Covid 21 and the Fall predictions

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i wouldn't believe to much in these predictions as ive just lernt that lots of these even visions dreams messages you may receive in your mind are artificially induced to make you believe it , its part of the mind control thing , and a mixture of some truth mixed in with lies, if you raise your frenquency you can block these artificial intelligence created visions etc out and when you stop getting these misinformation stuff youll know its because your frenquency has risen enough to stop it and block it out to stop it


Active Member
i wouldn't believe to much in these predictions as ive just lernt that lots of these even visions dreams messages you may receive in your mind are artificially induced to make you believe it , its part of the mind control thing , and a mixture of some truth mixed in with lies, if you raise your frenquency you can block these artificial intelligence created visions etc out and when you stop getting these misinformation stuff youll know its because your frenquency has risen enough to stop it and block it out to stop it

There is Biblical evidence to suggest that my visions might actually be legitimate. I am not sure where you got your Intel from though I doubt that it is true in all cases.

ACTS 2: 17 -21

17“ ‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
19I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

I've had a fairly long time to learn how to use and read my visions. (Almost 20 years, and I'm 24 atm). My first visions occured as a child and I still occasionally have them. I don't doubt that there is a way to induce false visions in people, for instance through television and fear porn. Heck, I've noticed TV stations speaking in a panicked tone about anything Covid related. I rarely watch the news, though I imagine that'd have the average person terrified and rushing to get jabbed out of induced fear.


Active Member
Any thoughts on this?? When have we forgotten to agree to disagree and be content?

Especially in today's era where much of society appears to be fighting amongst one another while the " elite class " steadily gain forward momentum.

the best thing we can do is discuss amongst one another and share ideas. If someone does not agree, well at least we have given someone some ideas to think on. If it so happens to be that down the road in their lives somebody else ( or an event that takes place) comes around to water the seed of which you planted within their mind then so be it.

we can grow from there.

The prediction above seems to be pretty sensible. I do see the trajectory of the situation leading down a path where many of the bullet points may come to be.

I cannot not get into all that I believe will happen. I'm not a very great writer and keeping a train of thought is harder for me but one thing that I am pretty sure could happen is

Some sort of large scale false flag (like that in Nz before this situation began) takeing place which prompts the government to swing the hammer.

The brainless masses back the government in confiscation or other authoritarian/tyrannical orders put forward and even the force they use against the people to obtain their goal. Gun owners will be dehumanized like the un-vaxxed have been in the eyes of the vaxxed.

Military assets either from home or abroad like the UN will have already been in place due to surging violence from Left Vs Right, The Un-Vaxxed vs The Vaxxed groups spirals out of control.

Confiscation in some sense begins. Whether it be registration ( which leads to confiscation/genocide) or outright confiscation by means of coming in the middle of the night while people sleep or outright in the open for all to see.

Many hand them right over out of pure intimidation. Many people do not just hand them over.. Eventually it all breaks lose

Something like that I'd presume. Maybe not quickly as it may take a while or maybe a few years but it's easy to see something along these like being a very probable outcome.

It's like those of us who predicted during the start of Convid-1984 plague that mask enforcement would be a method of control and a means to condition and prepare people for mandatory injections, it's just very plain to see.

I'm not sure on how I feel about the video. In some regards I can see the logic in the video, however historically there is evidence to suggest viruses existed in the past before humanity knew what they were. The Spanish Flu is a good example of a historical viral infection. That said, I do think that Covid itself was intended as a bioweapon, though realistically I'm not certain that it was finished as it's possible that they knew they didn't need to risk injury to themselves. HIV on the other hand, it was said even back during it's initial run that it was manmade to try to kill off gay people. Ironically humanity still doesn't understand a lot about biology, but somehow uses that knowledge to make weapons. Figures lol.

In Australia we've been protesting for about a month or two against the tyranny. Police have started using rubber bullets, pepper spray. Here's some links to a few scenese involving a 70 year old woman getting pepper sprayed during a protest.

There is some talk about whats going to happen in regards to firearm ownership. I'd say it's almost certain that unvaxxed individuals won't be allowed into ranges and thus Police will disarm them that way, as you are legally required to shoot a certain number of times a year. The government is doing everything legally to some degree. They don't have total power yet, so they either change the law or simply make you believe its legal.

Despite the discontent against the lockdowns, it's actually a pretty touchy subject here in Aus. Many refuse to direct their anger out on the correct parties and take it out on others that don't deserve it. Mention it anywhere at you have a flock of people screaming at you. At my local Coles, there was a fight because someone dared to be unmasked and many staff at one of my jobs are masked and refuse to believe the government is at fault here. I suppose in a way you can understand that mindset, though having one's head in the sand seldomly ever ends well.

What's happening now I suppose is the tail end of a long game. It's hard to say whether they'll get impatient and make mistakes, which in all likelihood it is probable that they will. History tells that while evil may be powerful, it is almost always stupid. Hitler for instance almost conquered the UK, he got impatient and the UK was albe to retake Europe because of that mistake. Heck, even in China they were fully socialist but by starving their farmers they were led to recreate capitalism to the point of being more capitalist than the west.

I'd say that we're more or less offically in the "The Fall" stage of my predictions now.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i was getting some awesome clear visions myself but since listening to there brainwave sync videos on YouTube i dont get visions anymore and ive lernt that it had something to do with my frequency if its low youll get these visions if its high its blocked and that the visions were low frenquency and artificial induced like a mind control as for the biblical stuff we are all brought up on lies and misinformation and its even deep in the bible with that biblical rubbish' to, the bible and all its contents are only there to keep us in peace with each other so i wouldn't trust a bible at all and as for the creator there is no god not even solid proof as we all come from the stars in our distant past lives and we dident evolve on our own planet we were genetically created along with other life forms all over the galaxy and even prof of that was even found on mars etc i dont read that deception stuff in the bible as its just what they want u to believe and that the best information you can find dosent come from earth and if you believe in the trouble with the lies and disinformation from the governments over the years then try hearing the real truth about it all from an outside source ill put a link for you to watch it and it seems to match other things ive found out through reserch , if it dosent resonate with you it will do in time when you put the peaces together then you will realise how much acurate it is compared to the bible and even so called fake phrophest and seers

steven chiverton

Senior Member
heres a link and they've both had alien abduction experiences when young and still maintain contact through there humanoid looking alien rescuers so what they learn they pass onto us through there videos and even dr michal salla keeps in contact about what's going and and how the governments of the world are involved in things with an alien federation off world and more i shaping our world and more relating to our drip-fed system of courted belief's if you believe in the bible why dose the vatican own and run an infrared telescope aray in the united states named after the devil its called the lucifer telescope


Active Member
i was getting some awesome clear visions myself but since listening to there brainwave sync videos on YouTube i dont get visions anymore and ive lernt that it had something to do with my frequency if its low youll get these visions if its high its blocked and that the visions were low frenquency and artificial induced like a mind control as for the biblical stuff we are all brought up on lies and misinformation and its even deep in the bible with that biblical rubbish' to, the bible and all its contents are only there to keep us in peace with each other so i wouldn't trust a bible at all and as for the creator there is no god not even solid proof as we all come from the stars in our distant past lives and we dident evolve on our own planet we were genetically created along with other life forms all over the galaxy and even prof of that was even found on mars etc i dont read that deception stuff in the bible as its just what they want u to believe and that the best information you can find dosent come from earth and if you believe in the trouble with the lies and disinformation from the governments over the years then try hearing the real truth about it all from an outside source ill put a link for you to watch it and it seems to match other things ive found out through reserch , if it dosent resonate with you it will do in time when you put the peaces together then you will realise how much acurate it is compared to the bible and even so called fake phrophest and seers

I don't mean to sound rude but do you have any evidence to back your claims up?

I believe I explained this in earlier posts, but many ancient religions talk about the same events from different perspectives and different imagery. The fact that they're so similar but from completely seperate parts of the world lends to the idea that they're all legitimate prophecies.

heres a link and they've both had alien abduction experiences when young and still maintain contact through there humanoid looking alien rescuers so what they learn they pass onto us through there videos and even dr michal salla keeps in contact about what's going and and how the governments of the world are involved in things with an alien federation off world and more i shaping our world and more relating to our false believes we were taught to believe in and more

It's said that aliens don't actually exist and are actually, in truth, far more terrifying. In terms of a Christian perspective, there was no evil placed unto the world until the fall from Eden. Lucifer himself wasn't initially bad, according to legend, until the creation of Lilith, Adams first wife. Lilith allegedly rebelled against God and had sex with angels, causing her to be punished and banished and for Eve to be created from the ribs of Adam. Another story says that angels ended up falling because of the allure of human women, leading to the eventual fall of Sodom and the flooding of the world.

According to the prior story, the aliens you see are actually the fallen angels preparing for the battles in revelation...

I honestly don't have time to watch a 1 hour video, though you'll find that if they were indeed aliens, or had credible proof of them, they'd be removed from the public eye and never heard from again.
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
no, evidence isent even enough that has to be convincing to many who dont all believe and some who do so its a hard question, theres a fine line when it comes to that as everyone has a different convincing point some will believe some wont so evidence dosent convince everyone as everyone has a different expectation to convince them and even evidence just isent enough and dosent really do anything you convince some but what about the rest they wont all believe it still as there expectation to what they need to here to be convinced just still isent always enough , to even qualify to them as evidence and to them it be useless in a way as it dosent bring anything good out of it except maybe a few assassination's . to cover it up as it may tie into something they dont want to get out. , in order for a prophecy to be convicting enough it has to be made before the actual event date not after, that ,has already happened as for Nostradamus's quatrains they put them together to make it match a prediction that already happened after it happened to make it look like he predicted it , and many have not come true and even other seers to
you can try proving it but theres just to many who still dont except it enough so read wisely study research dig around for information look at things relating to it put the peace's together if it resonates with you or matches something else or compares to it , you may stumble on the truth and you wont know it till someone in the secretive networks come knocking at your door and then lights out cause you knew or found out to much they dident want you to tell others let alone prove to others
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Active Member
no, evidence isent even enough that has to be convincing to many who dont all believe and some who do so its a hard question, theres a fine line when it comes to that as everyone has a different convincing point some will believe some wont so evidence dosent convince everyone as everyone has a different expectation to convince them and even evidence just isent enough and dosent really do anything you convince some but what about the rest they wont all believe it still as there expectation to what they need to here to be convinced just still isent always enough , to even qualify to them as evidence and to them it be useless in a way as it dosent bring anything good out of it except maybe a few assassination's . to cover it up as it may tie into something they dont want to get out. , in order for a prophecy to be convicting enough it has to be made before the actual event date not after, that ,has already happened as for Nostradamus's quatrains they put them together to make it match a prediction that already happened after it happened to make it look like he predicted it , and many have not come true and even other seers to
you can try proving it but theres just to many who still dont except it enough so read wisely study research dig around for information look at things relating to it put the peace's together if it resonates with you or matches something else or compares to it , you may stumble on the truth and you wont know it till someone in the secretive networks come knocking at your door and then lights out cause you knew or found out to much they dident want you to tell others let alone prove to others

There's mentions of what sound like nukes and skyscrapers in the bible and I can think of a number of stories involving the destruction of Earth and it's replacement. These predictions are literally thousands of years old.

If you want to have an honest debate you'll have to use honest examples. I haven't used the Quatrains in my predictions at all, so that revelation has no impact on the accuracy of my predictions. Youtube tends to be inaccurate information wise as anyone can post anything basically except porn, abuse and gore.

One thing you have to watch out for, is if you're trying to remove yourself from brainwashing, you need to be careful not to fall into something else. Last I checked the government wants you atheist and ignoring the truth. You appear atheist and are ignoring the bigger picture and the truth. I'm not following anyone else's train of thought and I'm actively searching for new information from various sources, hence I'm interested in a debate.


Senior Member
i wouldn't believe to much in these predictions as ive just lernt that lots of these even visions dreams messages you may receive in your mind are artificially induced to make you believe it , its part of the mind control thing , and a mixture of some truth mixed in with lies, if you raise your frenquency you can block these artificial intelligence created visions etc out and when you stop getting these misinformation stuff youll know its because your frenquency has risen enough to stop it and block it out to stop it
Excellent posting Cobber Cousin Steve...I have also come across that mind control thing thats using TV sets to disperse the covert information...It actually comes from an old banned method of advertising that was embedded in a very small flashing square on the top left of your TV screen...

This time the flashing small square is not there, it now utilises the whole of the screen, exactly as in that brilliant John Carpenter movie, They Live..



Junior Member
I'm not sure on how I feel about the video. In some regards I can see the logic in the video, however historically there is evidence to suggest viruses existed in the past before humanity knew what they were. The Spanish Flu is a good example of a historical viral infection. That said, I do think that Covid itself was intended as a bioweapon, though realistically I'm not certain that it was finished as it's possible that they knew they didn't need to risk injury to themselves. HIV on the other hand, it was said even back during it's initial run that it was manmade to try to kill off gay people. Ironically humanity still doesn't understand a lot about biology, but somehow uses that knowledge to make weapons. Figures lol.

In Australia we've been protesting for about a month or two against the tyranny. Police have started using rubber bullets, pepper spray. Here's some links to a few scenese involving a 70 year old woman getting pepper sprayed during a protest.

There is some talk about whats going to happen in regards to firearm ownership. I'd say it's almost certain that unvaxxed individuals won't be allowed into ranges and thus Police will disarm them that way, as you are legally required to shoot a certain number of times a year. The government is doing everything legally to some degree. They don't have total power yet, so they either change the law or simply make you believe its legal.

Despite the discontent against the lockdowns, it's actually a pretty touchy subject here in Aus. Many refuse to direct their anger out on the correct parties and take it out on others that don't deserve it. Mention it anywhere at you have a flock of people screaming at you. At my local Coles, there was a fight because someone dared to be unmasked and many staff at one of my jobs are masked and refuse to believe the government is at fault here. I suppose in a way you can understand that mindset, though having one's head in the sand seldomly ever ends well.

What's happening now I suppose is the tail end of a long game. It's hard to say whether they'll get impatient and make mistakes, which in all likelihood it is probable that they will. History tells that while evil may be powerful, it is almost always stupid. Hitler for instance almost conquered the UK, he got impatient and the UK was albe to retake Europe because of that mistake. Heck, even in China they were fully socialist but by starving their farmers they were led to recreate capitalism to the point of being more capitalist than the west.

I'd say that we're more or less offically in the "The Fall" stage of my predictions now.
Wow, Australia.

From what we have been hearing is that Australia has had it the worst out of all when it comes to abuse from the government and if that is true, we here in the United States feel for you.I have heard about government apps and all sorts of oppressive tactics coming down the pipeline aimed at our friends down under.

As for the Spanish flu and the past I try my best to approach it questioning everything I had been taught because I had attended a public school and I have always been the type to question.

I had read testimony towards those times and one of the claims made read that allegedly people started dropping like flies after vaccines and masks. The people dropping like flies had portrayed all of the symptoms of everything they had previously been vaccinated for. And if this is true it would make sense now about how they're covering up the actual fatalities we're seeing today from the jab as the virus and reinstates Judy Mikovits accuracy in what she had said in her late release documentary called Plannedemic.

I have been reading about HIV/AIDS as well and remember being baffled about what it was that I was reading. I can not lay it out scientifically or recall word for word what the article was laying out but the paper pointed out the virus, the way it acted within the body /delivery vector and how there was no way that in nature that could exist or act in such a manner without human action, just as the video had stated so I agree with you.

After work today I will get back into study mode and dig for these papers and post them here and see if you would like to take a look and maybe discuss them with me if you would like to. I always fancy a conversation where I can learn.

Ive been saying the same thing about what we are seeing now to be the tip of the ice berg of a long drawn out parasitical draw of political corruption ( governmental overthrow ) See Yuri Bezmenov . With what we are seeing what he had warned of those many years ago makes sense. This appears to be a corruption of the west and her allies, to all of those apposed to the communist state.. the cold wars lashing out with a vengeance.
Germ Theory
