Conspiracy theories to hide the real conspiracies


Senior Member
It seems to me that many conspiracy theories are created by lobbyists in order to cover up the real conspiracy. Most often, a lobbyist start calling researchers idiots or frauds with political motivations out to get them, so that anyone agreeing without understanding the science will fear being mocked.

Some examples are sponsored articles hosted on websites owned and controlled indirectly by a large company to lie about their product under safe harbour freedoms meant to protect the host of third party expressions. This becomes absurd when the company who makes the product writes fake news stories about it and host it on their own platform, essentially admitting that they are lying about their product. Long lists of scientific facts are then claimed to be false without any shread of evidence or logic to justify their view.

I once commented on one of those articles, written by the CEO of a credit card company "debunking the myths" about their product. These so called myths are prooven in front of live audience by independently funded security researchers with no financial motivation to lie. As an example, he claimed that NFC cards were impossible to skim remotely, because the card reader is not allowed to increase the voltage or use a bigger antenna, as if a thief would care about following the rules. :ROFLMAO: Security researchers (funded independently by the Swedish government) then walked around with such an amplified antenna card reader in backpacks and made full copies of nearby payment cards with pin codes and everything. If the signal uses a low energy to transmit, signal diffusion from high frequency is not the limiting factor.

Despite commenting anonymously while debunking his debunking, the site tracked my identity through the browser and the corrupt CEO then began stalking me online. Will use a Tor browser next time I comment on fake news.

Sometimes beginner researchers and regular students posting research papers bend the truth to boost their careers or just make mistakes, but these papers do not get independent verification from other researchers to build a wide consensus and will not be referenced as the state of art in other papers. You just need to learn source critique like when reading any other source of information. Who funded the research is also important to check, because shell companies can be used to look more independent than it really is, while being funded by the company making harmful products. If you never heard of the sponsor, it's probably a shell company.

One don't have to buy fancy card blockers, but many layers of your trusted tinfoil in the wallet will do the trick.
There are definitely too much conspiracies.

Technically you do not need to know who the controlers in the background are, because we decide as humanity. IF the world and his people decide that the big companies and coorparations should be owned by the people of the world and every country should have their fair share, than be it.

In this case the companies are forced to make the industry more diverse and beneficial to the people, so that every country is wealthy and the countries cannot be pit against each other.

But I heard the same that the Rockefeller or Rothschild (who are usually the one that are called out the most and said that they have the most wealth and possession) were smaller fishes although they are part of the Illuminati and there are forces behind it that are above them. But I think that does not really matter, because you can just dispossess the shareholders of the big companies and give their rule to the people.

I think that is also in the interest of the rulers of each of every country because a lot of them are annoyed by those powerful cooperations.

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Google promoted the flat earth theory once apparently.
The flat earthers actually took it to mean "The elite now have no choice that's why
they have to admit the Earth is flat now" instead of "Hmm, maybe they actually want us to think this"

Or maybe the really outlandish wild stuff really is true but they push it to the top of the list
to make anyone who questions anything just SOUND weird.
You don't need people just talking about stuff what we need
is the iron clad proof of all the weirdness.
We've got some of that but we need more.

I'm not totally sure we really went to the moon I think we probly did
but a lot of it looks fake.
