DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Jeff said:
yo eddy p man.....please come back and explain what youre talking about
As stated in previous posts...

A DOOPArt specifically describes certain mid 1990s technology, that has somehow been seen operating in the past.

So, Have modern technological objects been described and documented in the past ?

To test this assertion by the Australian researcher, RONALD PEGG, a study group known as PPHC Study Group conducted a series of investigations.

Using 10 of over 25 ancient texts studied so far, the OP invited people to conduct an interactive evaluation of those 10 texts to see if their documented descriptions do indeed match to the pictures from a modern cd-rom (ie. the DOOPArt under investigation).

The replies on page 1 of this forum topic asked many questions which were answered - in regard to a mid 1990s computer system and compact disks, somehow, being documented in ancient texts.

While TIME TRAVEL is the conclusion as to how these modern descriptions came to be in ancient texts, the purpose of the OP was to present 10 texts and make it possible for you to compare those ancient descriptions with the contents of a modern cd-rom.

While conducting the evaluation, the question you must ask yourself is "Do ancient descriptions match to the pictures ?"

This is not about whether time travel is possible nor how would one build a time machine.

Simply, has the Australian researcher RONALD PEGG found modern technological objects and their contents described and depicted in ancient texts ?

When the Evaluation is conducted, the evidence presented shows that he has.

That link again: WBD on-line Interactive Evaluation Session


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

dude eddy my brother you dont make any sense but hey i like that hat you have on in your avatar you look like indiana jones and this guy i roundhoused behind taco bell.


Junior Member
Update of Doopart Stats

From April to October 2009, 32 people chose to conduct the DOOPART evaluation session and leave their scores.

In answer to the question "how does your score rate the Ancients cd-rom as being a DOOPArt ?", overall the score was

86.32 . . . this gives YES.

FYI here are the separate scores

96.56 _ 83.00 _ 97.71 _ 96.56 _ 96.56 _ 54.52 _ 49.12 _ 96.56 _ 96.56 _ 96.56 _ 95.94 _ 96.41 _ 96.56 _ 96.56 _ 88.47 _ 57.65 _ 29.85 _ 85.55 _ 96.56 _ 96.56 _ 71.55 _ 71.08 _ 85.71 _ 96.56 _ 98.75 _ 98.16 _ 96.98 _ 96.56 _ 61.53 _ 96.56 _ 95.94 _ 88.90

The break up gave:
No . . . 1
Probably Not . . . 1
Maybe . . . 5
Yes . . . 25


Junior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

I have not been able to get back to things this year due to family issues.


Active Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

dude eddy my brother you dont make any sense but hey i like that hat you have on in your avatar you look like indiana jones and this guy i roundhoused behind taco bell.

what ever happened to this guy? This makes me laugh. We need more of his posts.


Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

I don't know, I might send him an email, in case he didn't get last month's newsletter.


Senior Member
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Let's see, your site, the PPHC Study Group" has been open for how long? And in that site you provide a space for people to question specific claims correct?
You have been out on the internet for about 6 years spreading something supposedly written and researched by one Ronald Pegg?

How much money have you made off of "Nostradamus unsealed : the discoveries of Ronald Pegg" & "Ancient Chronicles Unsealed : the discoveries of Ronald Pegg" "Penguins, Suare Pegs And Coincidences / Eddy Pengelly" and the PPHC Study Group? copyright 2002-2006 Eddy Pengelly

Clearly this has not been thought through. your claims are that someone came during the time periods you say, collected a 386 computer and CD Roms and then went back in time to do what?

WHO was it that did that?

WHO sent them?

Your first serious dip in fair dinkum is their choice of computer. IF they can travel in time, why screw around with a "desk" type 386? - The case, the monitor and the keyboard... advanced as they would be, logic dictates taking the very best of portability and ease = A Laptop.

What exactly would be gained by going back in time and show people the information on those CD's?

Without credible Peer Review, your assumptions equal that of Sitchin. Please link and or show where papers have been submitted, what peers have reviewed them and their findings.

Are you familiar with Billy the one armed farmer and his shill Michael Horn? Are you familiar with the foundation of Billy's inviolate and uber trustworthy "Information & Time Verification" system of predictions garnered from ET?

Years ago, Michael Horn's first opus website had all sorts of links to do "research" Unfortunately, when said links were persued they turned out to lead to dead ends, i.e. bullshit. Horn later "fixed" his website sao that it didn't lead to evidence that Billy's Hoax was not a Hoax.

Eddy, going back and researching the trails you have left on the net reveal quite a few instances as to why your theories are a Hoax.
First and foremost, your technique of doing the Shoehorn schtick when it comes to putting what you refer to as evidence and linking it up with a theory. There is also the technique of using what you refer to as a study group, in order to refine and cover up the obvious holes in your claims that a computer and some CD's made it to the past.

There is also the problem of using your PPHP study group as a source for valid information. Please.

5/5/2004 you first appear as "Edward Teller
" ?


I'm sure there are more fishing expeditions from "Edward Teller ne Eddy Pengelly" out there... Funny how you both write the same isn't it?

11/25/2004 Your first appearance as Eddy P at Unexplained Mysteries. Unexplained Mysteries would prove to be your Little Big Horn.




I have to say, on the whole, these folks from all of these links cleaned your clock on every thread you posted on.

Unless you can produce Peer Reviewed Papers from Edward Teller, You or Ronald Pegg, you are SOL.

Dooparts, CONputers and CD Roms in the past, Anything coming out of the PPHC is suspect. A Hoax.
