Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

jurgen36 said:
Which is embedded in another infinite universe which is embedded...
And so on in all infinity.
If it's so, do we have a clue ?
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Numenorean7 said:
If it's so, do we have a clue ?
We probably never will know about it unless we manage to go outside and then look at the whole system. But of course this is highly unlikely.

Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Webnower said:
This sorta brings up the "is our solar system just an atom?" question :P
Nice idea but unworkable, really.

See, electrons aren't "little balls" in orbit around big clumps of other "little balls."

Ya'll need to pay attention when I talk.

Electrons have no physical dimension at all. They are what is known as "point particles" in that they are only geometric points. They have no volume, no size.

Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

GL100 said:
So if they piss you off I guess you can't just kick them in the little balls.

But you can sure squeeze their hadrons til they squirt neutrinos all over themselves!

Howyabeen? :D

Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Harte said:

But you can sure squeeze their hadrons til they squirt neutrinos all over themselves!

Howyabeen? :D


We're about two posts shy of discussing sucking black holes.

Other than this pesky little hurricane that blew through here last week, I's be tolerable. Yourself?
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

baudmiksen said:
My head hurts!
If the universe is an atom in another universe, and so it goes, is there anything interesting to do with that fact, except to think about it, and make your head hurt !?! :confused:

Even if the universe was made this way, I don't think we could find a way to travel beyond these limits, to visit the bigger universe, since we would be so small. If there's a universe in every atoms, they must be so small that we can't see anything more than the atom? This one isn't really convincing, I don't think it could be this way.

Let's imagine it's this way: what could we do with the fact that all atom is a little "huge" universe by itself, containing billions of galaxies etc...? We can't travel there, and we can't see it. We're trapped in our own small/big universe.

Well, it must be pretty hard to get trapped in the universe, since it's so huge.... huge from our point of view.

Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Numenorean7 said:
My head hurts!
If the universe is an atom in another universe, and so it goes, is there anything interesting to do with that fact, except to think about it, and make your head hurt !?! :confused:

Even if the universe was made this way, I don't think we could find a way to travel beyond these limits, to visit the bigger universe, since we would be so small. If there's a universe in every atoms, they must be so small that we can't see anything more than the atom? This one isn't really convincing, I don't think it could be this way.

Let's imagine it's this way: what could we do with the fact that all atom is a little "huge" universe by itself, containing billions of galaxies etc...? We can't travel there, and we can't see it. We're trapped in our own small/big universe.

Well, it must be pretty hard to get trapped in the universe, since it's so huge.... huge from our point of view.


Numenorean, that entire article is fiction. Notice it's from The Onion News. Check out some of the other articles or newscasts on their website. Everything they do is a farce. I think Webnowers original post was made in light of this article and he meant it as kind of a joke, notice the emoticon at the end of his sentence.

It reminds of one of The Men In Black Movies, the universe is a charm in a necklace, and at the end, our universe is being used in game of marbles by the aliens. It's a pretty cool idea.


You said electrons have no no volume and no size, but they do have mass right? I don't understand how a particle that has mass can not have any physical dimensions. On the other hand, I can understand how a photon would'nt because it's a massless particle, but at what point do things get so small they lose physical dimensions? I understand there are diffeent "sizes" for atoms and particles, but some are often described as being bigger or smaller than others. Like the "Large Hadron" Collider for instance. Another thing, if gravitons do exist, how can it be so small that they can go into another dimension? I don't understand how the "size" of something determines which dimension it's in. I didn't know dimensions were determined by size. I was wondering if you might be able to explain a little of this? I think I may never be able to really grasp these concepts though without going back to college. But if you could explain a little about what dimensions are in relation to size and how particles that have mass do so without haveing physical dimensions, I'd really appreciate it, thanks.
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

baudmiksen said:
Numenorean, that entire article is fiction. Notice it's from The Onion News. Check out some of the other articles or newscasts on their website. Everything they do is a farce. I think Webnowers original post was made in light of this article and he meant it as kind of a joke, notice the emoticon at the end of his sentence.

It reminds of one of The Men In Black Movies, the universe is a charm in a necklace, and at the end, our universe is being used in game of marbles by the aliens. It's a pretty cool idea.
Yeah I know, but even if it was serious, imagine that there are some chances that we're actually living in a universe made this way. I'm sure some scientists already thought seriously about this, a while ago anyway.

It makes me think of Men in Black too!
