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So, the CERN is about to open soon, here are a few links about it:
AFP: Greatest experiment ever in particle physics nears countdown
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
Beams of hydrogen protons will whizz around at near-light speed in opposite directions until, bent by powerful superconducting magnets, they will smash together in four bus-sized detector chambers, where they will be annihilated at temperatures hotter than the Sun.
Looks like it's the most high-tech stuff of our time. I wonder if they are going to get the results they are seeking. It took like 19 years to build the thing. Pretty interesting stuff.

Some say it has something to do with time travel. Ok, black holes and time travel are pretty close to each other, but I don't understand how the CERN could achieve time travel. Sending particles back in time maybe ?

Wasn't Titor talking about that also ? (I'm not sure on this one. )

CERN looks like the stuff we see in movies.

Re: Cern

so have they done this yet???????
seems I heard they were bout ready to give it a go, and it has some of the geeks shitting themselves for fear of opening a black hole. that will swallow the earth. the site only says this year

Re: Cern

I think they moved the opening to October, not sure. I talked about it with a friend a few days ago, and that what he said.


Re: Cern

kc wildman said:
so have they done this yet???????
seems I heard they were bout ready to give it a go, and it has some of the geeks shitting themselves for fear of opening a black hole. that will swallow the earth. the site only says this year

I can deal with a black hole. I can deal with the earth exploding like a firecracker. What I'm worrried about is it opening up a portal to another dimension. Opens up a gateway to the seventh level of hell. I don't think I'm properly armed for that type of scenario. Especially if they are creatures from hell, one of my most effective weapons, fire, is pretty much useless against them.

I don't pretend to know these guys are doing, but by looking at those pictures, the one thing I know for sure is that they mean serious fucking business. THey built the largest machine in the world to work on some of smallest things known to man. Just blows my mind. Smoke another one....

I really wish more of their technology and theories were explained in laymans terms or at least with a little entertainment thrown in, but not so much it's pure fiction. I can find endless crap on Hutchinson, but entertaining educational articles for someone with little understanding of particle physics (like me) are few and far between.
Re: Cern

I wonder if there's a risk that a portal gets opened to another dimension, like hell. Imagine something happens, like in the game Doom II: Hell on Earth. That was pretty wild.

Didn't they opened a portal during the montauk project ? They said some "shadow" creatures came in when they tried to close it. They were from another dimension.

Re: Cern

you guys realy think they can open a demensional doorway???? I know very little bout this therory of portals/doorways between worlds and have doubts it is real at all
this thing (collider is under ground right?????)and if it go boom will open a big hole huh????? and the others will come through/out of that hole to our world????? like in mortal combat????? or like the bug things in revelation that come out of the ground after a quake with stingers in there tails???????
man this just gets better every minute huh???? nothin like poking a tiger with a stick to see if it is sleeping. so do they have a clue as to how to stop/close the door when/if it opens????? don't tell me I know, just turn off the lite switch rite???????
Re: Cern

kc wildman said:
you guys realy think they can open a demensional doorway????
this thing (collider is under ground right?????)and if it go boom will open a big hole huh????? and the others will come through/out of that hole to our world????? like in mortal combat????? or like the bug things in revelation that come out of the ground after a quake with stingers in there tails???????

It seems lately alot of particle physicists are seriously considering the possibilities of other dimensions. I watched a video not to along ago where they have another particle accelerator. At this one the guy conducting the experiments was looking for the particles responsible for gravity they're calling gravitons, which are undetectable. THey did this supposedly by smahing the particles together then taking measurements of the mass afterwards. Or maybe it was the collision that was supposed to create gravitons. I don't understand the tests or the results exactly, but the physicist thinks that the gravitons are "escaping to another dimension" is the way he put it. The way I understand it is that gravitons might be moving faster than the speed of light, which means they could exist in another dimension of time.

I could be way off base here, hopefully Harte will get a chance to look in and see if i am on the physics part.
Re: Cern

call me dumb if ya want
but aint this crap like trying to build a atomic bomb in the garage behind the house.
whats is the hope of this test??????
I thought it was to make dark matter/anti-matter
Re: Cern

kc wildman said:
call me dumb if ya want
but aint this crap like trying to build a atomic bomb in the garage behind the house.
whats is the hope of this test??????
I thought it was to make dark matter/anti-matter

Would be the nicest garage ever lol. i don't want to be anywhere near it when they turn it on.

The way I understand dark-matter and anti-matter are seperate types of matter. THe way i seperate the two, is dark-matter could exist in another dimension, it is what they are saying is responsible for the unexplained gravity in the universe. I guess that gravity is more equal than it should be. THere's unexplained gravity pushing and pulling bodies that can't be explained by planets or stars themselves. THis theory might also work on universe and galaxy level, but like i said I barely understand it. Dark matter is undetectable.

Anti-matter is the complete opposite of matter. Like we have electrons, and anti- electrons. I think we are already creating anti-matter in some particle accelerators.

I thought they were going to use the new one at Cern to test a small "big bang" theory. THey are trying to figure out how mass is created. I thought that was the big push. But I;ve heard about them doing tests on just about everything else there particle related too. I bet alot of the equipment has to do with montiro alot of different things at once, where maybe some other particle accelerators were limite din what they could test for.

Lots of shots in the dark there...
