Elon Musk, on becoming a multi-planetary civilization


Yeah, space is a dangerous place. So is Mars.

I mean, think about this:
  • The temperature on Mars will kill you.
  • The thin atmosphere on Mars will kill you.
  • You gotta be AT ALL TIMES indoors, or inside a spacesuit.

Simply going outside unprotected will kill you in a moment. Sure, it's hotter and it has an actual atmosphere compared to the moon. But it is still absolutely, 100% deadly to us, human beings.

In a colony, in such a hostile environment, any single tiny incident has the potential to kill hundreds, or thousands of people.

Dumb examples: There's a fire, where do you go? Can't go outside! A couple of vacuum doors fail at the same time and the air rushes out of an entire section of a building? You're walking outside in your spacesuit and you trip on something, fall and damage your suit. You're dead! That's an extreme place to live, man!


Active Member
Mars is a barren prison planet. While I'm all for space exploration, I don't want to be the one going there. Maybe if we had viable electrogravitics it wouldn't be so bad... but rockets are way too slow. Survived a disaster and need help? We'll get around to it in a couple years... maybe. You're in the space convoy and there's a disaster on the surface? Well, you aren't going to turn around and go back to Earth.

One thing Musk didn't mention (or it was edited out) was sending supplies to Mars ahead of the human convoy. This would be a smart thing to do. A fuel barge would also be a good idea. It could take the slow path. If something went wrong, at least some colonists could launch, dock with the barge, and have a way to get home... at least when the planets aligned again.

Don't forget:
  • The soil on Mars is toxic and will kill you.
  • The space radiation isn't blocked and will slowly kill you.
  • Micro meteors could kill you.
  • If the rockets don't land correctly, they will kill you.
  • If the rocket jockeys get their entry wrong, they will crash into your landed rocket and kill you.
  • If Mars really does have microbial life, it's probably not human friendly and will kill you.
  • If Mars really does have alien life, they probably won't be friendly to a bunch of humans taking their limited resources and will kill you.

and, well ...



Active Member
Mars isn't what you think it is. It is inhabited and it is not friendly.
What you see of it from the lens of earth, ie, from within the matrix frequency is nothing but a mirage of sorts.
Most planets exist in a natural state of 5th dimensional consciousness, and support life, often ver advanced life, they are effectively invisible to us the same way ghosts are...(usually) Except to those who can see through that veil. The veil isn't a physical thing, it's a consciousness thing.
