ET! You don't scare us: How hi-tech age has left us unfazed by idea of alien life

Lord Roco

Junior Member
The sight of flying saucers over Britain, so science fiction would have us believe, would see panicking mobs in the streets.
But it seems we may be far more worldly than writers, or over-protective governments, have ever given us credit for.
Psychologist Dr Albert Harrison argues that people have become so used to the idea of alien life that they would be ‘unfazed’ if the proof appeared before their eyes

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Junior Member
Yep I believe that! People can ge used to anything!


Junior Member
People are desensitized nowadays, and it's mainly as a result of TV shows and movies increasingly using the supernatural, paranormal and extraterrestrial as stars in their shows.

Take the TV show "True Blood" for example, this show glamorizes killing and vampires, showing the viewer the secret world of vampires, allowing them inside, this is a very different contrast from for example 5 years ago when "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" was one of the top rated shows ever, a show which glamorized the hunting down and killing of anything supernatural (for the most part). Another culprit is movies such as Alien, Alien vs Predator, which make us scared of aliens, as well as other such movies as District 9, which make us feel sorry for the alien.

So as you can see, people are so desensitized and possibly confused by these conflicting views that the media portray that of course we wont be fazed by the thought of being invaded by beings from outer space, but I can bet you that if it actually ever were to happen, I believe there would be mass hysteria..


Yup, you can get people used to ETs by showing them everything, but I don't think anything can prepare them for the real actual disclosure or for this flying saucer that's going to land in your backyard. I guess I'd be pretty hysteric too if some weird looking ET landed on my car with his spaceship and asked me for some fuel in order to go back to his home planet.

Imagine those people who can't think for themselves. uh!

Lord Roco

Junior Member
I would also add the fact that these days people are so blind that they just love to jump into conclusions without looking on things and closely analyze them, its ridiculous!
