.Children Thought To Be Using Witchcraft Blamed For Covid Deaths


Senior Member
Vulnerable children may be suffering horrific abuse behind closed doors after being blamed for coronavirus by believers in witchcraft and demonic possession..
Youngsters who "stand out" as being different are accused of being "malevolent forces" responsible for the health and economic adversities caused by the pandemic, experts have revealed..

In the UK there has been a disturbing rise in abuse of children associated with witchcraft over recent years, with figures showing there were 2,080 children in need between 2019 and 2020 where abuse linked to faith and or belief was identified as a factor...This is almost 7% higher than the previous year when there were 1,950 cases where it was identified as a factor and hundreds more than the 1,460 cases reported in 2,016, those figures are only the "tip of the Iceberg"..

Experts fear the real consequences of the abuse suffered by children accused of coronavirus witchcraft will only come to light after the pandemic is over, as many will be trapped in their homes with their abusers, unable to seek help...Gary Foxcroft, executive director of the "Witchcraft and human rights network" said, it is difficult for everyone to comprehend how vast the impact of coronavirus has had on some peoples lives..


Senior Member
Probably not new in any part of the world before covid.

I completely agree with you my old friend...And as you brought up the topic, perhaps you could start the very first thread on Paranormalis regarding the horrific treatment of children worldwide in the 21st century, accused of being demonically possessed through witchcraft..

steven chiverton

Senior Member
children accused of witch craft how stupid id that children would be to young to lern it and the old days people were murderd when acused of witch craft they even hanged females from a chair hoisted under a tree and dropped them into the water and if they drowned they wasent witches, the methods of torture was so creul and the smallest things people did to get accused of witch craft in them days is so barbaric they was sick and demented,


Senior Member
children accused of witch craft how stupid id that children would be to young to lern it and the old days people were murderd when acused of witch craft they even hanged females from a chair hoisted under a tree and dropped them into the water and if they drowned they wasent witches, the methods of torture was so creul and the smallest things people did to get accused of witch craft in them days is so barbaric they was sick and demented,

Its not the children that have been accused of witchcraft, its their parents belief that they have been used by a witch or warlock as the recipients of a spell being cast upon them...Its similar to the movie the Exorcist, where a little girl is taken over by an evil entity through no fault of her own..
