Martelli palace, but in a place where water and stone walk together.
But let's change the subject, let's face the question of the type of connection between the Benedetta Valle and unknown energies in the area: extraterrestrial rocks or "artifacts"? or what else? this is a current story ... to be continued...


Thank you LD. Sorry for the girl. I'll have to check if i saw her tomb. Most of the people at the cemetery died old. I don't recall a young girl.

Next time he is showing us a very special motor with flames..
where there is movement there are flames, like in meteorites. Jk

I think that motors are central in this story. I saw a green motorcycle from the italian army parked in Livorno and i wondered if the Captain at some point in his spiritual life loved motorbikes. He looks like the kind of guy, always looking for a more powerful machines...the more movement in vibration the more shakti..
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Vril Society Maria Orsitsch

Maria Orsitsch
(name is also present in diferent ortography: Oršić, Ortisch, Orschitsch, Orsic; born 31. October 1895 in Zagreb, Donji Grad; missing since 1945) Marija Oršić - Vril medium


Maria Orsitsch
Maria Orsitsch
Marija Oršić
Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society. She was born on 31. October 1895 in Zagreb. Her father was a Croatian and her mother was a German from Vienna.

Tomislav Oršić
Maria’s father, was born in a house nearby St. Stephans Cathedral in Zagreb, Croatia, KuK Austro-Hungarian empire. Architect, Tomislav worked in 1890s in an office located in Ban Jelačić Square (Trg bana Jelačića)

Tomislav met Sabine in 1894
During a trip to Vienna, Tomislav met an exceptionally beautiful young ballerina by the name of Sabine. They fell in love, and married short after, and on 31. October 1895 in Zagreb, Sabine Orsic gave birth to a stunning blonde girl she named Maria.
Later Tomislav changed his first name to Thomas.

Maria was more beautiful than any Hollywood star at that time. Maria Orsitsch was first mentioned and pictured in 1967 by Bergier and Pauwels in their book:"Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend: von der Zukunft der phantastischen Vernunft"
Maria soon followed the German national movement which was active after the WWI; the main goal of the movement was to unite Austria with the Germany. In the year 1919 Maria moved to München, to her fiance. In Munich Maria was in contact with the Thule Gesellschaft and soon she created her own circle together with Traute A. from Munich and several other friends: the “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik”, official name of the Vril Gesellschaft. All of them were young ladies, which among other things were against the arising fashion of short hair-styles for women. Both Maria and Traute were beautiful ladies with very long hair; Maria was blond and Traute was brown-haired. They had long horse tails, a very uncommon hairstyle at that time. This became a disctinctive characteristic in all the women who integrated Vril which was maintained till May 1945. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond. In public, however, they hardly ever exhibited the hair in horse tail style. For identification, Vril members (also called Vrilerinnen) wore a disk which represented the two mediums: Marija Oršić and Sigrun.

Vril Society
The Vril Society was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Cen Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word "Vri-Il" ("like god or God-like"). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan's nine daughters in Norse legend.

Tempelritter im Wiener Cafe "Schopenhauer"
Im Jahre 1917 trafen sich im Wiener Cafe >Schopenhauer< vier Personen mit dem dem Prälat Gernot von der Erbengemeinschaft der Tempelritter<, es waren Freiherr Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Karl Haushofer, Lothar Waiz und Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) aus Zagreb. Bei diesem Treffen erhofften sie etwas über die Offenbarungstexte der Templer und dem geheimen Orden >Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein< von den Prälaten zu erfahren.
Während dieser Unterredung eröffnete ihnen Gernot die Offenbarung der Templer: >...vom kommenden Wassermannzeitalter und der Zentralsonne die dieses bewirkt<. Es war die Rede vom kosmischen Jahr, welches 25860 Jahre währt und das der Übergang vom Fisch- ins Wassermannzeitalter eine Umformungsphase von 168 Jahren, den >Drei Schritten Marduks<, benötigt. Während des zweiten Schrittes, d.h., in der Hälfte der 168 Jahre, wurde das Erstauftreffen des >ILU – Stahles< vorhergesagt. Nach den Berechnungen der Templer wurde dieses Ereignis für 1968 vorrausgesagt. Demnach waren auch für den Beginn, 1934, und dem Ende, 1990, wichtige Ereignisse vorhergesehen. Es war in der Vorhersehung das germanische Volk mit der Schaffung eines Lichtreiches verbunden und dieses sollte sich im neuen Zeitalter erfüllen.
>> -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbsphagdise Resources and Information.

Mediatic communication with Eckart's ghost
In late November 1924 she visited Rudolf Hess in his apartment in Munich, together with Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the founder of the Thule Gesellschaft. Sebottendorf wanted to contact Dietrich Eckart, who had deceased one year before. Eckert had translated Ibsen's plays into German and had published the magazine Auf gut Deutsch; he had also been a member of the Thule Gesellschaft. To establish contact with Eckart, Sebottendorff and other Thulists (amongst them Ernst Schulte-Strathauss) joined hands around a black-draped table. Hess found unnerving to watch Maria Orsic's eyeballs rolling back and showing only whites, and to see her slumping backward in her chair, mouth agape. However Sebottendorff smiled in satisfaction as the voice of Eckart started coming out of the medium. Eckart announced that he was obliged to let someone else's voice come through, with an important message. A weird voice then identified itself as the Sumi, dwellers of a distant world, which orbits the star Aldebaran in the constellation you call Taurus the Bull. Hess and Schulte-Strathaus blinked at each other in surprise. According to the voice, the Sumi were an humanoid race who had briefly colonized Earth 500 million years ago. The ruins of ancient Larsa, Shurrupak and Nippur in Iraq had been built by them. Those of them who survived the great flood of Ut-napishtim (the Deluge of Noah's Ark) had become the ancestors of the Aryan race. Sebottendorff remained skeptical and asked for proof. While Maria was still in a trance, she scribbled several lines of queer-looking marks. Those marks turned out to be ancient Summerian characters, the language of the founders of the oldest Babylonian culture.

Channeling a circular flight machine
In December 1919 a small group of persons from Thule, Vril and DHvSS (Men of the black stone) rented a small forester's lodge in the vicinity of Berchtesgaden (Germany) where they met, accompanied by Maria Orsic and another medium who is only known as Sigrune.

The solar system of Aldebaran is 68 light-years from Earth, and two inhabited planets which constitute the Realm of Sumeran orbit around their sun. The inhabitants of this solar system are subdivided into masters, White God-like people (Aryans) and other different human races. These latter developed because of climatic changes on the individual planets, and were the result of a degeneration of the God-like people. These mutants came to have a spiritual development inferior to the God-like people. The more the races mixed together, the more their spiritual development was degraded. Consequently, when the sun (Aldebaran) began to expand, they were no longer able to make interplanetary voyages like their ancestors; it had become impossible for them to leave their planets. Thus the inferior races, totally dependent on the masters, came to be evacuated in spaceships and taken to other habitable planets. In spite of the differences, there was respect between these two races, they did not encroach upon each other's living space (in contrast to Earth).
The race of the masters, the White God-like people, had started to colonize other planets similar to Earth 500 million years ago, following the expansion of the Aldebaran sun and the growing heat resulting from it, which made the planets uninhabitable. It was said that they colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk, or Phaeton by the Russians) in our solar system, which existed at that time between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroids are found today. After that, Mars, of which the great pyramid cities and the well-known Martian face, photographed in 1976 by the Viking probe, bear witness to the high level of development of its inhabitants. From there, in that era, it was assumed that the God-like people of Sumeran Aldebaran came to Earth for the first time. Old traces of a petrified shoe about 500 million years old, with a trilobite petrified together with the sole of that shoe, bear witness to it. That primitive fish lived on Earth then, and disappeared 400 million years ago.
The Vril Society members thought that the Aldebaranians landed later on, when the Earth became slowly habitable, in Mesopotamia, and that they formed the dominant caste of the Sumerians. These Aldebaranians were called White God-people. Moreover, the Vril telepaths received the following information: the Sumerian language was not only identical to that of the Aldebaranians, but it also had tones similar to German, and the frequency of the two languages was almost identical.

Does this correspond with reality?
Let us say simply that the construction drawings and the technical data received by the telepaths - no matter where they came from - were so precise that the most fantastic idea ever conceived by man was born: the building of a machine for flight to the beyond! The concept of an "other science" mentally matured (today one would use the term "alternative forms of energy"). It was three years before the project got under way. In that first phase of an "other technology" or an "other science" Dr W. O. Schumann, a member of the Thule and Vril Societies, gave a lecture at the Faculty of Science in Munich.

Vril documents mention these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. She had two piles of papers: one with the Templar script, the other with a legible writing. Maria suspected the second pile would be written in an ancient eastern language and therefore she could be aided by the Panbabylonists, a circle close to the Thule society which was integrated by Hugo Winckler, Peter Jensen, Friedrich Delitzsch and others. It turned out that the apparently misterious language was actually ancient Summerian and hence the language of the ancient Babylonian culture founders. Sigrun, from the Vril gesellschaft helped translate the language and decipher the strange mental images of a circular flight machine.

Vrilerinnen Ladies
Maria Orsitsch was the head of the 'The All German Society for Metaphysics' (Alldeutsche Gesellschaft fr Metaphysik) founded in the early 20th century as a female circle of mediums who were involved in extraterrestrial telepathic contact. The society was later renamed the 'Vril Society' or 'Society of Vrilerinnen Women'. In 1917 Maria Orsitsch is said to have made contact with extraterrestrials from Aldebaran with her female Vril circle. Later in 1919 the Vril circle met with other groups in a small forester's lodge in the vicinity of Berchtesgaden to discuss a possible voyage to Aldebaran to meet the Aliens by the construction of Nazi ufos. Notes on this space mission are discussed in a recent detailed analysis of Nazi Occultism entitled 'Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity:
'Maria have received via medium transmissions in a secret German Templar script - a language unknown to her - containing technical data for the construction of a flying machine. Vril documents mention these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus'

The flying machine project
The concept of "alternative science" matured in this time and the following years. Because of the financing difficulties it took three years until the flying machine project started taking shape. By 1922, parts for the machine began arriving independently from various industrial sources paid in full by Thule and Vril.

- When Hitler prohibited the secret societies in 1941 they registered the society as a business, named "Antriebstechnische Werkstätten" (Vril propulsion workshops), [ do you notice the accidental similarity with JPL name]

-This is a secret Himmler and Sebottendorff took to the tomb. It is said though that Vril society occasionally for Adam Opel AG and Arado asked them for a special type of propulsion for their planes. Vril is said to have been included in the secret organization Himmler created, "Die Kette".

ISAIS VRIL GESELLSCHAFT Templer Thule Baphomet Ilu Urchristentum
In December 1943 Maria attended, together with Sigrun, a meeting held by Vril at the seaside resort of Kolberg. The main purpose of the meeting was to deal with the "Aldebaran project". The Vril mediums had received precise information regarding the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and they were willing to plan a trip there. This project was discussed again the 22nd January 1944 in a meeting between Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann (professor of the Technical University of Munich) and Kunkel of the Vril Gesellschaft. It was planned to send the VRIL-7 large-capacity craft through a dimension channel independent of the speed of light to Aldebaran. According to N. Ratthofer (writer), a first test flight in the dimension channel took place in late 1944. The test flight almost ended in disaster because after the flight the Vril 7 looked "as if it had been flying for a hundred years". Its outer skin looked aged and had suffered damages in several places.
Maria Orsic disappeared in 1945. The 11th of March of 1945 an internal document of the Vril Gesellschaft was sent to all its members; a letter written by Maria Orsic. The letter ends: "niemand bleibt hier". This was the last announcement from Vril, and since then none heard again from Maria or the rest of members. It is speculated they escaped to Aldebaran.

Leslie Elwood Brooks - December 12, 2009 at 10:16 on Maria Orsic and the Vril Society
Orsic may have had a daughter named something like Schultz or Stilts in Long Island who married Milanese banker Raffa (Chase-Manhattan)and been behind the new CAUSA NOSTRA VRIL in Milan. Maria Orsic was aided in her escape 11 March 1945 by a general Hans-Georg Schmidt von Altenstadt, who was awarded the Iron Cross 8 May 1944, promoted to Major-General on 1 July 19444. He was married to one of Orsic's Vril Maidens, Franziska Oettingen, the niece of one of Orsic's original supporters, Franziska Romana. Franziska Romana had donated a diamond tiara to Orsic before her death 25 March 1931, to help finance her Vril Society, and her niece, Franziska Oettingen, was disowned by the Oettingen family when she became a Vril Maiden 15 September 1931. General von Altenstadt aided Orsic in her escape and none of the three of them was ever caught or tried. (Hitler's Ashes: Buechner, Colonel Howard A., Captain Bernhard joined the German Navy in 1943 and was assigned to the Reich Undersea Boat Service. He served aboard the submarine U-530 from August of 1944 until it surrendered and was scuttled off the coast of Mar del Plata, Argentina on July 10, 1945.: Buechner precisely details the escape routes. The VIP route generally went by U-boat to Norway and then down the Atlantic to South America or wherever. The lower eschalon in the Nazi hierarchy generally took the southern escape route through Italy.

Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society - Vril Gesellschaft.
She was born in Vienna (Austria). Her father was a Croatian from Zagreb, her mother was from Vienna. Maria soon followed the German national movement which was popular at this time; the main goal of the movement was to annex Austria with the German Reich.
In 1917 the occultist Karl Haushofer, Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the WWI ace pilot Lothar Waiz, prelate Gernot of the secret "Societas Templi Marcioni" (The Inheritors of the Knights Templar) and Maria Orsic, a transcendental medium from Zagreb, met in Schopenhauer cafè© in Vienna.
They all had extensively studied the Golden Dawn, its teachings, rituals and especially its knowledge about Asian secret lodges. Sebottendorf and Haushofer were experienced travelers of India and Tibet and much influenced by the teachings and myths of those places. During the First World War, Karl Haushofer had made contacts with one of the most influential secret societies of Asia, the Tibetan Yellow Hats (dGe-lugs-pa). The contacts between Haushofer and the Yellow Hats led in the Twenties to the formation of Tibetan colonies in Germany.
The four young people hoped that during these meeting in Vienna they would learn something about the secret revelatory texts of the Knights Templar and also about the secret fraternity Die Herren vom schwarzen Stein (The Lords of the Black Stone). Prelate Gernot was on of the Inheritors of the Knights Templar, which are the only true Templar society. They are the descendants of the Templars of 1307 who passed on their secrets from father to son until today. Prelate Gernot apparently told them about the advent of a new age the change-over from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

In December 1919 a members of Thule, Vril and DHvSS (Die Herren vom schwarzen Stein - The Lords of the Black Stone) rented a small forester's lodge in the vicinity of Berchtesgaden (Germany) where they met, accompanied by Maria Orsic and another medium who is only known as Sigrun. Maria claimed to have received mediumistically transmissions in a secret German Templar script - a language unknown to her - containing technical data for the construction of a flying machine. Vril documents mention these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus.
She had two piles of papers: one with the Templar script, the other with a legible writing. Maria suspected the second pile would be written in an ancient eastern language and therefore she could be aided by the "Panbabylonists", a circle close to the Thule society which was integrated by Hugo Winckler, Peter Jensen, Friedrich Delitzsch and others. It turned out that the apparently misterious language was actually ancient Summerian and hence the language of the ancient Babylonian culture founders. Sigrun, from the Vril gesellschaft helped translate the language and decipher the strange mental images of a circular flight machine.
The concept of other science (or alternative science or secret science) matured in this time and the following years. Because of the financing difficulties it took three years until the flying machine project started taking shape. By 1922, parts for the machine began arriving independently from various industrial sources paid in full by Thule and Vril.
In Munich Maria was in contact with the Thule Gesellschaft and soon she created her own circle together with Traute A. from Munich and several other friends: the “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik”, official name of the Vril Gesellschaft. All of them were young ladies, which among other things were against the arising fashion of short hair-styles for women. Both Maria and Traute were beautiful ladies with very long hair; Maria was blond and Traute was brown-haired. They had long horse tails, a very uncommon hairstyle at that time. This became a disctinctive characteristic in all the women who integrated Vril which was maintained till May 1945. They believed that their long hair acted as cosmic antennae to receive alien communication from beyond. In public, however, they hardly ever exhibited the hair in horse tail style. For identification, Vril members (also called Vrilerinnen) wore a disk which represented the two mediums: Marija Oršić and Sigrun.
In late November 1924 she visited Rudolf Hess in his apartment in Munich, together with Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the founder of the Thule Gesellschaft. Sebottendorf wanted to contact Dietrich Eckart, who had deceased one year before. Eckert had translated Ibsen's plays into German and had published the magazine Auf gut Deutsch; he had also been a member of the Thule Gesellschaft. To establish contact with Eckart, Sebottendorff and other Thulists (amongst them Ernst Schulte-Strathauss) joined hands around a black-draped table.
Hess was irritated to watch Maria Orsic's eyeballs rolling back and showing only whites, and to see her slumping backward in her chair, mouth agape. However Sebottendorff smiled in satisfaction as the voice of Eckart started coming out of the medium. Eckart announced that he was obliged to let someone else's voice come through, with an important message. A weird voice then identified itself as the Sumi, dwellers of a distant world, which orbits the star Aldebaran in the constellation you call Taurus the Bull. Hess and Schulte-Strathaus blinked at each other in surprise.

According to the voice, the Sumi were an humanoid race who had briefly colonized Earth 500 million years ago. The ruins of ancient Larsa, Shurrupak and Nippur in Iraq had been built by them. Those of them who survived the great flood of Ut-napishtim (the Deluge of Noah's Ark) had become the ancestors of the Aryan race. Sebottendorff remained skeptical and asked for proof. While Maria was still in a trance, she scribbled several lines of queer-looking marks. Those marks turned out to be ancient Summerian characters, the language of the founders of the oldest Babylonian culture.

In December 1943 Maria attended, together with Sigrun, a meeting held by Vril at the seaside resort of Kolberg. The main purpose of the meeting was to deal with the Aldebaran project. The Vril mediums had received precise information regarding the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and they were willing to plan a trip there. This project was discussed again the 22nd January 1944 in a meeting between Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann (scientist and professor in the Technical University of Munich) and Kunkel of the Vril Gesellschaft. It was decided that a Vril 7 Jaeger would be sent through a dimension channel independent of the speed of light to Aldebaran. According to N. Ratthofer (writer), a first test flight in the dimension channel took place in late 1944.
Maria Orsic disappeared in 1945. The 11th of March of 1945 an internal document of the Vril Gesellschaft was sent to all its members; a letter written by Maria Orsic. The letter ends: "niemand bleibt hier". Tis was the last announcement from Vril. It is speculated they departed to Aldebaran.

Leslie Elwood Brooks says:
"Oršić's daughter is probably Yolanda Raffa (her married name). Maria Oršić or Orschitsch. Her father was from Zagreb and her mother was from Vienna. So was the mother of her patron, Franziske Romana Oettingen. There may have been family connections, at least there probably were in Vienna. Franziske Romana, who donated the diamond tiara to help finance the original Vril Society, was born near Munich on September 28, 1884 and died March 25, 1931. Her mother was Berta Eszterhazy from Vienna, who was born September 26, 1857 in Hungary and died November 20, 1937 in Munich. And Berta Eszterhazy's mother had been Polyxena Lobkowitz from Prague, who had been born Polyxena Lobkovice on November 21, 1830 in Austrian teritory, and died February 3, 1913. The family connections may go back that far. Marija Orsic moved to Munich, where Franziske Romana lived, in 1919, the year that Franziske's niece and namesake was born, so there was probably a plan to dedicate her niece to the Vril from the time of her birth."
Maria Orsitsch was first mentioned and pictured in 1967 by Bergier and Pauwels in their book "Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend: von der Zukunft der phantastischen Vernunft".


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