Cat Lovers


So frustrated.

Cersei isn't the issue. She tries to hang out with us humans. Her biting is less. She rubs me, plays with me, and I get an occasional chance for a quick petting. She does not attack the other cats. The other 2 cats, however......

Penny gets bored and decides to do the head on head stand off with Cersie then attacks. I can't always catch it on time. Jackson Galaxy's show says she needs to be played with until she pants to make her too tired to attack. There are problems with this:

1. She loses interest in playing after 5 mins
2. She likes to lay down and play -- lazy play. There is nothing that will make her pant.
3. I do have to clean the house, care for children, etc on my day off of work. I can't play with her ALL day.
4. I do let my cats out but she is lazy out there, too.

So, how do I get a lazy cat to play so hard that she pants? Easier said than done, Jackson.

Sadie --- same with her, really She's a gentle player. She likes little soft mice and the laser light, but again, she won't pant and loses interest after 10 mins. Her attacks may be territorial. Been trying site swapping, but doesn't seem to help.

I think Jackson subscribed to my YouTube channel. I sent submissions to be on the show and they had links to my videos.
But for whatever reason, I guess I'm not qualified for his help or he doesn't think it's bad enough. The problem is, it's bad enough
for ME.

I have 4 holes in my foot from Penny's redirected anger last night. She attacked Cersei and I ran in and she attacked my foot really

The cats eat together FINE. I have photo evidence. See? So, his eating exercises wouldn't help. We don't need to use a gate.


It's the sneak attacks by the two cats on top that is the problem now, NOT Cersei. Why? Because Cersei doesn't hide in her room any more. The funny thing is, I can go 2-3 days with no attacks, then one day it's bloody murder.

No urine issues. Nobody pees outside the box.

I feed twice a day now. This caused Cersei to STOP guarding the garage.

Does anyone have ANY IDEAS on how to get the other 2 to stop? I'm watching Jackson's shows daily and nothing works.

HELP.... I'm afraid my husband will soon be pissed and make me get rid of Cersei.


@PamelaM You have 3 cats. Any suggestions?

Penny is clearly bored. I know that's why she attacks Cersei. She thinks it's playing, but then it turns into a real fight.


Temporal Engineer

I didn't see a laser pointer in your arsenal of toys. I have successfully worn out my cats with a laser pointer. To the point of panting. Although they never did stop the occasional fighting. But I suppose the bright laser dot racing around on the floor might help divert their attention from fighting. All my cats would litterally go wild trying to catch the laser dot. My favorite laser pointer was a green laser pointer. I think I got it off eBay pretty cheap.
