Count St. Germain??


Senior Member
there's different views on him. He was a guy who could "live forever" supposedly and
he was a charmer who wandered around France and other places. He claimed to be
the reincarnation of Sir Francis Bacon, Merlin, and even Jesus.

I used to know a website that had beautiful classical music that was claimed to be
able to heal those of disease if they listened to it. It was supposedly written
by St. Germain

St. Germain sits on a galactic council currently (supposedly)

Some theories say he's actually a vampire who happens to have a benevolant side,
that he drinks blood to live forever, others suggest he may be the Antichrist.


Senior Member
What may be different or these days may be the same are old books and internet websites about who etc, i suppose you can choose either.

Its like saying do you believe the bible ? or a religious website!

alpha centauri

Active Member
I want to know maximum that i can about count St. Germain
Jan Udo Holey talked about him a lot. If I remember correctly, he promised to make Germany the ruling nation of the world (with his wisdom especially in chemistry) than they declined the offer (I dont know exactly what his requirements were) and he has gone to England and helped a dude to invent the steam locomotive or so. But he only spoke with Aristocrats ( the kings and high society of that time). That makes me a little bit suspicious.

there's different views on him. He was a guy who could "live forever" supposedly and
he was a charmer who wandered around France and other places. He claimed to be
the reincarnation of Sir Francis Bacon, Merlin, and even Jesus.
Count St. Germain - Alchemist - Crystalinks
I used to know a website that had beautiful classical music that was claimed to be
able to heal those of disease if they listened to it. It was supposedly written
by St. Germain

St. Germain sits on a galactic council currently (supposedly)

Some theories say he's actually a vampire who happens to have a benevolant side,
that he drinks blood to live forever, others suggest he may be the Antichrist.
Some say Thoth is Lucifer and he has a couple of incarnations, where he manipulated the planet in East and West (I dont know if this is true) some religions seem to be manipulated. They say that Lucifer manipulates the good and the bad side because he wants absolute control but the Angels (the Elohim of the bible) found out that they were manipulated so he has no control over them anymore. But that is all hearsay.

The secretary of Franz Bardon (the magician) also claims that he was Saint Germain in one of his incarnations.
