Debate Civil War or Revolution?


People are not educated enough to understand why we need a revolution and so what we have is more of the same- a cultural war that is escalating towards a civil war that I think will go on the rest of my life. I don't think it will be short lived as you say. Everyone in the "know" has known since the late 90s that the masses/sheeple want to be comfortable; they have only recently begun to explore that something is wrong. They are only just now in the year 2012 aware of being the 99% etc. What's left of the middle class are sheeple as well and those people with their advanced degrees and middle income jobs just want to be happy, and who can argue with them. The bill of rights guarantees that. As far as I can tell, neither a revolution or any kind of effective civil war that actually changes anything is going to happen but we are moving steadily towards a NWO police state in which we will live comfortably and carefully the rest of our lives without having the real freedom and privacy we signed on for before taking birth. Or maybe the truth is some of us are accustomed to chaotic conditions, and were prepared the minute we got here. :) We are the only ones who really want change or who understand why it's necessary and unfortunately, they're gonna take all the possibility of that away, and I really ought not to say much more about it except that I only truly care about my home state due to having land there and being a reincarnated native (of this and other lands)and you all can guess which one that is.


New Member
I have seen a civil war in the United States for the period 2016-2022. I believe it will be caused by either a fraudulent presidential election or the belief that the United Nations will have usurped American constitutional rights (such as the right to bear arms, or perhaps the impending tax on the internet, or something like that).

The thing that will make this war a credible war is that branches/divisions of the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marines and US Coast Guard will break off with the federal government and take over their own military bases to fight with the resistance. In this instance, it would be US military vs. US military, with citizens fighting "guerilla" tactics for both sides.

The divisions will be similar to the divisions of the original civil war with the addition of the northern rockies and Alaska fighting on behalf of the resistance.

When I was first shown this, I didn't believe it. Or I believed that any resistance would be futile. (No "Borg" pun intended.) However, I started to "see" how this would happen. Let's take Texas. I think the first break will come in San Antonio, Texas. There are several bases in San Antonio, and if the officers in charge of the San Antonio bases go "rogue" then others will follow, especially in Alabama, Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas. If San Antonio goes, then all of the other bases in Texas will follow, including the strategic bombers located near Abilene - this will give the resistance the nuclear power it needs. Since the resistance will have nuclear weapons, the war will be protracted. It won't be a slam dunk for the federal government. In fact, from what I've "seen", there is every chance that the resistance will use nuclear weapons on either San Diego, San Francisco or Seattle in an effort to destroy or at least diminish the US Navy. There will be at least a few nuclear exchanges. There may be foreign soldiers (i.e., Chinese or Russian).

From what I can tell, the resistance will be successful. By this I mean that by 2025, the United States will no longer look like it looks now. There will be several nations where the United States used to be. In fact, it's funny, but the map will look similar to the map recently shown on "Revolution", the television show. There will be a Republic of Texas, a Republic of Georgia, and several other "republics."

I get the feeling that this civil war will be fought by citizens who truly believe that the federal government is no longer "theirs" and that the war must be fought to preserve independence.


Senior Member
I have seen a civil war in the United States for the period 2016-2022...

When I was first shown this, I didn't believe it. Or I believed that any resistance would be futile....

From what I can tell, the resistance will be successful....

When you say "I have seen" and "I was shown" what means did you see and were shown?
Did you see it psychically, or have a dream, or by Remote Viewing, or with an HDR Machine, etc...?
How did you see these things?

Please tell us. Thanks.


New Member
I have psychic abilities that I don't understand and can't control. Since I was young, I would get these very strong feelings "out of the blue" of events that would turn out to come true. It's not something I can control.

What I guess I have is what you would call very strong premonitions, and when I have certain premonitions, I can "see" in my mind exactly how it will unfold. It flashes inside my mind, playing like a movie.

It's not something that's pleasant. About six years ago I shared my premonitions with others, but it really gets to be very depressing and all-consuming. So I quit about 4 years ago and just kept to myself. I was wandering around the internet and found this site -- and the civil war topic just jumped out at me. I had no idea other people were seeing -- or feeling -- the same thing.

Most of my premonitions have to do with death, with people dying -- and I suppose "seeing" a civil war is kind of like the death of a nation. I just felt compelled to share today.

I'm not a professional psychic or anything, so I have no credibility. I really hope what I've seen won't come true.


Senior Member
I have psychic abilities that I don't understand and can't control. Since I was young, I would get these very strong feelings "out of the blue" of events that would turn out to come true. It's not something I can control.

What I guess I have is what you would call very strong premonitions, and when I have certain premonitions, I can "see" in my mind exactly how it will unfold. It flashes inside my mind, playing like a movie.

It's not something that's pleasant. About six years ago I shared my premonitions with others, but it really gets to be very depressing and all-consuming. So I quit about 4 years ago and just kept to myself. I was wandering around the internet and found this site -- and the civil war topic just jumped out at me. I had no idea other people were seeing -- or feeling -- the same thing.

Most of my premonitions have to do with death, with people dying -- and I suppose "seeing" a civil war is kind of like the death of a nation. I just felt compelled to share today.

I'm not a professional psychic or anything, so I have no credibility. I really hope what I've seen won't come true.

I forgot to say, Welcome! Thanks for the reply. I know exactly what you mean on all counts. I've had that same ability all of my life. I also have many precognitive dreams. Only time tells me if and when they come true.

I've had many dreams about the future of the USA. Some have happened, other major events that I dreamed about are too many to list, but I see them as possibilities on the near horizon.

Thanks for sharing your information. We have a "Predictions" topic on the Forum and I would love to see you posting in there too, and/or making a thread of your own to post your predictions on. It would be a great exchange of precognitive information. Thanks again.

P.S. Oh I just wanted to add that I wasn't inferring you shouldn't post here. Yes, please post more! I would also like to hear much more about your predictions on other subjects of interest too and discuss them as well. That's why I invited you to the Predictions section of the Forum too. :)


We create the present and future; the world is ours due to being God in embodiment. It is up to us to decide whether we will have a war or revolution or whatever, not up to a predestined prediction.

That people can't or won't take responsibility spiritually is the issue.


Senior Member
None of yall seem to recognise the plain truth.

The US may not of officially announced on TV that the US civil war has begun, however it has begun regardless.

Every US citizen is a potential terrorist according to the US government meaning we are all potential enemy combantents .

Gitmo and other concentration camps are in full operation.

The US military is killing US citizens without charge or trial. As do the US police.

We have crossed the rubicon. Not everyone wants to admit it.... hell who in their right mind wants to admit it?!? But life is what it is and if DHS gets the wrong house and kills you... opps but not their fault.... and if the state department has a peace activist killed in yemen few in the US seem concerned because the state said he was a terrorist. To say nothing of the new YOUTH CORP or FEMA CORP.....

History has seen this before... both in germany and the US... in the US they called it hitlers youth. in the US we called it The Civilian Conservation Corps...

The fema corp seems like a horrific amalgmation of both.

The reasons for them might seem good... just like the CCC... but one has got to remember as ww2 heated up it was the men of the CCC that went into the military first... as officers, to train all the other newbs. BUt they went abraod to do their killing....

Today Obama speaks of nation building here at home and judging on how awful the US has done in other nations I DAMN SURE DO NOT want nation building here at home.... Fuck no!

But it is coming. The DHS is armed , loaded , staffed , and ready to fight a war... Regardless if the people want it or not, the government is prepared and willing to bring it to their potental terrorist citizens.


This war will be fought differntly. Yall understand that right? Blood has already been spilt in buckets.... the peoples blood. But not as much as the state can spill....the state has nuclear weapons and everything under that. The people have but one life to give. We can not stand against such overwhelming military power nor can we roll over into our grave peacfully so we will have to figure out how to fight differently.


The Bearded One
I'm not running... It'll spill out to the point there will be no denying it anymore. But until then I'll be relaxing.
