Favorite Paranormal Field?

I used to be heavily in to parapsychology (ghosts), but the sub-culture it created ended up being back stabbing and competitive. Everyone wanted to be on TV. It ruined the mystery. I did get some good evidence out of it, but now that I know spirits exist, the mystery sort of faded and I am not intrigued. Same with time travel. I need something to WOW me again. (Demons scare me. I don't even want to research them).

I used to be heavily in to parapsychology (ghosts), but the sub-culture it created ended up being back stabbing and competitive. Everyone wanted to be on TV. It ruined the mystery. I did get some good evidence out of it, but now that I know spirits exist, the mystery sort of faded and I am not intrigued. Same with time travel. I need something to WOW me again. (Demons scare me. I don't even want to research them).

I get this entirely.

After attending 2 expos in the early 2000's,
at the Minneapolis Convention Center involving renowned psychics such as
Sylvia Browne.....Echo Bodine.....James Van Praagh , I realized that most of the people there
were constantly at each other's throats with that good old "One-Ups-man-ship" comradery .

I had had enough negativity in my life up to that point and bowed out of the scene
almost entirely, except for my own constants.
I have never, ever treated anyone with the same disrespect in regards to hauntings
and the sometimes inevitable psychosis' that can follow behind.
One of the many reasons I studied basic psychology in the first place
was to help people going through this.

As for the demonic and I say this for anyone interested in the subject, don't go there!
They are a reality and absolutely not worth the curiosity!!

I was basically living it, steeped in it since the ripe old age of 3 and
I have been studying it ever since as both victim and student.

I paid attention throughout life and now at the age of 58, I help others whom are being affected by
this sort of issue in their private lives to guide them through it.

My family moved into a "haunted" home in 1967.
Night terrors...Lights exploding.....Coldness....Sudden Extreme mood swings from my sibling for no reason...
The feeling of constantly being watched...Footsteps creaking the upstairs flooring....
Loud footsteps coming right up to my bedroom door and suddenly stopping....A dead weight suddenly
sitting on the end of my bed....waking up with my bedsheet wrapped around my neck 3 times (!!)....
A Loud growling coming from the back laundry room.....Which interrupted our conversation of 'Revelations'
(My mum crawled into a bottle of vodka over that one.) The sudden Stench of burning....
loud popping noises......My room mate even got a blast of cold air directly into his ear while washing dishes one night.

The list is endless.

I saw what I saw...and...30 years later my 1st partner
would leave me after being witness to unexplained events surrounding my home
as, I would NOT just up and leave my family home after purchasing it years prior from my mum.

A Year later my roommate described what he saw in my home and the rest was history.
There was no other way he could have ever given such an exact description of the things I witnessed
much much earlier in life and exact in every detail.
Up to then, I felt that I was alone in this sort of witnessing and it was one helluva wake-up call.

I Started my own investigation group and then a year or 2 later, stopped investigations when like yourself,
I satisfied ALL of my personal beliefs in the Spiritual. I know first hand it exists in this world.

With all this going on in a person's life....Could anyone blame them for not advertising it?
Sometimes it helps to know that they are not alone. I do my best to help. No charge.
Ancient Egyptian sorcery and mumification. Can't stand when Hollywood film makers think that cremation (the ultimate death of one's soul and worst imaginable punishment) would be a respectful funeral for Amunists.
Time travel. It's always been fascinating to me. Time travel apparatuses, schematics, devices. John Titor's story. There's always something new, still some intricate detail I didn't know before. Love it!

A pretty dope example of what I mean when I say we're still finding out about stuff and tiny details, even though we feel we've seen it all: Titor's alleged "Sanguina" email address: Chronovisor - John Titor pictures as sent to Art Bell ([email protected])
I started off in Parapsychology after growing up in a haunted trailor and dealing with "weird things"

I then moved into UFOlogy and the study of Aliens and UFO's after having a trigger memory of a ET in my closet at a young age, and that has been my field of study since, i do highly enjoy cryptozoology though.

I still ghost hunt when given the opportunity but it is far less intriguing to me now, and saying you do it all you ever hear is LIKE ZACK BAGGINS!!! Ugh

But i don't do conventions or gatherings because as others have said it is a giant pissing contest of debunking and who has the best evidence. When you tell someone your experience and the first words out of their mouths are "prove it" it gets old, thats also why i no longer do podcasts, i have done a few with my story but they always get twisted and opinions of the "podcaster" will try to debunk and it is just a overall pain in the ass, so i bother you all instead!
I started off in Parapsychology after growing up in a haunted trailor and dealing with "weird things"

I then moved into UFOlogy and the study of Aliens and UFO's after having a trigger memory of a ET in my closet at a young age, and that has been my field of study since, i do highly enjoy cryptozoology though.

I still ghost hunt when given the opportunity but it is far less intriguing to me now, and saying you do it all you ever hear is LIKE ZACK BAGGINS!!! Ugh

But i don't do conventions or gatherings because as others have said it is a giant pissing contest of debunking and who has the best evidence. When you tell someone your experience and the first words out of their mouths are "prove it" it gets old, thats also why i no longer do podcasts, i have done a few with my story but they always get twisted and opinions of the "podcaster" will try to debunk and it is just a overall pain in the ass, so i bother you all instead!

There are believers here. And no “competition”.
I've never been to a psychic convention, just small "psychic fairs" set up in parks and malls, tables with non-famous people, mostly selling things like tarot cards and astrology charts and whatnot. Pleasant weekend afternoon activity.

UFO conventions can be fun but at the same time a bit weird because of the inevitable few stray lunatics.

Bigfoot festivals are generally quite good. I met Dahinden at one a long time ago. The larger ones even have parades and midway games and rides. Even at modest-sized ones you can expect a nice bigfoot-themed breakfast, plenty of dealer tables with all the latest books and collectibles, conferences about recent and classic sightings, live music, displays from various companies featuring the latest outdoor garb and gear, and a more relaxed environment because bigfoot conventions tend to be outdoor street events rather than hotel or convention center events.
