Hello everyone. I was just working on my research for alternative energy sources, since I clearly need a hobby, I came across a topic known as "Crystal Batteries". Granted some of their publicity comes from a man named John Hutchison, who I have difficulty believing, but also from Rex Research, Marcus Reid, LaserSaber, and others. What intrigues me is the alleged physics of such a thing. A crystal battery seemingly lasting amazingly large times, giving them the nickname "Long Duration Batteries", especially from LaserSaber's alleged Live feed of these batteries powering a strong motor for over a year. I also have a hard time believing that. According to some, these batteries provide such power from the vacuum or quantum fluctuations. I am currently doing a tad bit of research into the subject to do tests, mixing different ingredients, different amounts, hoping to at least find more efficient batteries to power common appliances. What do you think? Are these batteries really powered by some piezo effect, collecting microscopic bits of energy and vibrations to self power? Or are they just another fraud?

I couldn't find the original text from RexResearch, but here's the closest thing I could find: Crystal Battery - [PDF Document]
LaserSaber: lasersaber

Thank you


New Member
Hello everyone. I was just working on my research for alternative energy sources, since I clearly need a hobby, I came across a topic known as "Crystal Batteries". Granted some of their publicity comes from a man named John Hutchison, who I have difficulty believing, but also from Rex Research, Marcus Reid, LaserSaber, and others. What intrigues me is the alleged physics of such a thing. A crystal battery seemingly lasting amazingly large times, giving them the nickname "Long Duration Batteries", especially from LaserSaber's alleged Live feed of these batteries powering a strong motor for over a year. I also have a hard time believing that. According to some, these batteries provide such power from the vacuum or quantum fluctuations. I am currently doing a tad bit of research into the subject to do tests, mixing different ingredients, different amounts, hoping to at least find more efficient batteries to power common appliances. What do you think? Are these batteries really powered by some piezo effect, collecting microscopic bits of energy and vibrations to self power? Or are they just another fraud?

I couldn't find the original text from RexResearch, but here's the closest thing I could find: Crystal Battery - [PDF Document]
LaserSaber: lasersaber

Thank you
this has been a concept crossing my mind. I find it very plausible
I dont know the in depths and would need to read the entire rex research
but i get scalar downloads/visions of ancient tech and many resembling that of pylons in starcraft or HALO kind of tech.
Can also consider things like Coral Castle or material used to build pyramids or stronger structures (i forget specifics) but it was from the killuminati youtube series that would make us choke on red pills on sacred geometry/numerology stuff

Sorry to dig up a old thread. I just wanted to share i recreated lasersabers Crystal battery. So I used all the same exact materials. Borax, alum, potassium nitrate, magnesium rod core, copper pipe cap housing, ect. (I forget the exact ingredients at the moment) I did get voltage from this concoction. My results remind me similarities to a potato battery. I believe it’s basically a electrolyte battery and maybe a chemical reaction going on. I got about a 1.1v if I recall. I even took it a step further and heated my copper and quenched it when red hot with some stuff multiple times. I think it was sodium sulfate in distilled water at a dilution of one mole until it turned salmon color. This took multiple quenches. This was done to create Cuprous oxide which is copper that has the +1 oxidation state which I read at the time somewhere that it has more energy density or something like that compared to normal store bought copper off the shelf. However there’s one discrepancy I have with it. My model did not last as long as his. And I tried a few times to replicate his results. What happened with mine was over about a week or two My chemical/electrolyte solution was shrinking or evaporating the distilled water in it which would end up making a gap around the magnesium core. When this happened the “battery” or fuel cell I called it would cease to operate at all. :( I’ll look around and see if I have some pictures. I did it quite some time back. Anyway. I couldn’t get down the cooking part I think. I’m not 100% sure how he did it because right in the middle of cooking it, he cut scene and he added the water without saying anything and I just couldn’t replicate his results watching that video 100x and trying out everything I could think of, of how he did it. Sucks because I would’ve loved to have some of these things that lasted years. Albeit, the voltage was a real thing. They did work.
