Comedy Clips


Senior Member
That would be too much pressure for pretty much anyone, with the belt moving so fast. Yeah, and I know chocolate is very delicious.
Yes of my first jobs I had was working at a meat packing plant. One day I worked on a conveyor belt, like the vid, turning slabs of bacon a certain way to run thru a saw. Before you know it I was hypnotized, from the movement, and heard my name called out, which wasn't. When they stopped the belt it appeared to be going backwards...weird.

Night Vision

Senior Member
That would be too much pressure for pretty much anyone, with the belt moving so fast. Yeah, and I know chocolate is very delicious.
:D Well Classicalfan626 if the belt is moving really fast then all one really has to do is get on it like a treadmill and eat all the chocolate you want as you work it off ::LOL::
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