🛡️ Debate Did Andrew Tate perform a brain transplant with a bird?


Senior Member
Birds are grooming hatchlings and eating the seeds of rape, rarely caring about consent with partners. His behavior suggests that he is a bird, yet he looks somewhat human. Only one explanation I can think of, he swapped brains with a bird to become more shameless and get more viewers.


Must have carefully selected a competitive alpha and then struggled to speak like humans without any clucking sounds.
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The problem with losing memories and having the wrong size can be solved, hitting two birds with the same stone, by only replacing his lower brain, keeping what makes him human while getting the primal urges of a wild animal. By genetically altering plasmids of the bird's brain to appear human, it can then slowly bond with the lobotomized host.

The problem with losing memories and having the wrong size can be solved, hitting two birds with the same stone, by only replacing his lower brain, keeping what makes him human while getting the primal urges of a wild animal. By genetically altering plasmids of the bird's brain to appear human, it can then slowly bond with the lobotomized host.

What kind of bird?


I am certainly not an aggressive kind of guy but,
the more I read into this guy (Mister Tate)...The more I want to just back hand him into tomorrow.

Total Ass Hat and what he's done to the fairer sex...............Ffs!
