Copper pyramid w TTravel


Active Member
Many TT builders try 2 connect pyramid w TT personal experience proved this concept is fruitful. My question to U guys is pyramid should face it compass north or geographic north? New York for example has geographic north 10 deg west from mag north ? So which north pyramid should face ?


Senior Member
Many TT builders try 2 connect pyramid w TT personal experience proved this concept is fruitful. My question to U guys is pyramid should face it compass north or geographic north? New York for example has geographic north 10 deg west from mag north ? So which north pyramid should face ?

Hopefully this video clip will give you the information :)..



Active Member
Thank TF but still ddnt find answer if pyramid used in TT and psionic machines should point true or mag North ?


Senior Member
Thank TF but still ddnt find answer if pyramid used in TT and psionic machines should point true or mag North ?

Just make certain that you try both true and magnetic north first, but you will need to know what the "declination" degree is for New York, as was stated in the video clip...Check out the video clip again, It shows you on the video how to locate the declination degree by using a compass with, in your situation, a map of New York...
Good luck my friend, and please keep us all informed as to how you are getting along :)..


Junior Member
If I recall correctly the Giza pyramids face true north.


what that means or how it relates to Cu pyramids (which would exhibit diamagnetic properties) and their relationship with TT devices is murky to me.

I would follow TimeFlippers' advice and try both.

Would also be dependent on what type of energy (magnetic, telluric, odic, ect..) the pyramid and TT device are thought to be amplifying, regulating, condensing, channelling, whichever action is suspected or observed.

Are the vortices I read in connection with some of these devices known magnetic vortices?

or points where leylines intersect?

or areas with strange geological attributes ie. telluric pools?

I've read contradictory information regarding these Vortex points.

Hard to know who to trust research wise. Sketchy info has kept me from investing precious time into fabricating a TT device myself. I have lots of HV parts and radio/tv repair experience. No where near qualified or experienced as some but I know my way around xformers and have built some fun HV caps. Saltwater and rolled. Lot of missing or contradicting info regarding most TT devices, some could get people injured or killed.

Recently I've been leaning toward the psychotronic/radionic designs. Should be far less risk of electrical shock though I wouldn't rule hat out altogether considering the energies being manipulated with such devices.


Active Member
A book series called Who are we. Writer collected evidence that psionic machines are in fact amplifiers of human will. That most people who successfully utilized these machines ended up leaving them because the user reached a level to utilize his brain power without the help of psionic units. Yet he admits that these machines have a fast and hard to explain effect to put normal humans into the state of cosmic power to make things happen beyond place and time. Pyramid effect can enhance these experiment s bcoz it offers an artificial vortex that is necessary for any TT machine to take off.


Active Member
@Lumbergooz , are you able to supply more info re that book series? Who the author is? I'm interested but the title is so generic as to make it difficult to search effectively.
I will post the link u can download the books for free. However it's in some middle eastern language u will need a neighbor to translate 4 u...i asked one of our neighbors to read n translate and it was worthy..its worth the effort because writer supports his arguments with credible references like Wilhelm Reich and father Arnetti.


Junior Member
I just purchased a large capstone with crystals embedded inside the capstone and also a 5.5 Rodin Coil epoxy inside the capstone, fortunately for me I was able to procure the ARC 1 Series for $900.00 but one can by the same thing at ipyramid for $2800.00 you see
I got a great deal. With that savings I was able to purchase the companies polished pole kit for $555.00. The reason I purchased this high tech pyramid was to experiment with the Rodin Coil within a pyramid structure. ipyramids is beyond expensive, they target Health Spa's mainly, the high end ones. for their higher end, $33000.00 pyramids that use (6) Rodin Coils. So my first Rodin Coil pyramid cost me $1500.00 and I have to purchase 12 channel amplification to run up to (5) Rodin Coils. These coils from what I was told by a few, who currently own them say they are very powerful! Some stated, when they plug them into an amplifier and run Rife Frequencies or brainwave frequencies it was so powerful that after one hour session some felt like they were on psychoactive substances but it passed after a few hours. Now they had my attention, the person I paid for the capstone lives in the same city I am.

That made that easy shopping! He told me did you ever use one of these? I told him, no. He told me to run it for one hour on 100% duty cycle and all night you should run it on 50% duty cycle so you don't burn out the coils. I asked him so how did it work for you? He said, do you do OBE's? I told him sporadically not when I want to. He told me, when he goes under the coil in the pyramid and runs it within 15-20 minutes he would rise out of his body but he couldn't break free from the pyramid for some reason. He lucid dreams using this coil as well and I asked him why do you want to give it up. He said, I have other things I want to invest in so I had to give up what I could afford to lose and to keep the rest of my stuff.

All this took place at our residence, my wife, myself and the "seller", he also wants to hook it up for us to make sure we get it right. Not too many out there these days. I read about alot of owners of the coil claim their old wounds would be healed by placing the coil directly over the injured area. One had breast cancer and she ran a single coil for 32 days and she was cancer free. But this is not the reason I decided to get into this 1970's nostalgia. One guy who purchased a Rodin Coil he connected it to his amplifier 200 Watts and hooked his amplifier to his frequency generator and set the Schulman frequencie, he could feel a very strong pulsing in the air and he went behind his house and he could still fill this pulsing of energies.

I mention this because if you can't afford a pyramid, Esty allows people to sell Rodin Coils for as low as $250.00 and the 5.6 inch coil would be $500.00! I could of done it this way but I love dealing with the pyramids. I have to purchase (4) each Rodin Coils extra to place on each corner of the pyramid and all those will hook up to the 12 channel amplifier. What to expect, I will soon let you know!


Junior Member
A book series called Who are we. Writer collected evidence that psionic machines are in fact amplifiers of human will. That most people who successfully utilized these machines ended up leaving them because the user reached a level to utilize his brain power without the help of psionic units. Yet he admits that these machines have a fast and hard to explain effect to put normal humans into the state of cosmic power to make things happen beyond place and time. Pyramid effect can enhance these experiment s bcoz it offers an artificial vortex that is necessary for any TT machine to take off.

Do you have a link to the particular book series you have described? Author? It got me really curious! Very interesting thing I would like to read.
