Deja-vu What Is It


ok I have been haveing this happen to me alot lately and when I look for some real answers on just what it is and how it happens the research is all over the map like this basic explain of it

I know that this place seems to draw pretty much the smartest people on the planet for all things wierd and strange.. and this is getting very creepy I keep doing things and then thinking hey I just did this yesterday,,, but it was not done,, so I couldn't have done it already. then other times I will ask the wife a question only to have her say do you live in this house we never talked about that yesterday..but I can remember the whole conversation clearly and we end up saying the same things I remembered and when I tell her what shes about to say she gets a oh crap look on her face and won't talk to me any more or say get away from me your lets get after this guys I need some answers..
I am not sure just what it is
is it a mind thing??? E.S.P.
is it some type of time travel ??? Astrel projection
is it some type of vision from some where ells????
is it some type of warning from someone ells????
deja-vu is probley just dreams we forget about before we wake up,
mabey its the essence left from a life lived before,a life close to this one,
could be green fairies wispering in your ear,
or ,and this ones a classic,,mabey its just a glich in the matrix,lol
i have deja-vu alot,it makes me stop and stare off into space, and if i ever figure
out what it really is, that will probley be deja-vu to

I have deja vus now and then, about a few times every month. It's not a lot, but quite enough to notice them very easily. When I was a kid I had those too, but didn't pay much attention. Now I'm able to be aware I'm going through a deja vu.

I don't have a real opinion on what exactly deja vus are though. I went through most theories and I think they likely all make sense at some point. Dreams we don't remember, our memory being faster than our sense, or a memory from an alternate timeline in which we already came through the events taking place in our present. You name them.

KC, try to look around you and find what's going on when those deja vus happen. Perhaps you'll notice similarities between all of them. Depending how often they happen, you may be able to find something interesting.

From what you said, your deja vus seem to last a little while. Mine use to last for about 5 seconds. How long are yours ?

I do like that weird feeling caused by deja vus.

some times its a fleeting moment and other times its a sieres of events that happen infront of me sometime i will avoid an accedent other times I will be there to help someone ells ,some time i will know where things are that i have never seen befor its just wierd and kinda creepy sometimes
is this a dream?, are you imagining this?... if so... how elaborate! what detail your mind has gotten into to come up with things that don't apply to you at all. like people talking in there house.
what if this isn't even your dream, then that means your the man in the house... its probably not, actually... its not(or so Ive convinced myself) its just too perfect.
they may well be unrembered dreams, but that would make them a vision then, as they would be a dream befor hand.
the refrance to the conversation was one of me and my wife talking to each other. in which i had knowlage of the content of the conversation and she did not.
this type of thing is becoming an allmost daily occurance for me now. it has even gone to the TV shows i watch and the wife is getting to a point where she will tell me befor the show starts not to tell her whats going to happen.
its most noticeable when i watch her shows like david letterman,niteline,the view, the talk, i will know whats going to be said. some times i even ask her, is this a rerun cause i have seen it befor. thats most offten when she will say go away your creepy. and i end up on the internet talking to folks like you about stuff like this.
When I have a deja vu, I don't only remember what's going on and what's being said. I even get a familiar feeling about where I'm looking at. If I turn my head to look somewhere else during the experience, I still feel it's just as it was supposed to be. That's weird.

Are there anything that doesn't feel familiar to you during a deja vu?
I used to have frequent instances of deja-vu and syncronicity back in my 20's & 30's, not so much any more.
Most of my beliefs are arrived at by considering how they would fit in with the multi-dimensional perspective of reality. We exist in a multi-dimensional reality. That is 11 dimensions according to mTheory. This applies not only for the physical aspects of reality, but the non-physical (soul, psyche, consciousness etc.) as well. The brief explanation below is a hastilly written overview. I do plan to explain this in more depth in a later post.

In the 3D physical reality we reside in, all of physical reality exists simultaneously. Just because we are unable experience somewhere out of sight, does no mean that it does not exist. Consciousness is able to observe other physical objects/entities that are seperated by a physical distance. We can look around an see the physical world we live in. We can observe motions of the same and predict the future probabilities. In our imaginations, we can look at life's circumstances and take actions that will increase the probabilities of that which we desire.

In the 4D non-physical reality, time also exists simultaneously. All possibilities exist as probability wave functions. Time is just another direction that consciousness can look around in. Events can be viewed in their probable entireties. Probable pasts, presents and futures can be observed, just as we can observe the physical reality around us.

The 3D and 4D aspects of ourselves have communication in our dreams. Probable futures are explored and plans worked out for the near future. Deja-Vu is when we become consciously aware of what was worked on earlier. Have you ever gone to sleep with a problem and awake the next day with a solution?

Now, this next part is sure to be controversial. I do believe that the 4D aspect of reality is the first level of the afterlife. The 4D part of ourselves could be considered our oversoul or guardian angel. Hey, if there is a God behind all of this, where would heaven be located?
I have it happen to me at various times, wonder if all humans, more or less, aren't effected by it once in a while.As to cause, the most interesting one, not that I support it, but it has to do with when one has an "OBE" and later sees something he/she saw during thhe "OBE" but failed to remember it from the first instance of viewing. Basically, haven't a clue and haven't come across one in years.:)
