

My boyfriend and I were thinking about deleting our Facebook accounts at the beginning of the month, because we thought it was completely useless and addictive (at least for me! haha). My BF was ready to do it, but I wasn't able to do the sacrifice... So I told myself I'd go less often, like once every other day. Finally, I still go like almost everyday, but I try not to lose 2 hours peeping on "I-don't-know-who's" page.
Ok, so here's the question I was asking myself:

Am I alone being addicted to damn Facebook???
Ok, I'm not playing the million crazy little games like Farmville and Mafia Wars and everything (at least I stopped that a long time ago!), but still, I think I waste too much time on this site...
I visit Facebook once or twice a week, I'm not addicted, thank God. All I see on there is a bunch of people playing Farmville and other uninteresting games all day long. I guess that deleting my account wouldn't be a sacrifice at all.

Why do I keep it active then ? Ok, I assume it's because I'm curious to know what other people are up to. Just enough to keep my account active, but not enough to actually interact with other people.

Does that make sense ?

I find myself trying to avoid friending people that I knew in high school. I don't know why.

That makes me uncomfortable enough to not visit very often.


@Num: So it's a form of voyeurism! I'm not crazy! Haha I think it makes sense, humans are curious! But I think its sane until a certain point!

@Harte: Why do you have your old classmates in your friend list, if you're not comfortable with them? I understand a bit though, I often have friend requests from old schoolmates, and I sometimes hesitate before adding them. Just not sure if I'd like them to know details of my life.
Nah, not addicted. Though I know enough people on their that I care about that makes me feel guilty for not posting all the time. A lot of family and friends that would have never been on myspace.
I never post on my wall, nor do I post on other people's wall. Seems like I don't have anything to say over there!!

I have the Facebook app installed on my iPhone though. I use it about once a every few days for like.... 1-2 minutes at most. I'm definitely not addicted! ;)
Harte: Why do you have your old classmates in your friend list, if you're not comfortable with them? I understand a bit though, I often have friend requests from old schoolmates, and I sometimes hesitate before adding them. Just not sure if I'd like them to know details of my life.

I don't have that many people on my friends list. Just family, really, and my best friends over the years.

People on FB seem to be in a race to see who can get the most friends. Just like on South Park.

If you have too many friends, you have pages of status updates every day and email notifications of same.

Too much clutter.

Some of these folks wanting to friend me, I wouldn't know what to say to them in person, much less online.

I made a facebook account. Added a bunch of family and friends.

For some of the "likes" I added games that I play online so I can see updates from the games.

Instead of getting updates from the games, my wall is flooded by stuff like "your friend is now at Starbucks!" I really don't care who's at Starbucks. I can't find a way to block pointless updates without taking them off my friends list. This makes me sad.
I'm not addicted to facebook and I have been playing Restaurant City and Pet Society, but I really hate it when RC players send too many requests to me. Some players have too much time on their hands.
