My head hurts!
If the universe is an atom in another universe, and so it goes, is there anything interesting to do with that fact, except to think about it, and make your head hurt !?!
Even if the universe was made this way, I don't think we could find a way to travel beyond these limits, to visit the bigger universe, since we would be so small. If there's a universe in every atoms, they must be so small that we can't see anything more than the atom? This one isn't really convincing, I don't think it could be this way.
Let's imagine it's this way: what could we do with the fact that all atom is a little "huge" universe by itself, containing billions of galaxies etc...? We can't travel there, and we can't see it. We're
trapped in our own small/big universe.
Well, it must be pretty hard to get
trapped in the universe, since it's so huge.... huge from our point of view.