Creativity Debunk and Have Fun

Carl Miller

Active Member
What is mind boggling is that they evolved in our future. In other words, they come from our future and they have traveled backwards to our past - our current present trying to prevent some sort of catastrophe. Such catastrophe whatever it is would have caused neural degeneration in their system. They must also be seeking a genetic reverse engineering to repair their degenerate system.
So they would be here to try and change our future lines.


What is mind boggling is that they evolved in our future. In other words, they come from our future and they have traveled backwards to our past - our current present trying to prevent some sort of catastrophe. Such catastrophe whatever it is would have caused neural degeneration in their system. They must also be seeking a genetic reverse engineering to repair their degenerate system.
So they would be here to try and change our future lines.
Interesting point of view you've mentioned here.

While the notion that the Grays are nothing more than our future selves would be fascinating, I tend not to think it's true. You see, certain things in the past are obviously not what I would like them to be. I have yet to change these things, I am willing to change them, and, being an optimist, I am confident I will change them, even if it's a matter of years (preferably 10 to 20 years, roughly).

Carl Miller

Active Member
Num7 rules this website and some days ago he suggested that these EBENS (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) I had been posting comments about could be nothing more than Us in the future visiting Us in the present. It was posted as a DEBATE THREAD called: DOES TIME TRAVEL HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CONSCIOUSNESS posted by me here on this website. As I said it is a mind blowing concept. I experience a gnawing feeling, something grabbing my throat as i talk about this possibility.


Num7 rules this website and some days ago he suggested that these EBENS (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) I had been posting comments about could be nothing more than Us in the future visiting Us in the present. It was posted as a DEBATE THREAD called: DOES TIME TRAVEL HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CONSCIOUSNESS posted by me here on this website. As I said it is a mind blowing concept. I experience a gnawing feeling, something grabbing my throat as i talk about this possibility.
I know Num7 is an admin on this website, and he's a very nice guy, but I don't know if he necessarily "rules" this website.

And for the record, you are absolutely allowed to believe what your heart and mind desires, and I never said otherwise.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Num7 rules this website and some days ago he suggested that these EBENS (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) I had been posting comments about could be nothing more than Us in the future visiting Us in the present. It was posted as a DEBATE THREAD called: DOES TIME TRAVEL HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CONSCIOUSNESS posted by me here on this website. As I said it is a mind blowing concept. I experience a gnawing feeling, something grabbing my throat as i talk about this possibility.
I know Num7 is an admin on this website, and he's a very nice guy, but I don't know if he necessarily "rules" this website.

And for the record, you are absolutely allowed to believe what your heart and mind desires, and I never said otherwise.
Num7 rules this website.. :p

I also believe that some "ET's" could be human time travelers from our future visiting our present, but I don't think there's only one explanation...


The universe is so big, I think it's unlikely that we're the only ones. The biggest obstacle to alien contact might be the distance, at least for civilizations like our own.

I suppose that in a few centuries, we're going to be able to explore space like what we see in movies such as Star Trek.

Now, why haven't we been contacted yet by aliens? Maybe they found us, but don't interact with us for an unknown reason. Maybe that reason is somehow similar to the Prime Directive in Star Trek.

You can take a look at the Zoo Hypothesis, which the Prime Directive is inspired from:
Zoo hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The universe is so big, I think it's unlikely that we're the only ones. The biggest obstacle to alien contact might be the distance, at least for civilizations like our own.

I suppose that in a few centuries, we're going to be able to explore space like what we see in movies such as Star Trek.

Now, why haven't we been contacted yet by aliens? Maybe they found us, but don't interact with us for an unknown reason. Maybe that reason is somehow similar to the Prime Directive in Star Trek.

You can take a look at the Zoo Hypothesis, which the Prime Directive is inspired from:
Zoo hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't think that the most advanced alien races have a problem with reaching to us for contact. Heck, our government may have technologies that the public isn't even aware of, including things related to space travel and time travel.

I think we will get the ability to explore space and travel through time not as late as a few centuries from now, but during my own lifetime within the next 10 to 20 years or so, if not, sooner. And I disagree with your notion that we haven't been contacted yet by aliens. Aliens have been contacting us for thousands, if not, millions of years. And in modern times, it's just that they haven't revealed themselves to the public, for an obvious reason: it would be dangerous at this moment in time to mainstream understanding of what we are as a species, and our history!

Also, I don't consider Wikipedia to be that much of a reliable source. It is very biased to the left politically, and likewise leaning towards mainstream history and science historically and scientifically.

Carl Miller

Active Member
b. To control, manage, or direct:

Hello Classical 626. When I chose the verb 'to run' i meant to designate someone engaged in directing, managing and administering a website.
So I had in mind the same idea conceived by the adjective 'Admin'. If it really matters.
By the way relating to your distrust in Wikipedia i can say that it is a subjective matter. A matter of opinion.
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b. To control, manage, or direct:

Hello Classical 626. When I chose the verb 'to run' i meant to designate someone engaged in directing, managing and administering a website.
So I had in mind the same idea conceived by the adjective 'Admin'. If it really matters.
Alright, I already got it. And I see where you're coming from. Thank you. ;)

Carl Miller

Active Member
Num7 rules this website.. :p

If you used the icon with the intent of ridiculing me i have something to tell you. This is not the circus website. I am not a clown.
