Changing past by hdr


Senior Member
The problem with trying to improve the past is the same as a five year old boy trying to improve the Mona Lisa by painting over it. Actually, the more he paints, the worse the results are.

Also, the universe "knows" what events are suppose to occur. Therefore, these events will try to flip back to what it was previous. It is like a computer program. It tries to correct internal errors. Still, you can force the event you want to occur. Sadly, there are often disastrous consequences.

For example, there was suppose to have been a limited nuclear war in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. Millions of people were suppose to die, but that event did not occur. Frankly, for the delay, we pay a heavy price. When the nuclear war does eventually occur... in a few years... billions die and our world takes a lot longer to recover.
