Enochian stuff


Junior Member
Dear all,

I recently came back into Enochian magick, I had met this stuff again and again so numerous times that it became hilarous.
More serioulsy, I was heavily skeptical towards the work of John Dee. But, it serioulsy matches with real phenomena and all the more crossroads with other topics that I am investaging e.g. archetypical entities and extra-temporal shenanigans.

As a result, I wonder what you think about the whole (his)story plus rituals that Dee and Kelly let behind them.
In addition, I have a special interest into the so-called "angels" they have dealt with mainly Madini and Her Mother.

Have a nice day!
To begin a chat about all this stuff, you have below a few articles on my point of special interest i.e. Madini:

Also, I read about a secret "war" (at least, they sent spells against each other, battled during shared lucid dreams, threatened with ceremonial dagues IRL, or simply plainted to the police to make their ennemies arrested) between BOTA and Thelemic or AMORC lodges about Enochian magick.
Actually, Paul Foster Case (the founder of BOTA) griefed against all the current heirs of John Dee about performing his rituals since they would have been effective, qabalistic magick but without the initial securities that rabbi insert into to prevent an entity from misleading the Magi. And so, he and his supporters were quite vindicative against the other Occultists for practicing through dangerous paths for themselves and potentially for everybody.
