Does the positive side of tribalism/racism outshine the negative side?


Senior Member
People also seem to have an innate inner guilt about who they are if other people
of their group did something bad in the past. This is the bad side of tribalism.
You should be an individual not a group. Or if they see that racism still exists
today they curl up in a shell and feel like they're a racist (my dad is like this)

People need to be able to see the world without losing their minds, instead of
cherrypicking things to suit their own political agendas.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
But political correctness----ironically just makes racists angrier.

That is their part of the punishment. It is hardly the best state of mind to live in.

Honest punishment usually endures the stupidness of the obtuse oppressors, --- till they get over it, if bright and able to understand the correction, or die with it if too morally stupid.



Senior Member
What the left ended up doing and how it lost its marbles:

Protecting your country somehow became "racist" and "xenophobic"
Logic: Hitler loved his country. So this means loving your country is inherently bad. (actually Hitler wanted to turn Berlin into Germania
and make a world empire but never mind that)

Simply being heterosexual and male became "misogynist"

They take terms for bad things that really do exist and then inflate them
into this all encompassing bubble that ends up bursting and destroying their
whole argument---turning it in on itself. Then the bad things that really
do exist end up being viewed as okay by damn near everyone (including racism).
This should be common sense but it isn't. It's not rocket science to figure out this
chain of events leading to mass evil and chaos.
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Senior Member
I'll never forget the "You're a fucking white male" video with the white male
telling another white male that he's a fucking white male.

I would have said "Yeah, and so are you dumbass"

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Who do we blame when even our cities are set up into quarters with, basically, gang boundaries?

Systematic racism means that it is the whole race to blame.

The oppressors for oppressing and the oppressed for letting it continue without a higher level of violent resistance.



Senior Member
Who do we blame when even our cities are set up into quarters with, basically, gang boundaries?

Systematic racism means that it is the whole race to blame.

The oppressors for oppressing and the oppressed for letting it continue without a higher level of violent resistance.


No. Because I never built a city with boundaries and I never enslaved anyone and I would not do any
of those things if given the chance. If you want to think one race is inherently bad or one is inherently
good go ahead. Just know you're the racist not me.


Senior Member
I said "This thread is controversy bait"
but walked back on it cuz the right wingers on here were thinking I was some kind of pansy
when I just was trying to use common sense.
