Do you believe that time travel is possible?


Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

gonzogirl said:



New Member
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

DarbyII said:
Uh, Jake...

TimeProfessor was one of Pro7's sock-puppets on TTI. Of course, Pro7 was aka Jake. In other words, you.


Yea its me, winks hehe..

I just wanted to share something though.. :rolleyes:

----Darby, you have any questions to ask me? hehe.. PM me if you would like :)


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

our atom are part of this time frequency as they vibrates thrut time in this reality of the here and now they exhauste there energy as we grow old , so does all other object around us , when i step into the zero zone more than 5 years ago i saa an instance in the zone between one second and another for me it look like it lasted more than 15 minutes but for my witness i was just gone for 8 minutes , what i ssa there was all that is not living was evolving at a slower pace than use like denser object , steel ,asphalt, dirt , tree were faint but still visible , under all the stress i was under i tried to focus as much as i could , not to kill myself in this experience , if anyone ask me if time travel is possible i say with a positive yes , because im sure a 100% that time is nothing more than a frequency that can tune to do and go were we want if enough power is avaialble , i had a bank of 5 car battery with more than 1000amp at my disposal so next time around i'll use a better system
Dr z


New Member
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

doctorz said:
our atom are part of this time frequency as they vibrates thrut time in this reality of the here and now they exhauste there energy as we grow old , so does all other object around us , when i step into the zero zone more than 5 years ago i saa an instance in the zone between one second and another for me it look like it lasted more than 15 minutes but for my witness i was just gone for 8 minutes , what i ssa there was all that is not living was evolving at a slower pace than use like denser object , steel ,asphalt, dirt , tree were faint but still visible , under all the stress i was under i tried to focus as much as i could , not to kill myself in this experience , if anyone ask me if time travel is possible i say with a positive yes , because im sure a 100% that time is nothing more than a frequency that can tune to do and go were we want if enough power is avaialble , i had a bank of 5 car battery with more than 1000amp at my disposal so next time around i'll use a better system
Dr z

Well.. personally, I think time travel itself is a figment of imagination. I know how it feels to imagine the possibility to 'travel back into time' or 'travel forward into time'... the euphoria of such feeling.. woooo...

But.. if you take a good look at a real possibility of time travel, even if it has been invented, we probably wouldnt realize it if it's happening all around us. Maybe only a few do... all the hype about time travel, hmm.. I am certain that if a person were to travel back into time somehow in someway, it had already happened..

Time travelling forward is already possible, by looking at us specificially. Tomorrow we will be a day older, next week, we will be a week older. Nothing can stop that, is there?

A theory of possible time travel would have to rely on our perception of time:

-Time, itself was invented by man, was it not?
-We have clocks, watches, etc, to measure our days, rotation of the sun, etc, to a precise setting per day down to the very second..

We need to disregard of what we have learned about our manmade 'time'. What is 'time travel?'.. what does it really mean?

I had experiences all my life regarding things that are bizarre and unexplainable, but I cannot 'preach' my experiences to you because you weren't there to see it. The only way to truly experience these things, is to be there.. I am sure that at least one of you somewhere have similar feelings...

keep ahold of that 'feeling'... you will now then determine what that 'feeling' means...could it be 'time travel'? ...


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

it's sure we cannot argue with that logic and maybe reality is not that inflexible or maybe it is , we dont know for sure a 100% but the best thing to do is try and try again new idea and invention to see what we can do , unlike the scientifics at cern we dont dispose of millions of dollars so we have to do we what we can but im pretty sure we can do much more than them if we gather our common knowledge
on this i say let try our best and just do it
there is no stupid idea , so let keep our hope up
Dr z
