Does anyone own any of Steven Gibbs Reports? Preserving Steven Gibbs Reports because of stroke.


Active Member
Steven Gibbs in is the hospital from a stroke. Does this information be kept a secret or will someone inherit his work and keep selling his reports? or will the reports be shared freely with everyone or will copies be sold on Ebay?

Whoever has the remaining reports please decide because the information need to be kept alive and should not be kept a secret at all.
I have received some papers from Steven Chiverton (with thanks)..I am not sure if they re all what gibbs done. But I see some of them are almost sufficient to build an HDR. Therefore I am collecting components to build one and try it. I may even experiment by using the HDR while sitting inside a pyramid. I shall share results on this forum. Again thanks to Steve Chiverton for sharing some designs.


The Man of Esoteric Knowledge
Does anyone here on this post have kabbalistic numerology (part 2) #42 from the HDR Enterprises website. this is also a written report from Steven Gibbs.
Yes i have it's really hard to find, i think this report is so old that Gibbs doesn't send and edit it anymore but i can send you in pm if You want
Hello Traveler7: Thank you so much for the reply. Yes please if you could send it over I would be greatly thankful and appreciative. either pm or email...thanks in advance!
Can i request you to send me the kabalistic numerology 2 in pdf? Through mail or pm? Thanks in advance.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
people ring Gibbs to order and buy a hdr but he just isent answering his phone so they all come to me asking me for a hdr as ive made a number of them and even hdr kid isent answering some peoples questions to about the hdr when they cant get in contact with Gibbs
