for those being abducted there is help.


I don't know what made you so anti religion, but these entities CAN communicate. And every time they have to me except once it is threats and hostility. You're telling me I should suck it up and go with them?

Heck no.

Only once has an entity not given me a vibe of evil and harm and I didn't tell it to leave. It told me it loved me and meant no harm. It left when I tried to look at it and touch it. Every other time I have rebuked them and told them to get out.

The creatures taking us and harassing us are capable of communicating and all they have to say are evil things. They are surrounded in an aura of darkness. If you wish to consort with such beings go right on ahead I won't harass you as you have others. I just hope the beings you have become friends with aren't the same that I have to tell to go away. If they are you have been fooled in more ways than the idiots who choose to remain oblivious and ignorant.

You seem to be bothered by your god. When next "approached" simply command NO - in place of the "suggestion" of using the Fallacie's name.

suggestion?? What are you talking about? Fallacie's name? You seem bothered at the fact that I believe that we all have access to something we can't see that is a Source of our Power. You seem to enjoy bashing another person's beliefs by projecting your own internal struggles on others who seem content with the way the world is. God doesn't cause suffering. Man does. God gives us a choice and free will. Man tries to take another man's free will.

What will a "No" accomplish without some other implied meaning? If I was a spirit I would laugh and say "No what bro?"

To get spirits to leave that have no good intentions, a "No, Leave, Get out, Go [Away]" charged with Will and access to the Source (God) is all you need. In my experience, sometimes the Words need only be Thought, but that's after years of practice (if practice is what ya wanna call it). Access is given to anyone who believes it exist.
I dont think there is any certain way to stop alien abductions other than (I am being serious here) having a firearm or weapon beside you if you think its happening. I knew of a case where a guy living in the rockies had repeated contacts of aliens trying to take his daughters, he grabbed his shotgun and headshotted the greys (yes they did in fact die) the remaining ones picked up their dead and left.

There was a similar case in Iowa back in 2000 where a farmgirl shot and killed one with her rifle.

I think alien abductions are lessening now, I do not think the aliens are evil they just have an ethical and moral code thats alien to us (yes they are aliens so something that seems unethical to us will seem ethical or neutral to them).

Ill give you an example from here, in WW2 the Japanese considered it dishonorable to surrender to the enemy. It was always fight to the death and never be taken alive. They considered it very alien to them that we treated our prisoners of war with respect and dignity and didnt slaughter them on sight.

If WE were the ones exploring the stars and encountered life on a tech level below us, the stuff we would do would seem horrific to them I am certain of it. While to us it would seem that we are studying them.

A Centaurus

New Member
I have had personal experience with demonic manifestations (of which I believe the alien phenomena is a type), and can testify that the Name of Jesus Christ does rob them of their power to harm. They recognize His power.

The following is a great documentary that looks at the spiritual side of this issue:

Many UFOs are black ops projects, but the 'real' ones represent a spiritual phenomenon.

How to find permanent freedom in Christ: OASIS Christian Church
