Cross Reality Communication


New Member
I had a very long and strange dream recently that I won’t get into as it would take me awhile to organize it all in my head and put into words, where at one point my dream self mentioned to the people I was with that it felt like I was in an alternate version of myself in another world line.

This got me thinking about the possibilities of being able to communicate with our alternate selves and was wondering if anyone had any theories on how cross reality communication would work.

I’d love to hear any thoughts, ideas, or even experiences other people have about this, whether it be scientific, spiritual, or anything in between.
Do you think it’s possible we can communicate with our alternate selves in dreams or under the influence of psychedelics? Share experiences, memories, information ect. Do you think we could somehow build some sort of telephone like device to communicate with other realities or send messages through other means?

I apologize if there’s already a thread addressing this question/idea, please drop a link if there is i’d love to read through it.


Senior Member
Welcome aboard, some interesting ideas for sure:)

start at edge

Active Member
I had a very long and strange dream recently that I won’t get into as it would take me awhile to organize it all in my head and put into words, where at one point my dream self mentioned to the people I was with that it felt like I was in an alternate version of myself in another world line.

This got me thinking about the possibilities of being able to communicate with our alternate selves and was wondering if anyone had any theories on how cross reality communication would work.

I’d love to hear any thoughts, ideas, or even experiences other people have about this, whether it be scientific, spiritual, or anything in between.
Do you think it’s possible we can communicate with our alternate selves in dreams or under the influence of psychedelics? Share experiences, memories, information ect. Do you think we could somehow build some sort of telephone like device to communicate with other realities or send messages through other means?

I apologize if there’s already a thread addressing this question/idea, please drop a link if there is i’d love to read through it.
I have been in at least 50 other realities in many of my dreams. Unfortunately, neither I (from this reality) nor any of me (from the other realities) could voluntarily communicate with each other. In my case, it was simply as a projection from those realities, no interaction or communication possible. It seems that this reality is the only one where I am aware of the possibility of such presumable communication. While I was myself in the other realities, I was not aware of anything else than that specific reality, simply experiencing my other self life in that reality. Maybe in the other realities, things work just the same – the subject (me) has awareness only in his reality and to “him” it is this “me” who sends experiences in his dreams, from this reality into his. To be able to somehow interact, is among my most powerful wishes. I myself would be very happy to gain knowledge about this.
It could be possible to reach the point of sending (receiving) messages between realities, but I don’t think it would involve some specific device. Some people have the ability to focus on some possible outcome of this reality, using information gathered from alternate realities, but they can not explain in words how they do this, they don’t even understand how and what is happening to them, what the mechanism is that gives them this abilities. Usually, their result is called “premonition”. This is a fascinating subject, yet it is not researched properly, at least not yet.


New Member
I have been in at least 50 other realities in many of my dreams. Unfortunately, neither I (from this reality) nor any of me (from the other realities) could voluntarily communicate with each other. In my case, it was simply as a projection from those realities, no interaction or communication possible. It seems that this reality is the only one where I am aware of the possibility of such presumable communication. While I was myself in the other realities, I was not aware of anything else than that specific reality, simply experiencing my other self life in that reality. Maybe in the other realities, things work just the same – the subject (me) has awareness only in his reality and to “him” it is this “me” who sends experiences in his dreams, from this reality into his. To be able to somehow interact, is among my most powerful wishes. I myself would be very happy to gain knowledge about this.
It could be possible to reach the point of sending (receiving) messages between realities, but I don’t think it would involve some specific device. Some people have the ability to focus on some possible outcome of this reality, using information gathered from alternate realities, but they can not explain in words how they do this, they don’t even understand how and what is happening to them, what the mechanism is that gives them this abilities. Usually, their result is called “premonition”. This is a fascinating subject, yet it is not researched properly, at least not yet.

Thank you for your response! I really appreciate you taking the time to share with me.

For as long as I can remember I've always been, what I consider, a low level lucid dreamer. I’m always aware that I’m dreaming but I’ve only ever been able to actually control a dream once. This dream was similar to all my others in the sense that there was a background consciousness that was aware that I was in a dream, but there were moments where it felt like the consciousness was dipping into my dream/possible alternate self. There are two instances I remember clearly where I think this happened. One at the beginning of the dream, it started with me on my way to work and stopping at a gas station, and then jumped to night time with me walking down a street with my mom. She looked at her phone and said something like “wow it’s already midnight” and that’s when I noticed it was dark and I didn’t remember anything that had happened since I was on my way to work. I told her how I didn’t remember going to work or anything that had happened that day up until that point. This stood out to me because usually in a dream when the setting changes you don’t take much notice of it, but in this case not being able to remember the day really freaked me out.

The next part I felt like I dipped in was probably about halfway through, I was with some people I didn’t recognize but I knew they were my friends and I trusted them, I was trying to call someone and I noticed that the phone numbers looked weird. The format was slightly different, it was something like 77-5555-345, I don’t remember exactly but I do know it started with just two numbers, then a larger chunk of numbers (4+) instead of our standard three-three-four. This is when I mentioned to them I felt like I was experiencing myself in an alternate reality. I don’t remember what they said in response, if anything.

I’m thinking maybe I was tuning in and out of my alternate selves memories at varying levels of consciousness, as it seemed too many things happened for it to have taken place in just one day. Or maybe it was just a weird dream and because I know when i’m dreaming my consciousness was trying to pin some meaning to it. I have no idea.

I don’t remember doing anything specific or different in the dream I was able to control in order to control it, except that i was in a situation I really didn’t like (drowning to be specific) and I thought “well this is a dream so I’ll just change it” and I made the water disappear. After that I went into a basement where some sort of scientist was waiting with a clipboard and told me he was studying me because I could be dead without actually being dead? It was weird but also not the first time I’ve been told by someone in a dream that I was dead so i kind of just shrugged it off lol.

Maybe if we reached a level of lucid dreaming where we could reliably control/change things we’d actually be able to communicate, or at least learn more specific information once reaching these realities in a dream state?

When you’re in an alternate reality is it something you realize in the dream? Or is it after you wake up that you put the pieces together? What made you realize you were experiencing an alternate reality? I’d love to hear more about your experience if you have anything else you’re willing to share, and thank you for reading through my ramblings, it’s nice to talk to someone who believes there could be something more to this and doesn’t immediately dismiss these things as simply strange dreams.
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Senior Member
Hey zee, welcome to the site and great, interesting thread.

Are you sure an alternate reality version of yourself would have a different soul/spirit than you? I think that'd change things. What would you want to say?


New Member
Hey zee, welcome to the site and great, interesting thread.

Are you sure an alternate reality version of yourself would have a different soul/spirit than you? I think that'd change things. What would you want to say?

Thank you for taking the time to indulge me! That’s a really great question that I hadn’t thought about. I suppose the easy answer is I have no idea, my personal philosophy is the only thing I know is that I know nothing, I’m just a person so who am I to tell the universe what it is or isn’t or what it can or can't do. As naive as it may sound, I believe that literally anything is possible (though that doesn’t mean I think it’s likely)

I do think whether or not our alternate selves share a soul could definitely change the whole outlook of this. I don’t want to limit myself to one view so I’ll look at it both ways.

I think if all our alternate selves share a soul/spirit it’d make things easier, we could communicate through the collective “you” that we share. However this could make it harder for us to consciously know and realize that we’re communicating in the first place. It could be happening, but we might not be able to separate it from the conscious “us” that fills our mind in this body. This is something I’ve personally struggled with during ayahuasca ceremonies and all the times I’ve tried to meditate, separating my own thoughts from thoughts that could be messages from something or someone else.

On the flip side, if we don’t share a soul then would our alternate selves really be, well, our alternate selves? Or just people who look like us living a similar life with different circumstances? Or is it possible we have multiple souls/spirits that all fall under some kind of larger soul, like separate rays of light that come from the same source. Though that might bring me full circle back to all our alternates sharing a soul.

I guess my initial thought is that for our alternates to really be us we’d have to share a soul, or at least share parts of the same one because if our soul is the essence of who we are than they wouldn’t truly be versions of us if they had a different, completely separate one.

I might begin to believe differently as I think more about it though, this is just my off the cuff response thinking about it for the first time.

Do you lean one way or the other? Or have any personal experiences you’d be willing to share that pulls you in a particular direction?


Senior Member
Do you lean one way or the other? Or have any personal experiences you’d be willing to share that pulls you in a particular direction?
I don't think I've ever given it that same depth of thought, but it's an interesting idea. If you shared a common soul throughout the myriad of realities that might exist, would meeting yourself cause some kind of camera-filming-the-tv-screen effect and unravel existence? It's hard to say, but it's fun to think about.

If we do NOT share a soul/spirit, then what defines the other entity in that other dimension as YOUR analog? Does it just come down to genetics? I think we're more than that. It does seem to be one of those thought experiments that makes you change your opinion over and over... Maybe I should have taken a philosophy class.
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New Member
I don't think I've ever given it that same depth of thought, but it's an interesting idea. If you shared a common soul throughout the myriad of realities that might exist, would meeting yourself cause some kind of camera-filming-the-tv-screen effect and unravel existence? It's hard to say, but it's fun to think about.

If we do NOT share a soul/spirit, then what defines the other entity in that other dimension as YOUR analog? Does it just come down to genetics? I think we're more than that. It does seem to be one of those thought experiments that makes you change your opinion over and over... Maybe I should have taken a philosophy class.

It is definitely fun to think about it. Would one/two, depending on whether you’d consider yourself and an alternate self one or two persons, be enough to unravel all of existence? All of existence is pretty big after all.
Honestly I’m drawing a blank on ideas of what could happen were you to meet yourself in the instance of sharing a soul, maybe you’d go insane, maybe you’d merge into a super you, maybe reality actually would start to crumble, or maybe nothing would happen and you’d just stand there staring at yourself super weirded out.
I wonder if I’d be able to communicate telepathically with a soul sharing alternate me were we to meet in one reality, that’d be pretty cool. Or really annoying depending on the level of control you could exert. Though who’s to say you wouldn’t be thinking the same thoughts?

I also think we’re more than just our genetics, though I can’t quite put into words what I think that “more” is. I think everything you could learn in philosophy class is already inside us, though sometimes it does take an outside force to bring an idea to the forefront of our conscious mind. I’m a college drop out though so what do I know, if I ever go back and decide to take a philosophy class I’ll be sure to come back and tell you how wrong i was about everything :p


New Member

I read the post you linked to, an interesting read for sure though I’m not quite sure how it connects to this? I only read the one post though, so it felt a bit like starting a book in the middle so maybe i’m just missing the bigger picture. Should I just read the whole thread or could you maybe explain what about it is relevant to my posts? Thanks for your time.

start at edge

Active Member
Thank you for your response! I really appreciate you taking the time to share with me.

For as long as I can remember I've always been, what I consider, a low level lucid dreamer. I’m always aware that I’m dreaming but I’ve only ever been able to actually control a dream once. This dream was similar to all my others in the sense that there was a background consciousness that was aware that I was in a dream, but there were moments where it felt like the consciousness was dipping into my dream/possible alternate self. There are two instances I remember clearly where I think this happened. One at the beginning of the dream, it started with me on my way to work and stopping at a gas station, and then jumped to night time with me walking down a street with my mom. She looked at her phone and said something like “wow it’s already midnight” and that’s when I noticed it was dark and I didn’t remember anything that had happened since I was on my way to work. I told her how I didn’t remember going to work or anything that had happened that day up until that point. This stood out to me because usually in a dream when the setting changes you don’t take much notice of it, but in this case not being able to remember the day really freaked me out.

The next part I felt like I dipped in was probably about halfway through, I was with some people I didn’t recognize but I knew they were my friends and I trusted them, I was trying to call someone and I noticed that the phone numbers looked weird. The format was slightly different, it was something like 77-5555-345, I don’t remember exactly but I do know it started with just two numbers, then a larger chunk of numbers (4+) instead of our standard three-three-four. This is when I mentioned to them I felt like I was experiencing myself in an alternate reality. I don’t remember what they said in response, if anything.

I’m thinking maybe I was tuning in and out of my alternate selves memories at varying levels of consciousness, as it seemed too many things happened for it to have taken place in just one day. Or maybe it was just a weird dream and because I know when i’m dreaming my consciousness was trying to pin some meaning to it. I have no idea.

I don’t remember doing anything specific or different in the dream I was able to control in order to control it, except that i was in a situation I really didn’t like (drowning to be specific) and I thought “well this is a dream so I’ll just change it” and I made the water disappear. After that I went into a basement where some sort of scientist was waiting with a clipboard and told me he was studying me because I could be dead without actually being dead? It was weird but also not the first time I’ve been told by someone in a dream that I was dead so i kind of just shrugged it off lol.

Maybe if we reached a level of lucid dreaming where we could reliably control/change things we’d actually be able to communicate, or at least learn more specific information once reaching these realities in a dream state?

When you’re in an alternate reality is it something you realize in the dream? Or is it after you wake up that you put the pieces together? What made you realize you were experiencing an alternate reality? I’d love to hear more about your experience if you have anything else you’re willing to share, and thank you for reading through my ramblings, it’s nice to talk to someone who believes there could be something more to this and doesn’t immediately dismiss these things as simply strange dreams.
I have not done any research on this, I only experienced it, but I could make some observations related to the phenomenon. I think there are things that apply to many others, not only to me. I will share some of my conclusions:
During the “playback” of such a dream (other reality projection), in my case there is no time, there is no age. Because in a few cases I was intrigued by this, almost perceiving it as an anomaly (the other me, from the other reality), I even tried to make sense of that and the result was getting even deeper into strangeness. Story shortened – leaving my home from the city, driving to some relatives at the countryside, returning back home to the city and arriving earlier than departed. Stubbornly repeating the sequence, trying to make sense and getting out of such strangeness, still the same result every time.
Whenever I was in another reality, it was in fact not “me” there – it was only the feelings and perceptions of the other me projected to my dream, having no awareness of anything. Just as if some sequence of that “me” was recorded and then “played back” in my consciousness (during and through the dream). In most of the cases, I know with astonishing detail about everything in that world (how a certain bench is painted, what screw is missing, what bus numbers and routes there are, what is behind the corner of the street, where I live, where I go shopping, etc.), but this happens only in the dream, as I practically “re-live” some moments of the other me. When I wake up, I realize that in this reality I have absolutely no idea about any of those details, I know none of the places, they all seem incredibly real only for the character in the dream (the other me).
I also came to the conclusion (in fact certainty) that they are completely different realities, in each of them I have a completely different life and completely different situations (job, residence address, friends, neighbors, different residence city, etc.), yet, I know perfectly each and every single detail about my life, in each reality, but they never cross over, neither within the dream nor in this reality after I wake up. Just as if I watched different movies, with different plot and different characters, different action.
What really pisses me off, is that this reality seems to be the worst, it is a complete sh.. .. all the others (from dreams) are filled with a certain peace of mind and tranquility, there I have a much, much better life.
